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Status Updates posted by Adry&Edue

  1. waiting for my fiance to recieve his packet. I was told by the visa specialist that an interview date is given after he returns the forms from the packet just sent to him on April 27th. hm??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Adry&Edue


      Thank you guys for the info. I'm going to keep calling because I trust you guys more than the actual "specialists"!!! lol

    3. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      yes the "specialist" really dont know anything especially when it comes to the K1 petition they told me my fiance will receive a packet 3 and then a few days later said yes we received packet 3 blah blah blah, just keep calling on DTTUSA website it says to call between the 15th and 20th of the month for an interview date.

    4. MrsAmancio


      my fiance got packet 4 which included the interview date and instructions.....thats all u need and it should be on the way soon..dont worry

  2. Some days it gets so hard to be so far apart....I wish it wasn't so expensive to fly out to DR :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      soo true tell me about it

    3. MrsAmancio


      if this was Facebook i'd be clicking LIKE!!!!

    4. Samantha78


      I feel you in that....every month I'm struggling to come up with the money to go see my husband. It's so difficult...:(

  3. 5 months on the 22 of this month....

    1. Lari & Jhona

      Lari & Jhona

      cool...am going on it on the 2nd lol.

  4. Hi our timelines are really similar. I'm in NY too and my other half is in DR. My last touch was 11/5/10 as well. Good luck to you!

  5. Thank you! It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this process. Never realized just how many people are in these long distance relationships. It is so hard but hopefully we hear some good news soon! :)

  6. Oh my gosh- I've done the same. He tells me that it's really cool where he working right now and that he needs a jacket! I keep telling him- preparate!!! But I also promise to keep him warm! haha...I am so corny around him. So it's snowing over in Chicago already!? We've only had flurries this week.

  7. No I haven't called yet. I have been in the process of moving and have limited access to the internet!! :( Have you heard from them yet? I hope to pick up my mail from my old address today.

  8. My fiance is from Azua, only about a 3 1/2 hour bus ride from Santo Domingo! I know because that is how long it takes us to get to his house when I visit. It's hard to accept that their mail is really that slow! -_-

  9. You guys are lucky!! :( No es facil estar tan lejos de alguien que significa tanto para uno!

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