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Amy and Nick

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Status Updates posted by Amy and Nick

  1. We dont have the electronic processing available so no :( Still waiting on Nick to get his act together with tax stuff too! Will get it all sent off very shortly though!

  2. Hey! Just called and got it! Ive been checking the automated service, but its still not on there, but when I spoke to an agent she gave me the NVC number and IIN! No fee's generated yet though!

  3. I know, I felt like id read everything I needed to, but im still confused! I feel a lot less panic now ive got NOA2, so I think ill take it slow and not get overwhelmed. In a way the good thing about it taking so long was I had prepared myself that it was possible I was gonna be here until Autumn! I called the automated NVC line today, but no number yet! Im also still waiting on pol...

  4. Brilliant! Congrats! Now where the hell do we go from here!

  5. Haha brilliant! Im glad it all went so smoothly! Sometimes im not sure where the hype comes from about people not being allowed in, but then perhaps the people who got denied entry prefer not to post!

    Let me know when you get approved!

  6. Looks like youre pretty prepared!

    How was your flight over there? Or did you drive? Get much grilling at POE?!

  7. Hey!

    Its been 137 for us :( Hoping to hear something soon. Still slowly gathering things. Ive got my birth certificate, and should be getting the police cert back soon. Ive also changed my name on my passport. Nick sent me the taxes with the form for me (IIN?) and I sent that back to the states about a week ago.

    Hows the gathering going for you?

  8. Hey! ah shes a ways away! Im up in Brighton! Sucks being an ocean apart, but im keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!

  9. Have a safe flight tomorrow Loto, and enjoy yourself!

  10. haha im too worried to let him do it all, i like to check and double check! Im hopefully gonna see him again in January, depends when he can get off from work but im hoping we'll only have been apart 6 weeks this time, unlike the 8 months it was last time - not doing that again!

  11. Oh brilliant, have you read the LingChe guide to speeding through the NVC?! Hopefully you'll get a SIF soon! Nope, hubby isnt with me. I only left 2 weeks ago so not to bad so far, but a long road ahead! Is your hubby with you?

  12. haha definitely better than sitting twiddling your thumbs which is what i seem to be doing! Hopefully ill have learned the new character trait of impeccable patience by the end of this. We'll all be the most chilled out people known to man!

  13. Haha yep, constantly waiting for touches and obsessively checking! Got a long wait ahead though! Xmas is gonna suck, but just think, next year we will finally be out there!

  14. Oh great! My electronic notification didnt work :( But it only took 6 days (over a weekend too) to get the hardcopy of NOA1!

    Got mine on Monday and constantly refresh the USCIS site! Hopefully ill stop once I realise nothings gonna happen for a while!!

  15. So glad you guys are gonna get to see each other! what a perfect start to the new year! Hows everything going?

  16. Hi guys! Hope you are doing well at the start of this process! Did you sign up for electronic notification? NOA1 should be soon!

  17. Hope everythings going okay for you guys! Any updates yet?

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