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Status Updates posted by reaperchiq37

  1. team stanly better be hurry.....

  2. sure! thanks for adding.. You are from Tacloban? I'm from Palompon :) Good Luck on your petition! Hoping for a speedy NOA2 for you!

  3. sure! :) thanks for adding.. You are from Tacloban? cool! :) I'm from Palompon Leyte

  4. yes po,sabay po tayu nina roan sa interview :)) kitakits po! :))

  5. Nagyon lang ako nag VJ uli hehe

    eto FB ko


    add mo lang ako sa FriendFinder kasi aka private yan e hindi nag shoshow UP sa Search Results :)

    give me your email sa FB So i can add you instead if you can't find me :) lapit na ng Interview natin.. hehe wala pa packet 4 ko LOL

  6. Mao ba.. hehe wa judko ka to-ud anang Calubian pero Linya ra d-ai ta.. :) doul ra ta.. Good Luck sa Interview ayaw tense2x dha hehe

  7. Palompon ko doul sa Ormoc :) Sayang dungan unta ta aron nako kuyog bisaya pod.. Good Luck sa imo Interview :)

  8. I just noticed that fiance didn't Sign the 1040's he sent me? WILL THAT MATTER? BUT I do have his IRS transcripts and I think that contains more Detailed of what he make..Will that be Enough? To be safe I got his 1040'(not signed) Copies of W2s and the Orginal Transcripts from 2008-2010..

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. reaperchiq37


      hehe nagyon lang ako ng VJ Ulit,nagyon ko lang nabasa :) add nyo ako sa FB..or leave me your emails kasi nka private fb ko ,hindi ng showshow up sa search resutls :)) roan got my email :))

    3. asianmom


      Tomorrow is our big day! Kita kits girl! Good luck to us and GOD bless us all here!

    4. charlie and tahne

      charlie and tahne

      dai congrats,,kami na pod hehe..

  9. when is your interview po?:)

  10. VideoGrapher and Photographer Booked and Talk to the Catering svc gona do tasting by April .. now looking for a Hair and Make Up artist for me,mOms and my Girls..

  11. Hello.. sorry for the late reply.. Thank you for the add.. :) right now I am just waiting for my Interview date.. Pray for me.. hehe I saw your from Cebu.. Bisaya podko from Leyte :) Praying for your NOA2 soon :)

  12. HI! Fiance is from Fort Walton Beach :) sorry for the late reply.. Did you gt your NOA2 yet? God Bless :)

  13. ad news from someone I knw.. USEM denied her Visa as her Fiance's Income is insufficient and knowing they had a Lawyer to do the papers is even more Frustrating.. For 2011 Poverty Guidelines here it is just incase https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B9bvTEwLyHz1MTFlZDI3Y2YtZDU3OS00YjY3LWI0YjktNGExYWQwNDU5OTZk&hl=en I'm excited for my Interview I can't wait to get it over with! :))

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. reaperchiq37


      march 16 pa Ms.Hope.. ikaw naka set kana? :)

    3. Ms.M


      march 15 sis interview ko with my daughter

    4. reaperchiq37


      :)a day before mine.. cge Good Luck po!

  14. thanks for the add :) good luck on your journey :)

  15. my TDAP shot still hurting ..just tiny bit now hehe..rrrrr I'm glad I'm over it and I only got 2 shots :D *dance*

  16. who are doing Medical at St.Luke' nextweek? :D

    1. melissa_endrie


      good luck sis! I will do my medical soon, but not next week, probably the 14th&15th.

      Good luck and God bless on your medical exams =D

    2. melissa_endrie


      hello girl! see you around. my interview sched was changed already, thats why Im gonna make my medical this 8&9... see yah there... around 4am siguro ako pupunta sa st.lukes hehehe... wish us both a good luck and God bless =)

  17. our papers on the way to USEManila and got the NVC letter yesterday.. :) So flying soon to Manila..tsk..tsk.. :)

    1. marklovetina


      yahooooo!!!! dance-dance-dance!!!! good luck!!!

    2. Iuliia+Nick


      great!!! good luck!

    3. reaperchiq37
  18. Yay!! interview!!!!!!very sooooooon :)

  19. Yay!! interview!!!!!!very sooooooon :)

  20. No Chat Logs for us.. That's just so many to PRINT OUT! I can do Print Screen of our Skype Chat Logs w/ the date n time n the conversation captued :D I think that's more of an Evidence! We alreayd got BUNCH of EMAILS,Texts from 2007-JAN 2011,Pictures, Love Letters,Cards and to add screen shots of FaceBook Wall Posts from Jan.2010 - Jan.2011! -- I'm gathering up all the proof for the Interview :D Proof for the Existing relationship. So I'm doing July 2010 - Jan2011.

    1. roseles


      congrats sis :))

  21. GOT our NOA2 :D To GOD be the GLORY INDEED!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. reaperchiq37


      He did email them last Jan.10 :)yes.. Thank YOoooooUSsssss hehe Now gotta start getting ready for the medical.. Will have to start eating right and exorcise LOL

    3. reaperchiq37
    4. dutchtx
  22. hi ..call USCIS and ask for Level 2 representative and have them put in a service request..get the reference number.. after that email VSC..with the service request ref# :) here is the email Vermont Service Center: vsc.ncscfollowup@dhs.gov just let it out :D hehe Of why it's taking so long and it's over 5 months. Best time to email in the Morning..Do it thrice a wk until you get a repl...

  23. Congrats Max :) Yay..maybe Cathy and I will both have same Medical and Interview Date hopefully! :D

  24. wait until everything OvAhhhhhhh :D

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