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Posts posted by july2009

  1. Thanks to everyone for your replies, although the consensus seems to be 'it should be OK but it might not be allowed', which is a little too ambiguous for comfort (cue nightmare scenario of having my TPR status invalidated, being deported and having to start a K-3 application from scratch - nooooo).

    Does anyone know who I should ask to find out a definite answer? USCIS? US Embassy in London? etc

    Thank you!

  2. Alien Fiance elect posting through my fiancee's profile...

    I now have my K1 visa and am all (nearly) ready to go. Hooray! My question to the good people of VJ is: before I get my EAD, is it just the case that I can't work in the US for a US company, or is it that I can't do any work for anyone anywhere at all?

    A bit of context: a British company that I've done a lot of freelance work for has asked me if I want to continue working remotely online for them in the near future while I'm in the US. So I'd be working for a UK company and getting paid in sterling into my UK bank account, but living in the States. Is this allowed? I would obviously declare everything in a timely fashion to both HMRC and the IRS (I am self-employed and a tax return veteran).

    Have done a search and found conflicting advice in different places on VJ - if anyone has any ideas about an authority/oracle I could consult to get a definitive answer on this, that would also be brilliant.

    Thanks to everyone in advance!

  3. Hi all,

    First of all, thank you so much to everyone who has shared their experiences, I'm not sure what I would have done without the guidance on this site...actually, I probably would have gotten lots of RFEs by now:) Thankfully we received our NOA2 on April 12, and are now just waiting on getting the LDN case number so that my fiance can schedule the medical.

    The only thing we're a little worried about is when to submit our Packet 3 documents. He will be out of the country between May 22 and June 17. I've seen wait times vary from anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 months. If we mail in the packet 3 forms on May 21, what are the odds that he would be assigned an interview date before June 17? I'm not looking for a guarantee here, just an estimate.

    If he is somehow assigned an interview date really quickly, before June 17, do we then just call the extortion line to re-schedule? What have people's experiences been like with re-scheduling interviews- do they tend to slot you in a few days later, or a few weeks?

    Thanks for any advice!!

  4. I can't believe I'm writing this, given all the reading on VJ we did before we put together our K1 application, but my British fiance submitted UK style passport photos with our petition. On the I-129F directions they just state "passport style" without specific dimensions for length and width of the actual photo, just guidelines for white background etc. Has anyone actually gotten an RFE for the UK style passport photo in the K1 application? It's been over 5 months now since NOA 1, and I can't believe we might be waiting for an RFE for something so stupid instead of waiting for NOA2!

  5. I can't believe I'm writing this, given all the reading I did before we put together our K1 application, but my British fiance submitted UK style passport photos with our petition. On the I-129F directions they just state "passport style" without specific dimensions for length and width of the actual photo, just guidelines for white background etc. Has anyone actually gotten an RFE for the UK style passport photo in the K1 application? It's been over 5 months now since NOA 1, and I can't believe we might be waiting for an RFE for something so stupid instead of waiting for NOA2!

  6. In terms of preparing things early, could someone point us in the right direction re. police certificates? How does he go about requesting and getting them? My fiance has lived in about six different cities in the UK, so will he need to get six different police certificates? He has never committed any kind of crime, so everything should just show up "no trace".


  7. Hello everyone,

    I'll start by saying thank you to anyone who shares their experience, my British fiance and I are not sure what we'd do without this site and all the helpful people who post! We received NOA 1 on November 8th, and I understand we're going to be waiting several more months for NOA 2, but wanted to start planning for next steps now in order to save some time.

    - Once we receive NOA 2, we can call NVC 2 weeks later to receive our LND number, correct?

    - Does he need to wait to actually receive packet 3 in the mail before he can schedule the medical interview and mail in the necessary documents? Once we have the LND number, he can just go ahead and schedule the medical, print off the necessary forms and mail in, right? Or is there something in the physical packet 3 that he needs to wait for?

    - Once the US embassy receives the packet 3 forms and the results of his medical, that's when they will mail him an interview date? And that date is usually about 2 months later?

    Thank you so much for clarifying!

  8. Oh, ok! I thought that you had to receive packet 3 before being allowed to schedule the medical exam, I assumed it would contain a special ID reference that would be needed to make the appointment. What's the LND case number and when did you get it?

    Also, congratulations on the recent NOA2!! That's so exciting.

    p.s. Your picture looks similar to those I've taken with my fiance when we were in Oxford:)

    I'm doing this as well. We jumped the gun a bit, but we went ahead and scheduled his medical for this week even though our petition only just arrived in London. We decided not to wait for packet 3. It takes 4-5 business days for the results to be sent to the embassy, and they should have received our petition last week so I'm hoping it lines up in the system. My fiance asked Knightsbridge about it and they said it shouldn't matter as long as we have our LND case number, and that they save records of the results in case it is lost.

    Just in case something happens with our results, you should wait a few weeks. They were able to get him in almost instantly so you shouldn't have much of a lag. We were impatient. It's up to you!

  9. Hello everyone and thanks in advance for sharing your experiences. My fiance is British, and we're trying to figure out how long it should take between the time that he receives packet 3 in the mail and when he can get the medical exam scheduled? He can't schedule the actual visa interview until he has the medical exam, so my second question is how long it usually takes between having the medical results sent over and receiving the actual visa interview date. Finally, is the final interview date usually about 10 to 12 weeks after the medical exam results are sent over, or 10 to 12 weeks from his receipt of packet 3? Thanks you for shedding any light on this!!

  10. Hey, thanks for the replies. I wouldn't worry too much about writing in the number- if you included the copy of the certificate, whoever reviews the documents will see that it matches up, and it should be fine.

    The only reason why I'm going to send in the certified copy (the state of GA still has the original, and just mailed me the certified copy with the raised stamp) is because at the bottom of the certificate are disclaimers like "do not accept copy without raised seal, etc. etc.". I have another certified copy that I'll keep with me. Is there something wrong with mailing in the official certified copy, or is it just unnecessary? Thanks!!

  11. Hello again! Hopefully someone can help me out with this:

    On the 129F form, question #10 asks "My citizenship was acquired through....

    And I am checking "Birth in the US". I am also including the copy of my birth certificate that the state of Georgia mailed to me (with the raised seal).

    1) It says to include a copy, front and back, of the certificate. Since I'm mailing in the copy that the state mailed to me, which has a raised seal on it that's obvious when you look and touch the front and back of the certificate, that's fine right?

    2) More importantly, the 129F form asks: "Give number of certificate, date and place it was issued". I know that the city where it was issued, but am not sure which number it's asking for. On the certificate I see both a 6 digit "local file number" and an 11 digit "state file number". For the date that it was issued, that would be the date the state issued this copy to me, correct? That date would be 10/20/2010.

    If anyone who has used an American birth certificate to verify citizenship could help me out I would be really grateful. Thank you!

  12. Hey, so sorry to hear about this. When you mailed it in, was it regular mail or through an Express service/courier? The former goes to a lockbox in Dallas, while the latter goes to Lewisville. If you mailed it regular mail to Lewisville, maybe there was confusion on the part of USCIS? Good luck sorting this out- fingers crossed for you. I'm mailing my own 129F off in about a week.

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