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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa (DCF)
  • Place benefits filed at
  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Our Story
    I was doing a degree in American Studies and had the opportunity in Autumn 2008 to go to UofWisconsin-Eau Claireto study for the term. I met my husband through mutual friends and we became a couple on Halloween Night. I then spent a blissfull month getting to know him and at it was clear to everybody that this was the start of something beautiful. At the end of November '08 - on my 21st Birthday the husband proposed and I accepted. Leaving a few days before Christmas was the single most heartbreaking thing I have ever had to do in my life.
    Cue another semester at university where I felt like my life was falling apart. I almost dropped out, got depressed, wasn't going to classes or leaving my house for that matter. Just spoke on skype to the hubby for hours on end. He visited in March '09 and I decided to go out for the 4th July '09. Between those dates we both knew that being apart was horrendous. So hubby filed for a fiance VISA to get to the UK and came home with me in July '09.
    We married Oct '09 - and now we're planning on moving back to the USA so hubby can finish his education.
    And that, is our story! :D

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  1. I had my husband come over on a finace visa to the UK, of course he didn't like it and now we're preparing to file my I-130. Hopefully we'll file here in London but my husband has to return to America next month to prepare for an upcoming job :(

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