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Status Updates posted by Ken&TJ

  1. Hi -- Our AOS was received in Chicago on 4/18/11. We haven't heard a thing. Our check hasn't been cashed either. We have similar timelines & you've received information already. Concerned....

  2. We have been approved with 2 conditions. Ken lived in Germany past the age of 14. We need to get a Police Records Check. His Canadian Police Record Check misspelled his last name. Looking on the bright side. We are approved we just need to find where to get a German Police Check.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ken&TJ


      Thank you. It's just what I needed.

    3. Tom♥Mae



    4. Yellowhead


      Congrats! Make sure you tell us all about your interview :) Hoping for mine at Vancouver in the next few months

  3. Today is the interview! Medical was done quick..now off to the Consulate. FIngers crossed..

  4. 4 Days till Interview in Vancouver..So Excited!

    1. Canadiandggal


      You will do great and in no time you will be with your loved one. Good Luck

  5. NOA2 In hand 11/27/10... YAY!

    1. JeannieL


      Congrats! We just got ours today it was issued the same day as yours. We will be going through Montreal though.

    2. YAS8MIKE


      hi are u done filling up I-134? if so, how did u answer Question #11?

    3. Ken&TJ


      What is question 11? I've already sent mine to my fiance in Canada.

  6. Hi - I see you went through Vancouver. We are going through soon too. Any tips or advise you'd like to share would be appreciated.

    TJ & Ken

  7. We just got our text & email that our I129F was approved on 11/19/10. OMG.. SO EXCITED!!

    1. Tom♥Mae


      Congrats again!!!My fiancee is in Michigan too..:-)

    2. clay and roan
    3. Ken&TJ
  8. Hi.. will you please fill in your information so we can see how your timeline is going?

  9. This waiting is horrible :( Raining in Michigan today. Doesn't make the waiting any easier.

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