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Mrs Green

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Status Updates posted by Mrs Green

  1. Wishing you all the best on your fiancee interview. Keep us posted

  2. Wishing you all the best on your fiancee interview. Keep us posted

  3. Hi Meredith, i trust that you and family are doing well and the baby is progressing fine. Keep faith and lets keep in touch

  4. Hoping that this journey will end this year!!! I want my next trip to JA/USA to be on my greencard



      hope that wrk out for u

  5. Good. All the best

  6. Good. All the best

  7. Great...hopefully we can link up and exchange numbers as i will be in New Jersey

  8. Great...hopefully we can link up and exchange numbers as i will be in New Jersey

  9. Hi Stud-muffin, i know you are enjoying your last few days in JA. Which state will you be living in the USA?

  10. Hi Stud-muffin, i know you are enjoying your last few days in JA. Which state will you be living in the USA?

  11. hi. I hope u r doing great as u prepare for the interview. Love and quick process

  12. hi. I hope u r doing great as u prepare for the interview. Love and quick process

  13. Cngrats!! All the best at the interview

  14. Cngrats!! All the best at the interview

  15. Im good--- pass anxious to just trying to keeping myself busy so i dont think too much about it.

  16. I tried sending u a PM but was unale to go thru. i sent an email instead

  17. Congrats!!! All the best for your future

  18. hi husker---it is good to read yr post. dO u still come on VJ site as i want to PM a question to you

  19. Im hanging in there--still waiting on the PD to become current

  20. How things going? All the best with the interview

  21. Hi Snookie, how things going and have u gotten any further updates re your case

  22. How r u doing? Have u gotten any further update re your case

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mrs Green

      Mrs Green

      great going!!! Congratulations on becoming a US Citizen

    3. Stud-Muffin


      Thank u fashiondoll doll will post my experience, i got my medical on the 25 of January

    4. Stud-Muffin


      I will be staying Queens New York

  23. Thanks Loto--- i am LPR so i just gotta wait. I am hoping that new allocation of visa numbers will be available by may 2011

  24. Hi Loto, I trust that u and family are fine and your wife is adjusting to the Big Apple. I am sitting, hoping, waiting for my case to be sent to Jamaica for interview. Do u have any idea which month US immigration usually release new set of visa numbers as basically what immigration is saying is that they are out of visa numbers. Thanks

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