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Posts posted by DavenRoxy

  1. Give me her email address, and $100 a month for the next year, and I will take care of this for you. You will have saved THOUSANDS, and will be happier when I am done, I promise. :whistle:

    Ok, that was a joke. But SERIOUSLY... walk away. Now. Been there, seen those types. Not just in the PI, but they are everywhere. I love my gurl, but if she ever acts like that, even after she gets here, I would drop her like a hot potato. If you are not working/saving together for retirement now, then you are not a TEAM. And why be married to the "other side"?

    Trouble, trouble, trouble, most likely in a small, cute package. But as TCO said, there are thousands in the PI to choose from who have good hearts, so don't waste your time on this one.

    And in case I didn't say it well enough... WALK AWAY. NOW.

  2. It seems some missed the part where she has to "travel for hours to reach the city..." where she then has internet access. So Skype, Gmail, MagicJack, Vonage (VOIP period) is not an option. It sounds like phone is her only means of communication.

    For calling from the US to PI, Skype, Magic Jack, and a VOIP service are probably the cheapest. Skype has a plan for $70 a month to the PI (400 mins, or 15.7¢ per minute), Magic Jack is $40 for the first year, then $20 each year after. Probably the cheapest one you will find, but if you are calling USA to PI mobile, and your fiancee does not have one on her end due to lack of internet, then it is 22¢ per minute, and there are cheaper cards/plans out there such as Rebtel.

    Overall, I think Rebtel will be your cheapest "phone plan" route to go, since she does not have internet.

    Good luck!

    Magic Jack is offering a FREE TRIAL today, 1 May 2011. This waives the $40 normal purchase fee!! (edit - Disregard, it's a gimmick to get you to order... you get it free today, then have to pay $40 + $7 for shipping 30 days later.)

  3. Hello,

    I plan to retire and move to the Philippines while my fiancee processes her annulment. Once she gets her annulment then I plan to apply for a I-129F. I have been told by others that by moving and living in the Philippines would send red flags for my petition. Does anyone here my any experience in living in one's fiancee country and having problem processing the I-129F? Would it be better to get married first and then apply for the I-130 instead? Thank you all.

    I don't see why it would be an issue. Where you are residing does not change your situation, right? What if you moved to Thailand, or Korea while filing?

  4. This is the link in the USEM Manila website for the list of documents you have to bring for an immigrant visa interview: http://photos.state.gov/libraries/manila/19452/public/Packet%204%20_appointment%20packet_%20English%20rtf%20_revised%20GSS_%20_2__002.pdf. May I ask which country did you use to work?

    I think you meant to post this link: http://photos.state.gov/libraries/manila/19452/public/Revised%20K1%20Instruction%20Packet%20_3__rtf2_001.pdf

    Yours had a mistake in it.

    GLJ1322, you have to get a police clearance for any time spent outside the PI of SIX months or longer, not 12 months.

    Good luck!

  5. Yeah, I hear ya. One of those things to save up for. :) Only $230/night for a garden view unit June through September though. I'd actually prefer the garden view for greater privacy on the deck and in the mini-pool.

    Yeah, but I am forced to go in October, due to the sand around me now. :crying: But I am sure one of the less-expensive villas there will suffice. As TCO said, book a night or two, show up, look around, and be willing to move. Maybe one night there would be not-so-bad, eh?

    Thanks again to all for the input!

  6. After my fiancee's visa arrives, I plan to buy her plane tickets through the Delta website. Hopefully for May 1st if everything happens according to plan. I am nervous about using my credit card to purchase the tickets because the credit card needs validated. I have read stories about fiancee's from Philippines not being able to use the tickets because of not having the credit card and picture id for it, especially with Delta Airlines. I believe I have also read about being able to validate it another way here in the US. Does anyone know how to do this? Do I need to go to the airport in Portland to do this at the Delta ticket counter? If I can't find a full proof way to do this, I may purchase them with cash at the airport or send the cash to my fiancee. Using a credit card would just be easier. Thanks.


    From Delta's site: http://www.delta.com/planning_reservations/plan_flight/online_reservations/about_reservations/index.jsp

    Credit/Debit Card Presentation

    To safeguard against credit/debit card fraud, the purchaser may have to show us the credit/debit card along with a valid photo ID. The time varies based on the billing address of the credit/debit card or the country of travel. If the purchaser is not traveling, they can show us their credit/debit card and ID at an airport ticket counter or another ticket office location, whichever is most convenient.

  7. The problem with checking "INTEND" is that they then want a specific amount and duration of support. I guess you could put "as much as it takes, forever", but I think that is more for people who are hiring immigrants, not for spouses. In reality, I don't think it matters either way, by the time you get to that point in the process, it's pretty much assured that you will get what you want.

  8. I think they are concerned about "other things" if you are near or below the poverty level. I also think they wouldn't be interested in furniture and such small things, but things that have more value, say property, house, car, etc.

    For question, you put "N/A - K1 Fiancee Visa"

    Good luck!

  9. You could bypass the rest of Asia altogether and have her fly through Guam. Last time I check tickets on Continental could be had between $800 - $1000 going to the east coast.

    That might be true, if you mean Guam to NY or similar. But just last year, I spent almost $650 going from Guam to MNL round trip. Gotta add that cost to the total.

  10. Wow, very nice blog, LJ, salamat po for sharing! So were you happy with where you stayed? It sounds a lot cheaper than the Panglao Island Nature Resort and Spa. I don't necessarily want very expensive place to stay, cuz I plan to be outside most of the time, between Bohol tours (Choco hills and Tarsiers are a MUST), plus some SCUBA diving and dolphin/whale watching.

    Overall, it looks like a very beautiful place to stay!

  11. I think I see why it took you so long to get approved... you were playing football, while the USCIS/USEM team was playing baseball!! :blink:

    Glad you guys made it. Good for you!!

  12. I'd like to see some supporting documentation for that statement. Even if the mom is granted custody, I would dare say she is not "free" to go anywhere in the world with the child BECAUSE of the visitation agreement. Courts have refused children moving out-of-state, much less out of the country before. If the husband agrees to this move, it's another story.

    Like I said, "subject to the limitations of a visitation agreement"... In our case, I can take my kids wherever I want to, but I must provide their mom our address, and I must meet all requirements such as paying half of their travel, providing communication access to their mom, etc. In our divorce decree, we agreed to keep it very simple, and keep the courts out of it, because we didn't want strangers tying us to rules that would be hard to meet, especially with me in the military and forced to move about the world.

    Also, as I said, it is better if it's AGREED upon by both parties... the parent without custody can make life difficult if he/she wants to, that's why it's always better to agree (outside of court) to custody arrangements. In my case, I am very fortunate that their mom wants what's best for the kids, and neither of us wants to keep the other from spending time with them. While I am deployed, she has them. When I get back, I will have them. When I move to the PI, they will spend equal time with both of us.

    Unfortunately, not all divorces end like ours, and some parents use the kids as a fighting tool. It's a shame, cuz it really only hurts the kids in the end. But as to your statement, you are correct, in some cases, the parents are prevented from moving about freely, and that is usually in cases where the divorce was not amicable. If that happens, then all bets are off. If she cannot get her husband to agree to allowing the child to go to the PI with her, then she will have to fight in court for that right, and it would most likely be very difficult, especially since the child is a USC.

    But good advice has been given here, the best thing to do, if you are not on good terms with your spouse during the divorce, get a good lawyer to advise/protect you.

  13. Even if the judge grants you custody there will be limitations on your being able to leave the country with the child. In many cases, if the judge suspects you intend to leave, then you won't be granted physical custody.

    What makes you say that? If she is granted custody, she is free to go anywhere in the world she wants to, subject to the limitations of a visitation agreement.

    Since the child is a USC, there WILL be issues to be dealt with, such as citizenship, but since she is the natural mother, that should be easy to handle. The biggest problem(s) you will face is if your husband decides to fight you. When I move to the PI, I plan to take my kids from a previous marriage there, but of course, I have to let their mom know, and work out visitation with her.

    It all boils down to how your relationship is with your husband/EX as the divorce processes. If it's uncontested divorce, and depending on which state, you can do it for a few hundred USD. If you go to Guam, you can be divorced within a month for $1200, no questions asked. If there is fighting going on, then it will take longer, and cost more.

    Also, understand that your husband has an obligation to pay you money to help support the child, it's not like in the PI. The amount will be set by the court based on his income. Don't be naive and go away without the money, but also be wise and use it to raise your child properly.

    Sorry to hear things are not working out for you guys. It may be too late, but have you considered marriage counselling?


  14. Why is that?

    Do you or your fiance never plan on going back to PI?

    I always try to bring back around 20,000 pesos when I come home from Philippines. That way when I fly back to PI I have a pocket money and don't have to look for a money changer........ :yes::yes::yes:

    I agree with TCO, but would add that getting php at the airport is too easy, there is an ATM right outside the international terminal exit area.

    And even if you never go back, you can always change PHP to USD at your bank.

  15. Im now thinking of when can I have my medical done since we just got approved today.. do i need to wait for the paper/s from the US embassy here in phil? or is it good to go to St Lukes once u have ur mnl case number? need help guys!!~

    Oh, and I forgot to mention.... CONGRATS!!!!

    It was such a welcome thing to get NOA2, and actually feel like progress was being made, eh? You are on the final stretch now, soon to be together!


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