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Status Replies posted by faytaan

  1. GC interview tomorrow!

  2. Venus received her VISA today!

  3. Visa Approved 23 August 2010 - Hoorayyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!

  4. interview tomorrow God guide me,,,

  5. Interview tomorrow!! How exciting!!

  6. Interview tomorrow!! How exciting!!

  7. visa approved!!

  8. visa approved!!

  9. I have taken up running again, killing time till Nick can get here... Just want an interview date please!!! We are all ready... So London embassy hurry up PLEASE!!!

  10. I have taken up running again, killing time till Nick can get here... Just want an interview date please!!! We are all ready... So London embassy hurry up PLEASE!!!

  11. finally home from Montreal! What a long day, so glad this part of the process is over. Can't wait for step two!

  12. Today is a great awesome beautiful day!!!!! I got the PINK SLIP!! Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. Everything is worth it :)

  13. Today is a great awesome beautiful day!!!!! I got the PINK SLIP!! Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. Everything is worth it :)

  14. Finally! I GOT PINK SLIP TODAY! Gotcha!. GOD is Good-Thanks to everyone!

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