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Eddie & Yana

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Posts posted by Eddie & Yana

  1. AaronLV, thanks for bringing my incorrect poverty level to my attention. I had just done a quick google search for it, and appreciate the more accurate information.

    Do you know what qualifies as "barely over"?

    Also, do you think it would be a problem that I make 25k this year, with an income of 20k last year? Is it a problem that I haven't made that poverty level steadily for three years? I know that whether you think it or not doesn't make an ultimate difference, that it's the interviewers decision, etc. but I'd like to know from someone who may have been in a similar situation or something to see how they fared :). Not that there's a lot I could do about it :P

  2. Hey everyone, I just had a couple of questions that I've been pouring over the forums trying to find answers to:

    This is for a K-1 Visa:

    1) My fiance is from Chiang Mai. She had to go down to Bangkok in order to get her police certificate. I was talking with my congressman's office, and they told me that the NVC just sent out my approved application about 6 days ago (or so) to the Bangkok Embassy. Now, there is a local Chiang Mai consulate. Will I be sending the items that we're picking up early (the things for packet 3) to Bangkok or to Chiang Mai, and the most important question we have is, do we have to go to Bangkok for the interview, or can it be done in Chiang Mai at the consulate?

    2) I-134, I was a student up until May 2010, the current poverty rate for two is: $14,710. I didn't start making that much until last year, which was about $20,000 and this year I'm projected at $25k, and things are looking great for that continuing to grow. I'm under the understanding that Thailand doesn't accept co-sponsors (though I got my dad to fill out all the paperwork just in case--in case I needed to use it as a backup.). I have current letters from my employers, and the past 4 years of tax returns. Do you think this will be a problem, or has anyone actually been able to use a co-sponsor? (edit: I also don't own any property, I have about 8k in savings. I'm currently renting, not owning, so should I bother to fill any of that stuff out? I've been told that leaving it blank is better than putting $0 or N/A as that implies that you don't have anything. How has this information compared to your experiences in the Thailand embassies? Thanks!)

    Thanks for your help so much everyone, I can't wait to continue being a part of the community after she gets here. I'm learning so much as I go along, that I really would like to help others as much as I can through the process as well! Thanks!

  3. Just wanted to let you know that I just got mine on January 31, 2011 and they said that they were doing the same thing. However, I just called the NVC to attempt to get my case number before they sent me a letter, and was informed that it did, indeed, still go through them (and I just got my case number, they said they received it on February 4, 2011). Hopefully yours went straight there, however! :)

  4. Hey everyone, can someone tell me, as all Thais have nicknames, Do we put our fiance's Thai nickname under "Other Names Used" on the I-1239F? Or is this like only "Other Legal Names" or something? Thanks! Should I mention her nickname anywhere? It's filled in our chat convos, photo comments, etc. etc.

    Also, a random question, but I don't have flight boarding passes, only receipts. Can they print out old boarding passes at my local airport? Thanks!

  5. Thanks for all the replies, I'm sorry, I know that some of the things were covered in the guide, but I was confused by conflicting information that I had found in different places. I had read that I could mail it in, but I also thought that I could bring it in as well. Also, there were two different places for mailing it, so I didn't know if they had different processing times or not. I just wanted it to go as quickly as possible. Thanks for all the help, I appreciate it!

  6. Thanks for the direct answer, I appreciate it.

    Now, I just need to know: Is one faster than the other?

    edit: and also, just to be absolutely clear, I mail the WHOLE package, right? The huge 2" binder...? Just want to be absolutely certain I'm getting it right :). Thanks for all the help!

    edit2: And if I'm mailing it, do I just put the money order inside the binder???

  7. This is the fastest way to do it, and it's the correct location to send my package? My package is in one of those huge 2" binders, do I just package it up and ship it? Is one shipping method going to get it processed any faster? Would it be any faster to deliver it in person to Memphis, or do they not even accept them there??? Thanks!

  8. Hello all, sorry, I'm just needing a little clarification because I'm a little confused after reading different things. Can I live in Nashville, TN, and my fiance lives in Thailand. I've made a huge packet up, and I was going to drive it to my Memphis USCIS office on Wednesday. Should I mail it to this Vermont place instead??? What's the procedure here. What will get things done the fastest (or has the most probability of doing so?) Thanks!!!

  9. Hello everyone! Just wondering where in the K-1 Visa application process I should put down my fiance's P.O. Box instead of her physical address. She has never received any mail to her house, and we weren't quite sure if things would get there.. so we decided to get a P.O. Box for her. Where can we fill this information out so that her packets get sent there? I'm still in the first stage, working frantically, but thoroughly to get all the information we need to get that part rolling and hope to ensure the speediest K-1 process ever! :P

    Thanks for your help!


  10. Hrmm, that's really interesting. When I contacted my University, they told me they accept K1 Visa Students. I realize December is an early date to stretch for, but we're just trying to get her over here as quick as possible. December is our dream goal, but I would wait forever :). Now how heavy ended does it have to be for her calling me too? I only have records of 10 calls being forwarded to my cell phone from Skype over the past two months or so. However, the chat log is HEAVILY two-sided, and clearly of romantic intent. I have about 6 months of this. Do you think this will do? She speaks and writes great English, by the way :).

    edit: Wow! How did I miss this edit button before?!?!? Just wanted to mention that I do have photos from us together two years ago. However, she hasn't had her own computer until about 6 months ago, which is why our communications have suddenly gone up 10,000x. We weren't dating two years ago, but our friendship had been growing during that time.

    edit2: Thanks so much for your response and help!!!

  11. And this sounds like a silly question, but it seems appropriate to add to my application photos of us kissing. This may be appropriate for America, but what about when it gets sent to Thailand? Do you think I will offend them? Should I include kissing pictures at all? Cheek kissing? Mouth-to-Mouth? It seems like a good way to prove that we are dating. Just wondering. Again, sorry about the post again. I really can't find an edit but anywhere. Thanks for your help again!

  12. Oh, and I didn't see an edit button, but I don't want to rely on the Thai mailing system too much, especially because she lives in an Apartment building, and we aren't sure about shipping there (she's never had ANYTHING mailed to her) so we went ahead and purchased a P.O. Box. Where in the application can I use the P.O. Box for her mailing, and where her actual address? I just don't want to mess anything up! Thanks so much!

  13. Hello everyone! I'm new to the forum and the site, and it's been absolutely a godsend. I almost sent in my K-1 visa application for what surely would have been received with many requests for more proof, haha. It's been extremely helpful so far. I only have a couple of questions, and this is a really great place as my fiance is from Thailand!

    First of all, I'm 23 years old, so I'm not only new to the world, but definitely new to the world of filing paperwork and trying to wade through our government systems, haha. After talking with my fiance, she had no idea what a police certificate is. I realize that many people have to wait to get their packets in Thailand with a letter from the embassy before even being able to claim them. Basically, one thing we want to know is: What is it??? Where do we go to get one? I've read in different places that you can just go to the police department, others say you can do it by mail, others say you have to go to Bangkok? We're just looking for some clarification on that whole issue. She lives in Chiang Mai and attends University there currently, we're trying to get her here by December, and I realize that this is very wishful thinking, but we're giving it a shot to get her over here before our Spring semester starts in college. Also, she would love to be here for Christmas :).

    I'm making a binder (and a copy of the binder) with all the paperwork, and additional paperwork that's on the VisaJourney guide, and I'm putting it in those plastic cover sheets inside the binder to protect it. I then plan on making notes with sticky notes and putting it on the inside to give additional information about certain things. I have about 50 colored pictures that I'll use scotch tape to stick together into series of 3 4x6 photos per transparent sheet, with notes on the back concerning the date of the occasion, what we were doing, etc. I also have our Skype phone call logs (however, they are mostly from me, but some from her, because I can call her from Skype on my iPhone, and she has to be at her computer to call me, so it is less convenient). Is this a good idea for things? I also have our chat logs for the past year, and some stubs from some things that we did while in Thailand.

    Do you know if I can highlight the stubs from different locations with pictures from being there? Will that help things at all?

    I have my flight receipts too, with the dates highlighted.

    *Side Note: Someone here mentioned that they've dropped almost a grand on phone calls. You can get unlimited calls to Thai cell phones for $13.99 from Skype. If you have an iPhone or Android, you can use your 3g connection for free to call straight to their cell phone. Then, you can turn on call forwarding, and they can call straight to your cell phone from Skype for free as well. This is great, convenient, and works pretty well!*

    Sorry for just the information regurgitation, I'm mainly wondering about this Thai police certificate, and just looking for a bit of general guidance as I'm trying to learn this system and ensure that I get the fastest k1 turnaround possible. Thanks so much for all of your all's help! I really appreciate it!

    Khap Khoon Maak Khrap!

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