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Status Updates posted by TyandAllie

  1. I'm seeing GREEN!! 10 year GC arrived today :)

    1. BethandBilly


      Woohoo, you're all legal and ready to work ;-) Hope you guys are celebrating, congrats!!!

    2. zeezawrydan


      Congrats!!!!!! :)

  2. Got my social security card :)

  3. Got my welcome letter today :)

  4. AOS Interview today APPROVED!!! We're sooo happy and relieved..I think a glass of wine is in order :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BethandBilly


      That's bloody great :-D hope you and hubby are enjoying a glass or two of wine. Congrats to you both :-)

    3. TyandAllie


      Slightly over a glass right now...hic ;)

      Thank you so much for your support!

    4. chevalnoir


      Congratulations to you! :D

  5. Interview tomorrow....trying hard to stay calm and not succeeding!

    1. marriedtomrg


      Am sure you will do fine :)

    2. Guest



    3. TyandAllie
  6. EAD and AP came in today's mail :) 4 days to AOS inerview

    1. BethandBilly


      Don't forget to take them to your interview as they will take them off you when your GC is approved ;-)

      Btw you are going to do just fine :-D

    2. TyandAllie
  7. One more week to go to our interview.

  8. Woo hoo! Just got EAD approval/card production email. 12 days to AOS interview!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TyandAllie


      I think so.. pictures, co insurance on the car and farm, joint bank account, a notarized letter from the lady we bought the farm from as I'm not on the purchase paperwork (registered land contract), beneficiary of Ty's small VA life ins. policy, co ownership registation papers on our horse, his witness signature on the purchase agreement on my other horse that I bought what we were dating, receipt for our new fridge, car title and even slips from the county for the dogs' licenses....

    3. TyandAllie


      cards, mail etc. I hope it's enough..should I bring photocopies of everything?

    4. BethandBilly


      I did, I took the originals and photocopies and split them in to two in the file I took, compartmentalized them as Insurance Original, Insurance Copy, that sort of thing. It actually shows the IO that you are organized and saves them time copying things too.

  9. I'm the one from Lancs (Alison), born in Salford, raised in Bolton. Ok, so that's 'officially' Greater Manchester, but some of us never got over that re-zoning :)

    DH (Tyler) was born in DC, raised in Kansas until he was 10, then Michigan where we are now.

  10. Biometrics was one month ago today, 16 days until interview but still no word on EAD.

    1. BethandBilly


      My EAD came the day before my GC, my AP came a few days before the interview and I gave it to IO when I had the interview. Are you taking your Lawyer with you? We had a Lawyer but didn't take him with us, our interview was plain sailing, even before we sat down we knew I was approved. Good Luck and make sure you have everything in order to take with you. :-)

  11. Ow do BethandBilly!

  12. Just heard from our attorney, AOS interview in Detroit Oc t5th ant noon. Scared but excited!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BethandBilly


      I was worried about my interview too, but my Hubby wasn't, in fact he was so laid back he was almost horizontal. Seriously just be well prepared, if you have no problems in the past, then you may not even need to take your Lawyer, we didn't take ours and we were approved even before we sat down in the IO office.

    3. TyandAllie


      My hubby is so laid back about this too, I gave him a pop quiz of possible questions and he failed miserably..he couldn't describe the art on our living room walls, we were sitting on the couch and I told him to close his eyes..FAIL! He couldn't even get the colour of the bedroom walls right..I hope he was just winding me up, wouldn't put it past him :)

    4. BethandBilly


      My Hubby shocked me at how much he knew about me and our home etc, but we weren't asked any questions, just our names etc. We prepared by doing a pop quiz too, in the end it wasn't needed, pretty cool to know he was actually aware of everything though. I bet your hubby was just winding you up

  13. Also, looks like you're from Lancaster? I'm from Bolton. Well, born in Salford where the rest of my family is from, but grew up in Bolton.

    In Michigan now with my Midwestern honey/hubs.

  14. Yeah, I go through the same thing on a Homesteader's bb I torture myself with. I wish banging my head on the desk really did burn as many calories as they say :)

    I'm a bit of a Shoson fan, I have one of his prints, of a swan diving in the full moon. Wish I could afford more, but that purchase was a major treat for me.

  15. Love your posts in the trash thread! Is that a Shoson owl?

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