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Posts posted by bestofboston

  1. You make it sound as if people have just begun to do the K3 process. It is still an option and it can be used in the event that the IR1/CR1 process takes an unusally long period to process. I am one that likes options and as long as the option exist, I am going to take advantage of it.

    Don't blame the K-3 process for the backlog. I don't believe the backlog is any worse than when I was waiting for my NOA2. I know I waited a full 5 months without any paperwork issues to get approval. Now I am in the NVC process and could certainly give pointers on how to shave off days in the process. For me it is now just sit back and wait for the next two months or more to get my wife an interview with the embassy.

    Hopefully the NVC is happy with what I have provided them.

    Thanks to Visa Journey and the NVC website, I think I have provided them with all of the needed info.

    I know waiting is very hard to do but you should know that you can expect 5 months minimum at the USCIS and 3 to 4 more months to get the VISA assuming you have all of your paperwork ready in advance of the NVC requesting for it.

    Good Luck.

  2. I sent with the AOS package a faxed copy of my employment verification. It is typically used when banks want to know the status of employment for loans, ect. but does not include the persons salary.

    I started thinking about it and I decided to contact Human Relations again and they said they would send me a letter of employment showing my salary because I explained to them why I needed it. It should arrive this week in the mail.

    My question is will the NVC except the faxed copy that shows that I am currently employed but does not show my salary? I have a lot of proof including pay stubs and 3 years of income tax returns and W2's for that period.

    Do you think they be okay with what I sent or will I get a RFE for a more formal letter from my company?

    Can I send the letter to the NVC with an AOS coversheet and not wait for an RFE?

  3. How many days does it take the NVC to authourize payment of the IV fee bill after the AOS bill has been paid and the AOS package has been sent to the NVC?

    I paid the AOS bill on 11/30/2010 and sent the AOS package to the NVC on 12/02/10 but I am still waiting on the NVC to bill me for the IV packet fee.

    Does the NVC need to receive the DS3032 and AOS packet from me before they bill me for the IV fee?

  4. I purchased a magic jack and sent it to my wife in the Philippines. She has internet at home. She connects the magic jack to her computer and her cordless phone to the magic jack. That way she can call me anywhere in the USA at no charge. That enables her to call me on my cell phone, my work phone and my home phone at no cost.

    She can go anywhere in the house and talk to me while I can be anywhere in or out of the home.

    We also use Yahoo Messenger when we want to see each other on webcam. We do that several times a week.

  5. Sorry to hear about your step daughter. I hope she recovers quickly. May God be with her.

    Also I agree with a previous person. You need to learn how to control your feeling. Just because you are angry because of what someone may have said does not mean that you have to respond in a negative way. Be a better man! and keep your anger in check and foremost don't show others. It just shows how weak of a person you are when you let others get to you by words.

    Good luck in the USA and please come here with a positive attitude and be productive for your wife's and step daughters sake. I.E. Don't act like a redneck!

    We already have enough red necks here in this country already.

  6. I was also touched on 11/2/10. But on 11/1/10, I sent my senator a privacy release to investigate why I had not yet received approval from the USCIS. On Tuesday I was touched and found out Wednesday afternoon (yesterday) when I received an email from the USCIS that the I-130 CR1 had been approved and is being forwarded to the NVC. The sqeaky wheel gets the grease! Squeak to your congressman or senator if it has been more than 5 months from the NOA1 and you may also get quick results.

  7. I was reading all this and wondering if I would ever hear or receive the approval for our CR1 Visa. Guess what, just a few moments ago, I received the notice of approval. I am the happiest man in the world right now. I can't wait to tell my wife. She calls me everyday before she goes to work. Any suggestions on the best way to surprise her? We are 12 hours different in time. She will be calling me around 7pm eastern daylight savings time.

  8. I called the USCIS on 10/28/2010 because 5 months has passed without hearing anything on when the NOA2 will be approved. The USCIS informed me that they are 13 days behind on processing. So, hopefully I will hear something within the next 13 days. I hate this waiting and looking everday for some sign of progress and hearing or seeing nothing. It is like being mentally tortured. Does anyone else feel the same way?

  9. You should also be prepared for a long wait. The USCIS process takes a minimum of 5 months. This week it will be 5 months waiting for my NOA2 and I have heard nothing from the USCIS. Then you will have to wait another approximately 3 months from the time you receive your NOA2 to getting your wife here to the USA. The CR1 process takes longer than the K1 process and based on Visa Journey.com, the K3 process is no longer an available method of getting your spouse here sooner. So plan on 8 months from the time you submit your paper work until you get your bride here to the USA.

    I just hope I will see the NOA2 soon from the USCIS.

  10. My wife and I talk 4 times a day during the weekdays. 1/2 hour while I am driving to work. Twice while at work. Once in my evening before she leaves in her morning to go to work. We also talk for much longer periods on weekends. We are 12 hours apart in time. We are able to talk frequently at no charge by way of the magic jack that I purchased the magic jack and sent to her after we got married. It have been great. We also often use yahoo messenger where we can see each other and talk. The advantage of the magic jack is she can call any phone number in the USA at no charge and talk to me. I just recently purchased two Ipod touches (the latest generation of Ipod touch)which includes facetime. We will be able to soon talk and see each other on our Ipods when wi-fi connected. Facetime is also on the new Iphones. How cool is that! Thank God for technology. I don't know what we would have done without these devices. Still I have not been able to stand being apart for so long so I have booked an airline ticket to go and see her in late November for a week. Who knows when she will finally get her visa to come here with the snail pace of the USCIS. So until then, its going to be magic jack, yahoo mesenger, skype and apples new facetime.

  11. In most states now, if there is any signs of abuse, he will be arrested and will have to go in front of a judge regardless of whether the wife presses charges are not. It is considered domestic abuse and is treated very seriously. I am surprised he did not have to appear in front of a judge already because as you described it, he beat her up so there must have been some signs of him abusing her.

    Get that jerk out of the house before he seriously hurts her. Their are a lot of women that are killed in this country by their spouse already. Get him away from her before he does the same to you sister. You are right! He does not respect if he is physically abusing her.

  12. I received the NOA1 for my wife on the 27th of May 2010 and have not heard one single word from the USCIS since. I have read that the USCIS does not want to hear from you until 5months have passed then you can inquire of the status. It is extremely hard to have to wait so long. Thank God for Magic Jack and Yahoo messenger because we can talk anytime and see each other on web cam. If it had not been for that, I don't know how I would have been able to stand being apart for so long. What is still discouraging is that once the NOA2 arrives, it is another 60 to 90 days at best before my wife can come here to the USA. I finally decided that I could not wait any longer without being with her so I have scheduled a vacation in late November to go and see her.

    You need a lot of patience to endure your Visa journey. Good Luck

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