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Posts posted by cobblebach

  1. I really don't understand what really is going on with the process in Minnesota. :help: Have been reading/seeing a lot of couple getting approved before us. :angry: going through their timeline seeing that it took them just 3-5 months from date of filing to getting approved in Minnesota. Its been 9 months still nothing from USCIS. Am so confuse, i really don't know what to do!

    Can someone please advice me on what to do next?:unsure: is so depressing. :crying:

    Katheryn gave very good advice. I know it's hard to wait, we've been waiting since July '11. Heck it took almost a year to get our fiancé visa approved. I'm not sure it it's just MN, or if it's just the ineptitude of the California Service Center. I think it's just ineptitude. Write your congressman, request information, and just hang on and wait. As long as you are here and with your loved one, try not to worry. God Bless.

  2. Eh, I used to be alot like you Gilles. I put up with huge amounts of #######, all for the sake of "love", so I know what you are going through. Although, thankfully, I was never married to her. I know you won't take any kind of advice other than what you want to hear, so I won't waste my time trying to convince you of anything. I just hope and pray you will be OK when she breaks your heart. Cause it will happen. Been there, done that, thinking of marketing the T-shirt. The best you can do is learn from your experiences and be strong. If talking about it on the interweb makes you feel better, then by all means do so. But it's not going to change anything. Trying to manipulate someone into changing is just never going to work. She is who she is, you are who you are. Some people are just not compatible, no matter how hard they both try. Anyway, just my 2 pesos. Good luck and I truly hope everything works out for you.

  3. Wow! I'm so happy for you Quantumgirl. I'm a CSC July filer, and they are even slower. But at least some people are finally getting their NOA2s. I have faith that it won't be much longer. But the wait is killing me! I haven't seen my girl for a year now! :crying: And not only has the fee for the visa gone up by $150, the fee for the application is going down $100. So the stupid gubment is getting an extra $250 from me for terrible service. Bastages. :angry:

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