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About Patty♥Paul

  • Birthday 04/02/1979

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  • Gender
  • City
    Historic New Castle
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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Naturalization (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    National Benefits Center
  • Local Office
    Philadelphia PA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    ♥ Paul's father was born in Chile and moved to U.S when he was 13 years old. Paul wanted to learn more about Chile so he friend requested me on MySpace.com. We first started contacting each other back in January of 2009 and since then our friendship slowly started to become something more.
    In July of 2009, I traveled to the United States where I did church related activities in California. After I was completed my duties, I flew to the east coast to meet Paul. On October 21, 2009, we met face to face at the Philadelphia airport. We spent the next few days together with included a day in New York City (my fairy tale day). We had the most wonderful time in the city, visiting central park, time square, empire state building, we had an awesome horse drawn carriage ride.It was there we both told each other I love you (sooo romantic, just like a movie). The next day Paul drove me to the airport and we said our good byes, so sad =( but we talked every day, all day and then 6 months later we met up again but this time Paul traveled to see me. He arrived at the Santiago airport in Chile on May 9, 2010. We spent 10 days together which included meeting most of my family and friends. We went to Rancagua, Santiago, Valparaiso, and Vina Del Mar. On our visit to Santiago, Paul got to see the school his father went to as a boy and the street he grew up on. Also during that week we went to Valparaiso and Vina Del Mar where we stayed at my missionary home. On May 14, 2010, He asked me to marry him along the beach of Vina Del Mar, it was raining, such an amazing night...of course I said yes!!. We enjoyed the remaining days of Paul's visit together as a newly engaged couple. We enjoyed the little things like shopping, going to church, visiting with family, and just staying home. It was tough when we parted but we knew this was just the beginning of something even better. God is in control!! ♥

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  1. call again in 10 days....GOOD GRIEF!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Patty♥Paul


      cual es ese metodo??? nosotros ya estamos pensando en llamar al congressman =/

    3. Lisa & Vinko

      Lisa & Vinko

      No...solo tienes que decir que tu conoces ya muchas personas que ya han recibido sus noticias y tu no y que necesitas hablar con un "higher level of customer service" para ayuda con esto. Tu vas a estar transferido a un oficiente de immigracion y te preguntan una variedad de cosas, y despues puedan darte tus noticias. Pero para mi esto no salio bien...adivine que voy a recibir pronto un RFE que echaron por correo el 16 de diciembre

    4. Patty♥Paul


      awww lo siento mucho, pero dicen que despues de que respondes a un RFE tu aprobacion es mas rapida, God is in control!! don't lose your hopes

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