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Posts posted by Aztec&Taino

  1. Not to hijack the thread but i'm curious... :unsure:

    That $140 fee at banco popular is for K-1 petitions only right?? Not CR-1. Right.

    Sorry just had to ask :innocent:

    If you are going for the CR-1, then you don't have to pay anything the day of the interview, except the courier fee payable to DomEx (around US$10 - $13).

  2. Well, I apologize for using such an abrasive topic title :wacko: .

    The reason for this post is to see if there is a spot on this site that discusses individuals that have been denied a K1. I am not a pessimist in any way, I just want to hear of any possible hurdles that I can better prepare for in the five month wait we have before that NOA2 comes about. I see so many wonderful stories of "Appoved" on here and that makes me jump for joy. So my question is: how rare is it that someone is actually denied and what could possibly cause it?


    Thank you,


    Denials of petitions are rare, what is much more common is visa denials (meaning a denial at the time of the interview). Try not to worry about what will come, otherwise you will drive yourself crazy with doubt!

  3. i.m sorry if i have already posted this question somewhere but i've forgotton, so many things to do and getting a little stressed but

    Do I need the original copy or a photocopy of the petitioners divorce certificate for my (benificiary) interview in london?


    I went to my local courthouse and obtained certified copies of both my marriage certificate and divorce decree and took with me to my fiance's interview. We were not asked for any paper, whatsoever, yet it is recommended that you take with you originals of any document that was submitted with your original petition.

    Best wishes! (F)

  4. I had my K-1 interview in Paris France last Thursday.

    I was ready (a big and well organized binder !) but very stressed since it's something so important. Anyway, long story short, Madame Le Consul didn't want to see any proof of relationship and never said the words "you are approved". All she said was something like "the papers seem to be fine" and then "so we should be able to process the visa in 7 to 10 days". Things are, I don't like this "should" and I'm freaking out. I keep doubting myself about signing everything, about giving enough and I keep doubting them : what if they forgot something ? I remember they never asked me to sign any of the attached additional sheets I enclosed for the I-157 (the one that does not require a signature, but still, I'm worried). Of course, all this only came to my mind after I was out of the embassy. The process was so fast (I was out by 2:25) that I feel like it was an out of body experience and that I don't remember much. Do they systematically give you a color slip if you're not approved ? Why don't they say it, just to cover their butts in case they change their minds ? And I forgot to write down the envelope's tracking number so I'm back in the horrible waiting-and-watching the mailbox period. Please VJers, help me find some peace and sleep !

    Congratulations on your visa approval! :dance:

  5. Thank you Aztec & Taino! I have appreciated your advice and thoughts over the months, as well as those from others. How are things going with the food issue that you posted about? Are wedding plans moving along? Good luck to you both! :)

    The food is still an issue... Just today, for instance, I came home from work and he had cooked... A pretty tasteless burnt white rice and some fried chicken :-( I don't like Dominican food, in general, and I really don't like HIS food...

    Thanks for asking though!

  6. Hello fellow VJers:

    For those of you that will need to go through the embassy in Santo Domingo, I just finished posting my interview experience. I apologize for taking so long...between work, travel,andpure exhaustion, today was the first chance I had to sit down and write about what happened.

    I wish you all the best in your experience and may the Lord bless your efforts.

    Best wishes and congratulations! (F):)

  7. I know this is probably a dumb question, but the service centers do not process applications on Saturdays and Sundays right???? I have been checking my email every 5 minutes this past week waiting for news on my noa2. So far nothing and I'm trying to tell myself to stop checking it today because they're not doing anything.... Waiting is so hard.

    I always assumed that the Service Centers' employees did not work weekends or holidays since they are government employees, but I do not have any evidence to back-up this assumption. Maybe people get their NOA 2 on Saturdays because the notification system is delayed? :unsure:

  8. I didn't see this post until today, but I've enjoyed readying through it! My husband has been here 2 months as of today. Not long, but he's still doing great. He's the "play it cool" type who acts like nothing surprises him or bothers him, so it's hard to be sure if something actually IS affecting him. Because of that, I end up overdoing it worrying that something will bother him and trying to make sure it doesn't! I've stopped with the worrying, but I try to be observant and attentive, and be ready to step in if he ever needs me to.

    There are only a couple of things that have bothered me since he's been here. One is that I have to teach him EVERYthing, which I expected, of course, but it's not really something you can prepare for. He's a fast learner though, so that is less and less of an issue as the time goes by. The other issue is driving...UGH...the driving. I expected it to be a little better than it is...

    But everything else has either gone smoothly or at least has been something we can both laugh about. And every once in a while he'll surprise me. Like last night--the man who is surprised by nothing is amazed by lemon-pepper seasoning! :D

    I totally agree with the you on the bolded sentence, Kikappo. I guess it is particularly tiresome for me since I do not only have to teach my students at my jobs, but I have to continue being a teacher at home! It is even the most basic things of American culture -I remember having to explain how it is that I pay my bills online and by mail and explaining to him about my checkbook, etc.- that sometimes gets old. This feeling is particularly worse when I am tired or have had a rough day at work. Yet, is is in those moments of true companionship and a loving embrace that remind me of why I have worked so hard at this... Only love would make someone go through this process and expense! :D

  9. Hello. I just become a U.S. Citizen and i already got my Both U.S. Passports. Book and Card, and i would like to visit mexico, I actually planning to visit. <TJ> well, i have no problem going there, what i would like to know. do they speak english there? how they treat foreigns? how about food ? i mean is there a nice restaurants in there? what can i bring and what i cant bring? how about mexico border . are they nice ? its the first time for me to go there so thats why i want some information plz. i dont want to go there and never back home lol. thats why i am asking all this :) and is there any nice places there for fishing?

    Thanks alot.

    I have been to Tijuana, but that was years ago. Yet, why go to a place that is infamous for being dangerous? Also, Tijuana is like a party town for Americans because they can go over the border and drink, party, etc. and generally misbehave without any problems. However, even this partying has changed with the drug violence that has taken over many parts of the country. If you must go to Mexico, why not go to a nicer and safer part of the country?

  10. It's his baby. I am devastated, I kicked him out of the house last night, I don't know where he slept, I don't care. His excuse? Her mother died of cancer last summer, she needed a crying shoulder, he went to her house to calm her and it happened. Only once (yeah right!) I never expected for him to forget about his feelings about her, they've been together for so long, but I never expected him to do this to me.

    I don't want to talk about it anymore, please understand me and THANK you for caring about me!

    Now..what can I do? It's only been 9 months since my conditional GC. We've been married longer but I applied for AOS late. If I apply for removal of conditions, I am afraid that it's going to be considered a short time and I might be rejected and deported. Do I divorce him now or stay with him until the normal timeline? And if I stay with him, would USCIS know that he is the father of another baby? Does it show in a background check or something? I can't prove that he cheated on me..unless he declared himself as the father for that boy. Which I don't know, I didn't ask him.. thank you for your advice.

    I am very sorry to know that your suspicions were well founded. The fact that you are pregnant certainly complicates things. Do you want to divorce him? Does he want to divorce you? Does he want to have a relationship with his ex-wife again or was it really "just a fling"? I would advise you to have a very honest and open discussion with your husband about the possibilities that exist for your relationship.

    If you do decide to divorce your husband, then you already have your conditional permanent resident card and you could file for removal of conditions on your own. You would need to provide proof that the marriage was entered in good faith, but that his infidelity was the reason for your divorce. Your child would be born in the US and, therefore, would be a US citizen.

    Best wishes (F)

  11. ok so i am happy for everyone who recieved their NOA2s already !! thats very exciting and i cant wait to get mine (should be coming any day now)... but why do i keep seeing people getting approved that filed at the VSC weeks after me???????? very very aggrivating !

    Yes, it can be frustrating to think that some petitions seem to have "jumped the line" ahead of yours. Unfortunately, there is nothing to do about it but wait and try to be patient...

    Best wishes! (F)

  12. We got approved for AOS yesterday!

    We send our deepest gratitude to those who have helped with their own stories and advice. You, who were simply putting your stories out there, you have helped me tremendously. You gave us much needed guidance and hope. Without you, I would have spent a ridiculous amount of money on lawyers.

    THANK YOU, my lovely VJ family. Every and each one of you.

    Congratulations! (F)

  13. Hello All,

    I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the timing of the use of the K-1. My fiance resides in the UK and we are awaiting an NOA2. Assuming everything goes through fine, the Visa is issued, I was wondering if it is possible for us to get married in the UK, prior to him entering the country with the K-1 Visa. Will this cause some confusion since the K-1 is for a fiance'? We were trying to avoid having to get permission for him to leave the country and re-enter for the purpose of getting married in the UK.


    If you were wanting to marry in the UK, why did you file for the K1? :unsure:

    The K1 is a visa to be used to enter the US for the purpose of getting married in the US. If you want to marry in the UK, go ahead, but by doing so you would be forfeiting your K1 petition and process, you would lose your filing fee and time, and you would need to file the I-130 to obtain a CR-1 visa for your spouse.

  14. To clarify, my USC can use EITHER his entire, photocopied passport or long form birth certificate?

    I ask because I know he doesn't have his full form birth certificate so using his passport would be more convenient. I-130 instructions from what I'm looking at don't specify BC type, but I'm assuming the worst here :blush:

    And I, the petitioner, need a copy of my long-form birth certificate. **Edit: just remembered I don't need this, but it can't hurt to have on hand. Welp.

    Applying next month from Hawaii, getting everything together :D:dance:

    My advice would be to include both, his birth certificate AND the passport pages. Really, the passport would be serving a dual purpose since it could show the dates he entered the beneficiary's country. Also, if they have any sort of problem with the bc (being short form or whatever) the passport can be used for both; citizenship and proof of meeting.

    Best wishes! (F)

  15. My thanks to all of your well wishes!

    I just came back this afternoon from Santo Domingo...our interview at the embassy was on May 4th and his visa was approved! I am sooooo glad that this nightmare is OVER!!!! He will be here soon and we can finally be a real family under one roof.

    I will post my experiences later for everyone to read...once I take a nap, eat something and calm down. It was very stressful, but wegot through it together.

    I couldn't have done this without God's help and without the help of all of you on this site. Thank you for posting your questions, for all your responses to my posts and for your support.

    I wish you all the very best.

    Great! Congratulations! :dance:

  16. After 6 months and 8 days we are APPROVED!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!! When the text came though to my phone I almost wrecked (praise God again- I didn't)! For all of you still waiting, please just hang in there & have faith. I swear when you fell like you can't take anymore & the tears are overcoming the smiles, it means you are ALMOST there. Now on to the next hurdle... :)

    Congratulations and best wishes! (F):thumbs:

  17. Finally!!! This morning I got the most awaited email from USCIS, saying that our petition was approved today! (on MAY 5, 2011). NOA1 was on DECEMBER 20, 2010, so it´s a pretty good time frame considering the VSC delays, right?

    I (the beneficiary) told my honey (the petitioner) the good news, since for some reason he dindn´t get the notice!

    I´m so happy this came through as it will do us so much good, we really needed something positive in our relationship since the distance and waiting can be so damaging and frustrating...

    So I read next step is to wait a couple of days and call the NVC to get a new case number... then wait for the NVC to send case to beneficiary´s country Embassy. Then wait for them to send me (beneficiary) the forms and for me to mail them what´s asked and if it´s all ok they will give me (beneficiary) a date for the interview.

    Am I right? :blush:

    Congratulations on your approval! :thumbs:

    Each Embassy works a bit differently, but yes, all K1 approved petitions go to NVC first (1 to 2 weeks) and before being shipped to the appropriate Embassy they will assign a case specific case number. After it is sent to the Embassy, the petitioner should call the visa specialist to see if there are any case updates, including an interview date set. I would recommend you ask for guidance and advice from other members who have interviewed at the same Embassy you will have your interview since they can give you Embassy-specific advice.

    Best wishes! (F)

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