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Status Updates posted by CeCe

  1. After logging in, if you click on the Portals link, you can see the upcoming interviews and recent interviews on the right hand side of the page. It is based on your timeline so make sure you fill it out to see your name.

    Good luck in gathering your paper work, you are almost there!

  2. :-) He has his visa in hand, after that strike scare, today is another happy day :-)

  3. AOS is in the mail! Now we start the waiting game, at least together this time :-).

    1. patient2010


      Yaaay!!! and Praise GOD at least we are together with our loved ones for this wait...it makes it so much easier... :)

    2. CeCe


      Amen!! It sure does :-)!

    3. Fela's Girl

      Fela's Girl

      Thanks CeCe for your reply. They actually emailed me 3:54a my time and told me to tell my husband to come bring his passport and that no waiver is needed. Thank God! It had to be no one but God!

  4. A transfer to CSC, that can only mean great things, right????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CeCe


      Just some hopeful thinking on my part...but any chance this means we're over the RFE phase and smooth sailing from now on?

    3. patient2010


      I believe that you are past the RFE phase however here on VJ some say you can still get one after the transfer but I believe you guys will be ok no worries....I see smooth sailing in the forecast...lol

    4. CeCe


      Thanks for your kind words. I know it's not over till it's over, these people are too much! Have a great weekend!!!

  5. All I want is NOA1 then I can relax. I didn't think the AOS would make me anxious too.

    1. ryna


      I understand completely. I've never been so anxious to see $1070 leave my bank account in my whole life!

      Good luck!!

    2. patient2010


      You will get it no need to be anxious possibly it come the beginning of next week I think it took them about a week to send me the txt/email of NOA1

    3. CeCe


      Thanks for the support! By the end of the night, we got an email saying they were processing! God is too good!!!

  6. Any updates yet from the NVC? I pray they send your packet over soon.

  7. Biometrics done! another item to check off...now we continue the waiting game.

    1. patient2010


      hey just stopping thru to say hi!!!! and see how things are going?

    2. CeCe


      Things are good, how about you? I'm sure your hubby must feel settled now that he has the green card. Congrats again!

  8. Biometrics tomorrow, we are ready!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CeCe


      Thank you! I feel like the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter.

    3. patient2010


      no worries it is simple good luck the rest of the way!!1 Happy for ya!!!

    4. CeCe
  9. Congrats on getting your interview date!

  10. Congrats on your approval! Seeing an approval come out of Lagos so recently gives me hope for the next few months.

  11. Congrats on your approval!!

  12. Congrats! How are you doing? You appear to be moving right along, I hope mine is will be the same.

  13. Constantly moving, Biometrics Appt letter received!

    1. patient2010


      Lol it will slow down soon.....congrats on the bio appt!

    2. CeCe
  14. First an earthquake and now a hurricane on the East coast, what gives?

    1. patient2010


      I hope you guys are safe!!

  15. Glad to hear the great news! They NVC sent mine to Lagos too but apparently Lagos hasn't received it. I just keep on praying that everything works out and we get the interview date soon.

  16. Good luck on your fiance's interview tomorrow, keep us posted.

  17. Good luck on your upcoming interview!

  18. Happy 4th of July weekend to everyone!!

  19. Happy Dance! ROC got approved and now just waiting for card in hand. Thank God for each step of the way.

  20. Happy Thanksgivings to everyone! Whether you are celebrating with your loved ones or waiting for them, there is much to be thankful for. God Bless!

  21. He was approved!! I've been in shock all day, I'm not really sure what I expected but this is a very welcomed surprise. Thank you everyone for your advice, well wishes, I couldn't have gotten this far without your help. This is like getting an early Christmas present!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. memine


      am happy for you

    3. patient2010


      CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!!

    4. CeCe


      Nwanyioma, Memine, Patient2010 Thank you all :-).

  22. Hello to my VJ family, been so busy with the love of my life that I haven't checked in, in a while. Good to back!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Double O

      Double O

      We understand. Its good to be busy for that reason. How are you doing?

    3. CeCe


      I'm doing good, just want everything to run smoothly. We're preparing our AOS package and hopefully have it in the mail soon.

    4. patient2010


      Gotcha! Good luck preparing all the docs.....

  23. Hey Girl! How's married life treating you? Hope wonderfully as always :-).

  24. Hey VJ it has been a while! I am back hubby and I are about to start the ROC...paper work time!

    1. patient2010


      Hey girlie good to see you around here! Welcome to the ROC process.....

  25. How are you holding up? The time just flew by and he will be here before you know it ^_^

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