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Status Updates posted by Mithmeoi

  1. Hey. I hope you are doing alright!

  2. A nice sunny day! Glad it's almost summer... I've missed you sun.

    1. Russ and Jie

      Russ and Jie

      When I saw your comment I KNEW you had to be from the Pacific Northwest somewhere! I'm from Oregon so I feel your pain! Enjoy the sun, it's supposed to rain this weekend!

    2. weloveeachother


      Thank you for accepting my friend request :) I'm new here and right now enjoying reading experiences and guidelines for our visa journey. take care.

  3. Merry Christmas to all! :)

  4. Hubby found a job. :D Just seasonal for now but it might lead to a regular position. :) First US job! Proud of him.

  5. Hey! How are you guys doing? I hope your husband is ok. I been thinking about you.

  6. Greencard is here! Yay!

  7. In the US! :D So glad to be back. ^_^

  8. Flying tomorrow! :) Hoping for a smooth flight.

    1. pookaphilus


      God bless on your trip...have a safe flight!

    2. Mithmeoi
  9. Hey! It took about six weeks. That's about the norm for Belgium's DCF timelines.

  10. I've been through it, had to swap trains there when we went to Blankengerge, we're in Antwerp.

  11. Doh! That sucks. >: What part of Belgium are you in?

  12. You'll have to go twice, and they will probably send you to a different building to get x-rays as well. We did x-rays the day we went to get the results of the blood test. It usually only takes two days for results. :)

  13. Doing well, wrapping up his work and mine before we leave. We're going back first week of September. :)

  14. Thanks very much! Well I dunno if I'll be much help because we did a DCF, so it didn't take us very long to get the whole thing processed. Six weeks completely. We paid about $900-$1000 in fees at the embassy, that was for the petition, medical, and the visa.

    I hope your case starts to move along soon! Good luck to you both!

  15. Congrats on being approved! :D

  16. We were approved! Can pick up the visa next week!!! Thank you Lord! :)

    1. candn






  17. Yup! Lived here almost a year now. We're ready to go home though! Good luck with your visa!

  18. Haha I love the comic in your sig!

  19. Medical was passed with flying colors. :)

  20. Got a second appointment for end of the month! :)

  21. Embassy left message, bg check is done in less than a week! Called back, left a message to make an appt for pt2. Hope to hear back soon!

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