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Posts posted by MSR

  1. Hello, on February 7, my husband received an email from the Consulate requesting his passport for processing. We believe that means AP is over for us. We won't know for sure until he submits his passport, and he's decided to wait a little while because he wants to join some planned family trips at the end of this month.

    That would mean our AP ended after 65 days. We hope anyway.

    You're right to be concerned. My husband was born and raised a Canadian citizen although his parent were born Egyptian and became Canadian PRs, so maybe, just maybe, that is why we got the short end. I don't know. We'll probably never know. Even with all our ducks in a row, we couldn't have predicted AP. However, many individuals do not go into AP regardless of their circumstances. I'm sorry you've even been waiting so long for your NOA2.

    This looks like good news.. Congrats! I hope this mess is FINALLY over! :)

  2. I guess maybe understanding me a little bit would help with the header.

    I have never liked politics, I have never been allowed to vote, so I never got involved. I stay away from any and all conversations about politics, because in my opinion, Im not entitled to an opinion.

    It was my husband who told me I came from a socialist country, I never knew what it was called, he was also the one who told me that the USA was a capitalistic country ... 3 years ago I didnt even know what either of these words meant.

    So basicaly I was more excited that, coming from Canada, earning about $25 an hour, moving here, where I couldnt find anything related to my skill set, that wouldnt pay over $14 I decided to start my own business. I would never of thought of doing this in Canada, but here I am here, giving it a try.

    I dont claim to be a CPA, Ive worked along side one for 15+ years and when I got here I took a tax course and found alot of the laws the same. So I spend my days on the IRS website reading.

    I only posted this because I felt so helpless finacialy within my marriage for such a long time, and Im sure that I am not the only one here who has or is feeling like that.

    And you would be surprised how many people dont know their allowable deductions. I met with a man the other day, hes been running a land scaping business for years, and had no idea he could deduct his truck expenses, to me, thats crazy, but honestly some people truly dont know. I guess in all fairness though, I could kill a cactus and to him that would seem crazy.

    I think what you are doing is great and i'm following your advice and doing the same thing, starting my own dang business like I had back home.

    And Canada is not as socialist as some people think (as you know). I hear that a lot here too, and I always say that while Canada has some aspects of Socialism with regards to needed services we do have free enterprise as well. I think we have a good mix of both...


    Thanks again for the info you have provided.....

  3. I slowly gained during the first few years after my arrival until about 3 years ago I had gained 25 pounds! I felt horrible, unhealthy and didn't like how I looked or felt. I have always been a careful eater but now making full meals every night for my husband who came home from work hungry, plus big breakfasts on the weekend and eating out more, yes that contributed to the weight gain.

    I used to live in an upstairs apartment and was constantly running up and down stairs all day back in Canada, plus go for walks in the evening. Here we live in a single story ranch so no stairs, although I still manage to get some walks in, just not as much as before.

    Finally, one of the biggest differences is in the food itself. It is not only the portions when you eat out (I almost always get 'doggie bags' and enjoy another one or two meals from the leftovers) but so many foods containe high fructose corn syrup. I know the ads say it is 'corn' and there is no problem with it, but it has been processed into a chemical formulation that the body does not recognize as corn and does not respond to it the same way as it would to the natural sugars in unprocessed corn. I really found that so many of the foods here tasted different - much sweeter - and on reading labels it seems high fructose corn syrup can be found high up on the ingredients list in nearly everything. If you buy low fat products as well, you will see that they make up the difference with HFCS. It is added to foods where there is absolutely no reason to add it as well. I have seen it listed on cream and even on milk (having overheard a conversation in the grocery store between two women discussing how good this premium price milk tasted and how they wouldn't drink anything else now. When I checked the jug I saw it contained HFCS!).

    So, I joined the Sparks.com programme on line, started carefully watching what I ate and counting calories, stopped eating big breakfasts on the weekend, cut down on portion sizes at meals and over a number of months lost 20 of those 25 additional pounds. I have been holding steady at this weight now for the last 2 1/2 years. So, yes, a combination of life style changes and 'bad food' habits in the US, both my own and the food manufacturers.

    Do you mean spark people? If so, that program is awesome.... I would recommend that site to anyone... Free too!

  4. DOS is the only source for any information on our case.

    The Montreal consulate does not accept phone calls or faxes, and they'll answer your email in about a month and only if they feel like it. You are instructed, "DO NOT send inquires about the status of the case" nor are you to send the same question more than once.

    The DOS operators go from zero to RUDE in about sixty seconds. I'm calm and I feel like I'm asking reasonable questions. I only call weekly to check on status.

    Today after she told me the case was still pending AP, I asked her a question I already knew the answer to, but I was hoping to engage with her more and see if she say anything but "your case is pending." Before I even finished my question, she huffed a big sigh, and raising her voice, said, "I do not know that!!" As if I was so stupid to think she could answer any questions. I guess it is stupid to expect anything from my government at this point...

    But, how am I to know, if I didn't have VJ? I would think DOS could answer some simple questions. We have nowhere to ask these questions if we didn't know the answers already. The consulate is a big blank wall. And this "customer service" at DOS is joke.

    My fear is that I get a black mark on the file for being rude, when it is them who are so quick to raise their voices and seem so put out by my mere existence.

    Anyway, you don't need to tell me this is all a big waiting game and that DOS is useless. I just needed to vent. I freaking hate this...

    There's got to be a complaint number somewhere for them.. Some of them are horrendously rude and useless... I found a webmail form but no phone number as of yet. Most of them behave like you are interrupting their day.. Isn't it their job to answer our questions? If they are so hard pressed to do so, perhaps they should give those jobs to people who actually want to help....

    I hated calling there....

    I hope you hear something soon ...

  5. Please tell me that's some metaphor/ joke. You've been in the US since March, and someone is willing to let you do their taxes?! I was a tax inspector in the UK for thirteen years, yet I wouldn't dream of jumping into US tax codes without a great deal of training.

    And I love your description of Canada as a "socialistic country". It may have social healthcare, but it's hardly Cuba.

    Cuba is more Communist than Socialist.. Canada has some aspects of Socialism with regards to needed services but there is free enterprise as well. :)

  6. And why is that bad and why does it bug you? I'm perfectly fine with people thinking all Canadians are polite and outgoing. I have to laugh when they always say how 'clean' Canada is and then they tell me they've been to Toronto :) I've been to TO a million times, but 'clean' wasn't necessarily one of the adjectives that jump to mind first :)

    I was in D.C. on Friday and a man asked me if i was from Toronto, LOL. He said he could tell because i said sorry in the form of a question... When people figure out i'm from Canada, they always mention Toronto, they don't mention any other city. Is Toronto the only city they know? hehe... (i'm kidding obviously) but i do get a good chuckle from it.


  7. I was an immigrant, yes, so I suppose that could be it. But what can they possibly need to check for? I was very young when I moved here. Do you have any idea how long it will take? I thought I'd be with my fiance for Christmas and New Years, and now I don't know if I will be. It's extremely upsetting.

    Wait, did you get a 221 g form from the consulate when you went for your interview??

  8. Dear hubby got the 221g scanned...here it is. It does seem incomplete...


    Nah that is what they gave me, minus the AP part, the same part was checked off but instead of AP it said, DS 156 Daughter.

    Other than that it was the same....

    Just so bizarre given it's a CR1.....

  9. I just find it so hard to believe that these are the people tasked with facilitating my life and marriage.

    The interview lady seemed confused that my husband only had one sponsor (me). She mistakenly thought the PC was expired (not even close). Did she even review the file before the interview? He said she barely looked at him and insinuated that it was convenient for him to find an American to date and marry. Lovely...

    USCIS/I-130 is the time to validate our relationship and do background checks, no?

    NVC is the time to ensure his financial support and make sure that all the documents for the interview are gathered, no?

    They've known his family history since the G-325A was filed in April. They've known his travel and visa history since September.

    What on earth have they been doing all this time?

    It makes you wonder doesn't it? Judging by how she treated your husband, you should contact your senator/congressperson. I find that completely unacceptable. People meet their spouses all over the world, we don't pick and choose.. What bothers me more is that you are married! What more do they need? I came in on a K1, and my interview was pretty easy, the man was super nice. I can understand the wait for the green card once i arrived here, but from my understanding there's a lot more to it when you file for a CR1... These checks should have been completed if i'm not mistaken....

  10. BTW, when I called, I did not expect any status changes or anything, but I did just want a chance to ask these questions. She became more and more flustered as I asked more questions.

    Seriously, if that's who they put on the phone for customer service, I'm a little nervous to see who her supervisor is.

    Sounds like she became flustered because she didn't know what she was talking about.... The supervisor is a chance but you may have more answers as to what AP means exactly... You would hope that someone who has been there longer would know lol.

    Some moron there tried to say i couldn't send things to them and request a signature confirmation. It would appear that they think a lockbox is somehow different than a PO box, I tried to explain that because it is a gov't office that of course many things would be sent to them from petitioners or others that would require a signature. so yes there should be someone to pick it up. A PO box is in a post office for goodness sakes, so they merely have to walk over and pick it up LOL. He wouldn't have it, and was getting increasingly angry when i challenged him on his stupidity... I laughed, wished him a good day and hung up

  11. Called DOS this morning, and received the run-around, no answers.

    "His case is in AP."


    "Because they need to do AP."

    What exactly is AP?

    "AP is AP." (She said that, really.)

    What are some common reasons cases go into AP?

    "Most cases go into AP because they need AP. They should have told you at the consulate."

    They didn't tell him at the consulate.

    "Well, what did you expect? That he would be approved that day?"

    YES! :crying:

    OMG, really?? She then suggested I contact Montreal which we know is only by email and takes weeks to respond.

    Super helpful :bonk:

    I would have asked to speak to a supervisor, seriously. That is completely unacceptable. AP is AP? WTH? And yeah, after months, if not a year of gathering extensive paperwork, ensuring everything is in order, you would expect that any background checks would have been done in those months (year) so at the time of interview, you were approved for the visa.... Those people are morons, Yes i said it, they are MORONS!!!

    Call back and request a supervisor.... so sorry you are going through this....

  12. No offense to my hubby, but this potential issue does not apply to him. Unless his vitae screams "harmless" so much that it's threatening.


    Give it another week (if you can hold out that long) then get your Senator/Congressperson involved. :)

  13. One other possibility that has happened in the past with two other Canadian beneficiaries. . what does your fiance do for a living or what has he studied? Previous applicants who have had fairly high level technical jobs or advanced degrees have also been put into AP as their education or training was considered a possible security risk. The one I remember off hand was some sort of a researcher in bio chemistry, and I don't recall the other, but he had advanced degrees in technical sciences as well. Both were eventually requested to submit curriculum vitae and underwent a lot of additional scrutiny that way. As far as I recall both did eventually get their visas but it was very frustrating in the meantime.

    Great point Kathryn! :)

  14. I've had our Senator's request for assistance formed typed up and ready to send since this began, just waiting if it was needed.

    I think we're going to give it a little time at least, and see if they don't contact us to let us know what's up. We'll call DOS throughout next week to see if the status changes.

    This is very disheartening. There's always something, no? It feels like we're being punished for not having RFEs or having the I-130 approved in 90 days...something will always catch up and bog this ####### down.

    I hope you hear something soon..I am confident that it will be OK after all anyway....

  15. They were Egyptian. His father is now deceased, and his mother is a little old lady who drinks tea with her brother and shops for fresh fruit every day. A scary lot...

    The form was white, and one box was checked: The one saying the case is now in AP. No other boxes were checked, nothing was written on it.

    My husband called DOS yesterday, and he said the operator was really friendly ("Your interview went really well!") and that she seemed to try to be reassuring ("This happens a lot since 9/11.") and said they did not need us to submit anything.

    Well, if it went so well, and they don't need anything, then #######? They've known his family history since we submitted the DS-260. THEY SAY THEY HAVE EVERYTHING! UGH. Sorry, when I get to thinking about it, I get all Hulk-y.

    DOS, as i'm sure you are aware, don't really know a whole lot about what is going on. There is no detail in your case file when you phone so don't read too much into what they are saying..

    I had a white form as well, however mine doesn't have an option for AP. Chances are, it's his family (as stupid and as crazy as that sounds).. They may want to verify some of the things about the family history despite the fact that it should have been done already...

    Others may want to chime in here, but have you thought of contacting a Senator or Congressperson? I can't say whether it is too early to do so, but it certainly is an option...

  16. Hello Fellow VJ"s

    Finally started the AOS process, and I am confused about the 1-693 form. I did review the topic thread specifically on this topic and it states:

    If the beneficiary's vaccinations were COMPLETED as part of the visa process, IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO INCLUDE FORM I-693 IN THE AOS SUBMISSION. All your medical information is enclosed in the brown envelope which was handed in at the POE. The envelope is then forwarded on to USCIS where it will be consolidated with the I-485 submission, once received. If you received a copy of the Vaccination Documentation Worksheet (Form DS-3025) from your Panel Physician, you may include a copy of that form in your AOS submission in place of Form I-693.

    I think I will send in my AOS/EA/AP without this I-693 form. I was only given the vaccination worksheet (I don't see any number on this form, but I believe it is the Ds-3025) from the Dr. at my Medical back in August of this year.

    HOW SAFE AM I TO SEND IT WITHOUT THIS 1-693? seeing I had my medical within the year with the Panel Physician


    If under the results section the following has a check mark, you don't need the I-693

    *Vaccine history complete for each vaccine requirements met (documented above)*


  17. I don't want to pry here but would you mind sharing where his parents are from? I find it really odd that they didn't mention on the 221 what was needed... Something on the form is checked off on it indicating the reason.... What color is the paper? From what i recall, there are different ones...Have him scan and send to you so you can have a look... I'll do a search to see if i can find you what they look like (if you don't already)

  18. " I miss my family. I miss Canada. I miss my friends (though some of them have moved elsewhere as well, so that will never be the same). I miss snow, I miss Tim Hortons, I miss hockey, I miss the Canada flag, I miss people being polite, I miss french signs (go figure), and bilingual packaging. And yes, hearing the national anthem almost makes me want to bawl like a baby. lol"

    I can COMPLETELY relate to how you feel! This is exactly what I had been trying to say but failed so terribly! We get snow here, but it doesn't feel the same :wacko: , the "polite" factor is huge with me... And the french signs and packaging. I'm actually quite good now with French now that i've left Canada, go figure!!

    Great post!

  19. lol.. I thought this was so funny and cute! :blush:

    I think once you settle in and get a job/daily routine the homesickness will go away. I've never been super attached to my home or being near my family (I know it sounds cold, but I have my reasons) so I'm not sure if I will get super homesick or not. I always miss being around my mom but I've only seen her about once a year for the past 5 years so it won't be much different for me. I definitely won't miss my job and most of my friends live all over the world so not many are left here. I'm in kind of a weird limbo living here and I'm excited to start my life in the US with my fiance!

    I'm serious LOL... It bothered me tremendously to listen to it..... I have never been the emotional type but this bugged me, haha. I don't miss my job, but i do have friends back home I miss.

  20. Let me tell ya.... You are NOT alone!! When I first arrived and for a few months after, I thought i was going to lose my mind.... I was VERY homesick.. It was awful. I cried (something I rarely do in all honesty), I couldn't sleep, etc etc. It's normal though, I don't think that feeling every really goes away. Canada is our home, or the home in our hearts if you will... In time, it will get easier. I went out and bought a treadmill lol, that helped me a bit; and I also went to EVERY museum in D.C. and spent days there. I really love it there now, :) Do something you enjoy doing, I think that's important.. Whatever you do, DON'T listen to our National Anthem, LOL. Sounds weird, but you will be bawling like a baby..... I didn't think it was possible, I mean, how many times have we heard it right?

    Again, find something you like doing and immerse yourself in that.

    You will be fine.. It gets easier...

    Take care

  21. I got mine a week later.....

    They don't actually send you the approval, they send you the card... (at least in my case)

    It won't be too much longer :)

    Good Afternoon , Here is what I am looking for insight on any and all experiences shared with me to this particular aspect of AOS would be greatly appreciated . We are really more interested in how much longer for the EAD card to be done so she can start working frustrating for her since she has had Three job offers she had to turn down because of this wait for this card grrr… baby girl is trying to earn !! lol

    Wife did Biometrics 10/14/2011

    Received a letter from USCIS 10/30 stating that the Green card application was sent to California service center ( good news)

    Checked the USCIS website today on the EAD application and says they approved this on 11/07/2011 ( yesterday ) and mailed out a notice on 11/7/2011

    Biggest question is how much longer from this "approval indication on the website for the EAD" till she has the card in hand so she can fill out her i-9 for the employer and have everything legit to start working ??......

    Thanks for any insight

  22. In order to understand why French is being spoken at your local airports etc, you need to understand the history of Vermont and Quebec. During the mid 18th century, Canadians born in "French Canada" colonized in other parts of North America (and vice versa), more notably the New England States. (Vermont being one of them). At this time it was a seamless border, so many people who are from Vermont/Quebec recognize their French Canadian ancestry as many of their Friends, or family hold historical ties to Vermont/Quebec. Vermont is one of the largest French speaking populations in the United States so it's not surprising to hear of French being spoken. (Hillary Clinton has French Canadian ancestry for example)

    There are a number of border towns that share services with each other; for example some have mutual-aid fire agreements, aiding each other on both sides of the border if need be, some share a water system, sewers, and other such facilities as well, some homes actually straddle the border itself. As a result of this, it is really not surprising to see Canadians going to Vermont for health care services. They are offered a 30 % discount on any medical procedures they do acquire while there and furthermore as a result of the Deals between U.S Hospitals and Canadian hospitals, they can pass the remainder of the bill back to the Canadian government. This is not to say that Canadian Health care is bad, because it is not in the least, and I’m sure most Canadians would rather have Canadian health care, than any other health care. I would much rather have the peace of mind in knowing that if I was diagnosed with a potentially life threatening illness, that my insurance company couldn't drop me because of the cost involved in treating me. It shouldn't matter if I may live or die, health care is a right not a privilege and if I pay into it, I should receive the treatment I need.The point is, there are close ties there, on both sides of the border, so to offer reduced cost health services is not surprising especially considering what other services are shared across the border.

    I know of people who have crossed the border for health care services and this was not because the health care was superior south of the border, it was because they were offered those services by their Canadian doctors, knowing they would not have to pay out of pocket for services rendered. My own mother was told she would be put on a waiting list for an MRI, (in the province of Ontario, which isn't any better than Quebec as far as waiting lists are concerned) but she chose, as was her right, to see another doctor, and received her MRI in a matter of days! The Key is to seek assistance from another doctor if you feel the diagnosis you receive is not one beneficial to your health.

    I myself have lived in both the Province of Quebec and the province of Ontario. Ontario is one of the most expensive provinces to live in, and I’ve never had to pay a health premium tax on my income tax. I own my own business and made a six figure salary and still didn't have to pay a health premium tax on my income tax. The tax does exist but it has never affected me as it may have affected others. I won’t get into who pays more taxes because it is a myth when some say Canadians pay more in taxes.

    I would gladly go to Vermont to go skiing rather than go to Mont Tremblant (no offense to my French Canadian friends) who wouldn't? It is cheaper so the choice becomes do you want to pay more or less to do something you enjoy. I think most would prefer to pay less. There is no disagreement with you there. To visit a local Museum in Ottawa you are paying $20 plus to get in the door. I'm currently 30 Minutes out from D.C and can visit one of the many museums there free of charge. Again who wouldn't? That's a mute point. When it comes to money, most want to save.

    As for retiring and moving to Burlington, you can't just retire and move to another country, unless you have dual citizenship, which a lot of people on both sides of the border between Vermont and Quebec do. Again as a result of the historical ties between these two places it is not surprising to see many who have dual citizenship along this border. You can however, visit in either Canada or the United States for up to 6 months a year, minus a day.

    My grandparents had a home in Florida, and spent six months of the year there. More notably in the winter months.Many Canadians do this. It's not unheard of; and most, at the highest most recommendation are URGED to get travel insurance to cover them during their period of stay.

    Why would the Canadian citizens you see on Lake Champlain forego FREE health care and receive care in Vermont? Again 30% off of rendered services and reimbursement from the Canadian government is just cause. Why drive that hour when you don't have to when on vacation. I think it's possible that some even have travel insurance. I know if I was to go to another country for extended period of stay, I would want travel insurance to cover me.

    I'm not really sure why you mention parking in the hospital garage and taking a bus downtown so I can say nothing in regards to that. Perhaps you misconstrued my words to suggest that Canadians are not receiving health care services in Vermont, who knows, what I said was it is important to know the CONTEXT in which they are receiving health care services in Vermont.

  23. Is it not plausible that these particular Canadians are visitors, business travelers, People on holidays, that may require medical care while outside Canada?

    I think it's a rather far stretch to assume they are Canadian medicare refugees especially considering we don't know the context of their medical care use in the U.S.

    There are many Retirees from Canada who spend up to 6 months a year in the U.S. thus during this time may require medical care. :)

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