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Sophia & Ian

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Status Updates posted by Sophia & Ian

  1. I don't know other than going back to the embassy and retrieving it. Unless you are talking about them taking it during your interview, if so, they send it to you via courier.

  2. Mr. & Mrs. Ian Bramley - happy ever after!!!

    1. NURSE SAM


      Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Bramley!!!

    2. ukprincessemx


      woooooo hooooo, may you lead a happy, healthy and long married life together guys....sooooo pleased for you both :)How is Ian settling in?

  3. 5 more days and Ian will be here!!! Haven't been getting much sleep - too excited!!!

    1. NURSE SAM


      So excited for you!

    2. Iowa bound

      Iowa bound

      you must be so excited. I was approved this morning and have booked a flight for 11 Nov..can't wait

  4. Happy Wedding Day!!! Wishing you a happy long life together!!!

  5. Visa is now in his hands!!! 2 more weeks and he will be here for good!!!!

    1. Iowa bound

      Iowa bound

      Hi, I have not been online for a while and only just seen your posts. You must have been so frustrated but at least everything is in hand now. I hope that the follow up journey goes smoothly for you both and wish you many happy years together

  6. Usually depends on who you happen to get that answers your call honestly.

  7. Hi - the number is 202-663-1225, press 1 then 0

  8. Unbelievable!! US Embassy had no record of Ian's interview so reason why no visa yet, got it all sorted and now visa should be in his hands in couple days!!!

    1. NURSE SAM


      OMG! I was thinking about you, and wondering since I saw no update by day 14?? And thought, 'Boy, I hope something didn't get messed up?' Well that is the U.S. Government for you! Good thing he kept trying to call instead of playing the endless waiting game! Less than two weeks until Kevin interviews. Will warn him to keep tabs on EVERYTHING! Congrats on straightening that all out...

    2. ukprincessemx


      That sucks, I cant believe they had no record of the interview. So sorry. I hope it does arrive really soon. Huggles xxx

    3. Debbie&Dave


      Oh my.... How could they have no record??? wow. Now I'm nervous on how long before they schedule our interview. Maybe they lost our packet 3, been two weeks now. Good luck....

  9. OK very irritated, 2 weeks since approved interview and nothing from embassy in UK...aaargghh

    1. ukprincessemx


      still nothing??? OMG that sucks big time. Sorry to hear that guys :(

  10. Still waiting on Visa - hoping it will be here by Friday as that is 2 weeks from interview date...

    1. GJen


      I hope it gets you soon.. I'm also waiting for my visa to arrive so I can purchase my ticket! I've been waiting for 6 days now :(

  11. APPROVED!!! 5 more weeks we will be together forever!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Iowa bound

      Iowa bound

      Congratulations, I wish you both a long and happy future :)

    3. ukprincessemx


      yayyyy so pleased for you guys, what a relief right? huggles xxx

    4. Sophia & Ian

      Sophia & Ian

      Thanks everyone! I am so excited and just counting down the days now.

  12. Happy Birthday to them both! I know you are so excited about your upcoming trip over. I'll be sure to tell Ian. Good luck and best wishes on your upcoming wedding!!! :)

  13. Ok thanks! I tell you everyone seems to have a different experience with the interview. I'll be so glad when this is over and get the call Friday the visa is approved! We had such a great time on the cruise. Where are ya'll going to live at in the states?

  14. Hi - On the i-134 form - what documents had to be provided?

  15. Hey - We are back from our cruise - so excited to hear your news and happy for you!! Thanks for the info on the interview. I had completed both forms anyway and gave it to him. This Friday is his interview...I really think all will be OK and then he will be here in 5 weeks!!!

  16. Hi - anxiously waiting to hear how your interview went...hoping for good news!!!

  17. 2 more days to see my sweetie...then cruising for 1 week!

    1. efc


      have a great time!

    2. ukprincessemx


      Hope you guys are having a great time together.


  18. I sent a couple of emails to some others that have gone thru the interview recently to see if it was needed or not...guess it doesn't hurt to be safe though

  19. This is where I got the info from - http://london.usembassy.gov/i864.html - An I-864 is not required when applying for a fiancé(e) visa. An I-864 will be required at the time the fiancé(e) visa holder applies to adjust his or her status from nonimmigrant to conditional resident with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services(USCIS).

  20. Affidavit of support - I am finding that this is not needed for fiancee visa - do you find the same thing?

  21. I am sure you will be ok with your time line..reading others it appears to take one week to get visa in mail so you should be good to go!

  22. That is so exciting isn't it? I know your kids will miss their friends but they will meet new ones quickly here. Good luck and safe travels!!! Our plans are going just right except we did have to delay the wedding a few weeks due to issue with his work in UK but no biggie ends up being a payoff for us :). Getting ready for our cruise in 3 weeks now...

  23. Interview date - August 27th!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NURSE SAM


      Good to hear. Am still waiting for someone to send out our Packet 3 here.... So you got the date you wanted, and didn't have to reschedule?

    3. Sophia & Ian

      Sophia & Ian

      Thanks! Yes we did. Our cruise ends the 22nd and he will be back in UK 23rd - so just made it!! Everything is going much quicker than we ever expected...I hope yours gets sent in soon!

    4. NURSE SAM


      Well good luck! Hope all goes well. Kevin is working on the forms and hoping he gets them done/mailed out by early next week. So we shouldn't be too long after you. At least he did his medical already!

  24. Thanks for that information - I will definitely start calling next week!! Hope you get your interview date soon!!

  25. Medical booked and Packet 3 mailed!!

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