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Status Replies posted by Ochili

  1. Congratulations Ochili!!!

  2. OMG I miss you all, but I have like 2 minutes before I have to go around and pick the entire crew up to head home once again. I finally got to clean my house after four months of running this past Saturday! Talk about a mess. I almost opted to burn it down and start all over! LOL, praying all of my friends are well and adjusting nicely. I'm missing you all and hope to be more settled soon. If I could just teach this man to drive and get him his own car....I think I'd have it, ...

    1. Ochili


      Emeka can drive but doesn't have his license. I told him to get it before he came or he would be walking!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. “The family is the essential unit of society, and keeping nuclear families together should be an important goal of our immigration laws,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy ® of South Carolina, the chairman of the House immigration subcommittee, before a recent hearing on family reunification. “But right now, our system forces many legal permanent residents to wait years to be reunited with their spouses and children. These waits can be painfully long, and we should consider how our law...

  4. “The family is the essential unit of society, and keeping nuclear families together should be an important goal of our immigration laws,” said Rep. Trey Gowdy ® of South Carolina, the chairman of the House immigration subcommittee, before a recent hearing on family reunification. “But right now, our system forces many legal permanent residents to wait years to be reunited with their spouses and children. These waits can be painfully long, and we should consider how our law...

    1. Ochili


      can better limit nuclear family separations.”

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Finally found a place that could order Emeka's ring in the size and style he wants. Its not easy finding a chocolate sterling silver ring!

    1. Ochili


      No, the metal is a chocolate color. I would love a chocolate diamond, though!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Just bought his wedding present! He's going to be very surprised!

    1. Ochili


      Every day I take off is one day less I can spend with Emeka. That's why I dragged myself in here!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Just bought his wedding present! He's going to be very surprised!

    1. Ochili


      I might need another alteration,being sick helped me lose weight. I haven't tried it on again to see. I've got the headpiece and I'm feeling much better, now.I'm at work. I only missed 2 days but the other days I was exhausted and I went straight home, showered and got straight in the bed!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. Ok, Nigerian meatloaf for dinner it is...what is Nigerian meatloaf? Glad you asked, lol....it's a meatloaf flavored with Nigerian spices in an attempt to make him like my home cooking, hahahaha.

  9. Okay Interview date given. We are set to rock and roll. Plz VJ family keep us in your prayers.

  10. Just bought his wedding present! He's going to be very surprised!

    1. Ochili


      Yes, I never know when he might pop up because I've been making him read the process for himself!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. I have to say...adjustments have been very hard for me. They've been hard for Divine and my son Zeke also. But we're working it out, sticking together and relying on God to see us thorough. But if this man cooks stew one more time while I'm making him a nice dinner, he might have a bit knot on his noggin!

    1. Ochili


      Funny you say that, Emeka asked me about the 2 of you this morning. I said I hadn't spoken to you recently and I wonder if Divine was eating American food. Now I know my answer! While you two are coughing and hacking I'll be saying, What did you say? I've had fluid in my ears for almost 2 months.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  12. Seeing some of these denials on VJ lately I still think if you're not from a VWP country you should go the IR-1/CR-1 route. I wish someone would've told me that before we went the K-1 route.

  13. Shouldn't car insurance go down when you get married and have no addicents or tickets every year. I knew Progressive was too good to be true. They raise their rates $75.00 every six months. Time to look for another policy! Any suggestions FB fam?

    1. Ochili


      Yikes! I just switched to Progressive not too long ago. Thanks for the heads up!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  14. You know...I think I just want to go back in time and maybe...play Charlie's Angles with my sisters. Wonder if I can round them up this weekend. Divine can play Charlie!

    1. Ochili


      I loved Charlie's Angels. I would play with my cousins and I was always Sabrina.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. God often causes delays in our lives that we cannot understand. Sometimes it seems our obedience is not getting rewarded. Jesus said He learned obedience through the things He suffered. Imagine that, Jesus having to learn obedience. What does that say for you and me? Sometimes God's delays are simply because He wants more glory in the situation, more recognition, more Christ-likeness in you and me through greater patience and obedience. Faint not, for the promise may yet come.

    1. Ochili


      I shared these words with my fiance and he said they were the wisest words he's heard all year.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  16. God often causes delays in our lives that we cannot understand. Sometimes it seems our obedience is not getting rewarded. Jesus said He learned obedience through the things He suffered. Imagine that, Jesus having to learn obedience. What does that say for you and me? Sometimes God's delays are simply because He wants more glory in the situation, more recognition, more Christ-likeness in you and me through greater patience and obedience. Faint not, for the promise may yet come.

  17. Ya know, nobody PLANS for a denial, yet it happens. My advice? Have plan B ready, do all the necessary Congressional contacting BEFORE the interview, be prepared to wait another year, even though you will be devastated. When it is God's time, everything comes easy, whether it's the first or second time around!

  18. Last day of the month. Time for me to collect all of our proof of relationship evidence for January.

    1. Ochili


      Yes, I don't want to have to compile all of this in one sitting!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. We need prayers...and ideas! Since Divine started working, my ex has been picking up our son from the bus stop in the afternoon. I pay the ex $35 per week to pick up our six year old cause he doesn't have J.O.B. and has no ambition to get one. Today he tells me he is out of gas after picking our son up for two days. I need prayer for a sitter in the afternoon for my baby. Someone who will be good to him, work on homework, play with him outside and just be there until we get home ...

    1. Ochili


      The hardship waiver would be great. I just pray it all works out SOONEST.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  20. We need prayers...and ideas! Since Divine started working, my ex has been picking up our son from the bus stop in the afternoon. I pay the ex $35 per week to pick up our six year old cause he doesn't have J.O.B. and has no ambition to get one. Today he tells me he is out of gas after picking our son up for two days. I need prayer for a sitter in the afternoon for my baby. Someone who will be good to him, work on homework, play with him outside and just be there until we get home ...

    1. Ochili


      HES=Human Environmental Sciences. Sorry about that!

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  21. We need prayers...and ideas! Since Divine started working, my ex has been picking up our son from the bus stop in the afternoon. I pay the ex $35 per week to pick up our six year old cause he doesn't have J.O.B. and has no ambition to get one. Today he tells me he is out of gas after picking our son up for two days. I need prayer for a sitter in the afternoon for my baby. Someone who will be good to him, work on homework, play with him outside and just be there until we get home ...

    1. Ochili


      Prayers going up, NOW. I'd check with your church and around UA for a reliable college student. Try calling the HES building because that's where the child development majors are. They may have some leads for you.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  22. Doing my praise dance this morning. MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN APPROVED.!!!! Grateful, grateful, grateful. Thanks VJ family for all the support and words of wisdom

    1. Ochili


      Praise God! I'm so happy for the both of you!

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  23. I made Egusi stew this weekend. Had to throw out the first batch, a very large pot. Almost made me cry! ...Just a heads up on my sisters who will try to cook it here...dried bitter leaf holds grit no matter how many times you wash it, or how long you soak it...and I found out the hard way. But, I cooked a second batch and used fresh Spinich for the vegetable. It took four bags to be enough for the pot. The second was a sucess and my husband says it gets better each day. Its almost gone......

    1. Ochili


      I cook a lot of different foods from a bunch of different cultures so I have to venture to different places to get what I need! I go to the regular grocery store and leave empty handed sometimes. LOL

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  24. I made Egusi stew this weekend. Had to throw out the first batch, a very large pot. Almost made me cry! ...Just a heads up on my sisters who will try to cook it here...dried bitter leaf holds grit no matter how many times you wash it, or how long you soak it...and I found out the hard way. But, I cooked a second batch and used fresh Spinich for the vegetable. It took four bags to be enough for the pot. The second was a sucess and my husband says it gets better each day. Its almost gone......

    1. Ochili


      There's an Asian market on Greensboro across the street from Church's chicken. Not sure of the name. Then there's another one on 15th St, Mr Chen's. It's next to Family Dollar back behind the bread company. I think Mr. Chen's would be your best bet.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  25. I made Egusi stew this weekend. Had to throw out the first batch, a very large pot. Almost made me cry! ...Just a heads up on my sisters who will try to cook it here...dried bitter leaf holds grit no matter how many times you wash it, or how long you soak it...and I found out the hard way. But, I cooked a second batch and used fresh Spinich for the vegetable. It took four bags to be enough for the pot. The second was a sucess and my husband says it gets better each day. Its almost gone......

    1. Ochili


      They didn't have any dried shrimp at the Asian market? I doubt Manna would have anything.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

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