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Posts posted by Eveline

  1. Ach, ich kenne so einige Muetter, die sich auch waehrend der Wehen noch online melden :). Da waere steffi nicht die erste gewesen udn wenn die Wehen so unregelmaessig kommen kann man ja auch noch schreiben. Ich hoffe mal, dass der Kleine nun da ist.

    Schoen, dass Eloise so gut zunimmt und yay fuer Stoffwindeln. Ehrlich gesagt bin ich aber froh, dass wir aus dem Alter raus sind. Keine Windeln mehr..ahhh wie nett.

  2. Ach, mir ist es wirklich egal. Ich bekomm eh nie Antworten wenn ich mal was schreibe. Die einzigen, die immer drauf eingehen sind Anna oder Steffi, da kann ich auch hier schreiben. Ich versteh es ja auch, meine Kinder sind wahrlich keine Babies mehr und von daher haben wir auch in der Baby Corner nix mehr zu suchen. Ich finde den Angelcare reine Geldmacherei aber wer sich damit wohler und sicherer fuehlt, dann ist das gut so.

    Hat wer was von Steffi gehoert? Sie schrieb gestern nur, dass sie 'auf dem rechten Weg" sei und nur noch regelmaessigere Wehen braeuchte. Waere ja toll, wenn der Kleene heute geboren wird, an meinem Geburtstag und Ben hat am gleichen Tag wie mein Bruder Geburtstag :).

  3. Lisa: Don't worry about leaving...I'm out of here. I apologize for giving you sleepless nights. My comment was not meant to be offensive. I'm sure whatever your choices are, they are right, just like everybody elses choice...It's not like you go out and buy the next best thing out there...you've probably thought about it and figured it was what you needed and obviously for you it works wonderful so that is great.

    I'm out of here-it's a baby corner, my kids are too old so what the heck am I still doing here.

  4. I don't get the Angelcare hype for a couple of reasons. 1. there's electricity running right under your baby. I wouldn't wanna sleep with my laptop in my bet, let alone my cell phone next to me so I won't put my baby on one of those things. 2. it gives a false sense of security as it doesn't prevent SIDS. If SIDS - god forbid - happens, babies will most likely not be revived. 3. I have heard it has a high rate of false alams, freaking parents out way too much.

  5. schwangere Stefanie: Na nu aber...vielleicht kommt der Kleene ja nun bald. Alles Gute.

    Stefanie: Hoffentlich bekommt Colin den Urlaub bald genehmigt. Ich hab das auch gehasst damals im Militaer. Vor allem mag man ja seine Fluege etwas im Voraus buchen und nicht last minute.

    @Fluegler: Ich hab bisher nur einmal schlechte Erfahrungen mit LH gemacht. Bin ja paarmal mit Kindern geflogen und kann mich ansonsten nicht beschweren. Ich habe IMMER ein Bassinett bekommen udn hatte einmal am Tag vor Flug noch ganz kurzfristig eins reserviert und das auch bekommen. Kommt oft auch auf die flight attendants an, wie die drauf sind. Die letzte auf dem Flug nach Dlt. hatte wohl ihre Tage oder Stress mit ihrem Ollen, die war ganz schoen grantig und tauchte nach der "Schlafenszeit" dann bei uns in der Reihe gar nicht mehr auf. Die hat sich nur ueber die Eltern aufgeregt...dumme Kuh. Ansonsten aber waren alle immer total nett und hilfsbereit.

  6. I can only speak for my group of moms, we have formula feeders and breastfeeders and we all get along with one another. I don't know if I just don't feel the 'hate' part because I was the one breastfeeding and I hope I never gave anyone the impression that they were 'less of a mother' for giving formula for whatever reason. If I did, it sure wasn't intentional. We have moms collecting coupons and samples of formula and giving it to the moms who need it. There's no bashing or whatnot.

    So far, knock on wood my kids didn't have RSV...and if they did then I didn't notice (if that is even an option).

  7. @Twila: I had about the same feelings - like you about not being able to bf - after the c/section. I had some baby blues going and got so angry when I read or heard about birth stories. These moms got what I wanted and I wanted to explain so bad but then you're being judged on it. Anyway. It's getting better. I'm not angry no more. I guess over time you come to terms with it.

  8. @Chnst: Oh no, poor girl. I hope this baby will make an entrance soon so you'll be able to move agian. Sorry the membrane sweep was painful. I never felt it was painful, just the 'pops' felt funny but just a little uncomfy.

  9. Lisa, way to go. I made babyfood for both kids, moreso for Adam than for Allie. I pureed and mashed like crazy and stocked up the freezer. I liked to add pureed barley to most of the stuff to get Adam's digestive system going. Also I happily mixed fruits and veggies, like green beans and applesauce...you could only taste the applesauce and Adam just munched down everything. With Allie I didn't bother to make as much. She was on regular tablefood way earlier, mainly because it was easier but also because she's a little hardheaded and would not eat the 'special food' so there for a while I made a bunch of sweet potato fries every week to give to the kids.

    Acutally...I think I should make some sweet potato fries again...I haven't had those in a while and they are so good.

    Have you checked out www.wholesomebabyfood.com? Very interesting and lots of information.

  10. @Steffi: You could have BEn 'give' the pacis to the new baby and get him a big boy toy instead or something. We took the paci away from Adam when he was just over two years old. First day was awful, especially at night but after that it was better. I did have one with me on our way back from Germany to the US (we were visiting Oma and Opa back then) just in case he freaked out about something but he never needed it.

    Allie however is my thumb sucker and I have started to tell her that big girls don't suck their thumb and I have even put on nailpolish on her thumbs and told her that now she can't suck them no more. She gets it when she's awake but as soon as she's sleeping it's just a reflex and those thumbs go in her mouth.

    She's hilarious though..I'm watching her right now trying to put a diaper on her little chair LOL

  11. I love your post Chnst...I have to disagree on the 'healthy' part too though...my kids were both exclusively breastfed, both for 12months and longer and - at least Allie - is sick all the time...you know our struggles with ear infections and bronchial issues so I really don't believe in that anymore. Other than that I'm all about breastfeeding and everything that comes with it :)

  12. @SteffiH: Ach Mensch. Mein Beileid...wie traurig. Ich wuensch dir und deiner Familie alles Gute.

    VIel Glueck auch mit euren Umzugsmoeglichkeiten. Schade, dass Miguel hier keinen Job findet.

    @NIna: Deine Lieblingsulli muss schon wieder weg? Ich dachte sie wollte in den USA studieren oder war das nur der Plan B? Ihr scheint ja immer ne Menge Spass miteinander zu haben.

    @Stefanie: Denk ich schon, dass das normal ist. Nun ist ja euer leben auch nicht gerade langweilig, da setzt der Eisrpung gerne mal aus. Ich hatte damals in meinem Aupairjahr nur zweimal meine Tage wohl verursacht durch die ganze Lebensumstellung. Ich wuerd dem noch bisschen Zeit geben und hoffentlich pendelt sich so nach und nach alles ein. Vielleicht kann dir Anna oder Steffi dazu aber noch mehr sagen.

  13. Yay Kelly..so happy you're home. Have fun getting to know your little girl.

    @Steffi: Membrane stripping never worked with me either. I had them stripped with Allie ummmmm.....3 times. I actually turned around one time to run back into the doctor's office and asked him if he could just really quick sweep them :rofl: . I was desperate. That was on August 8, 2008 and I remember it because it was a friday and we had planned the repeat c/s for the 11th (Monday). On August 9th my Ob called and said he cancelled the c/s. Everybody always says, baby will come when he/she is ready and your body is ready...I don't know...I was already 4cm dilated at that point...how much 'readier' can you get??? I didnt' get one cramp after either membrane sweep. It didn't hurt either, it was uncomfortable but not painful.

  14. @C&E: Du bestellst ein ganz normales Fuehrungszeugnis fuer private Zwecke. Darauf muss nichts uebersetzt werden und eine apostille ist auch nicht benoetigt. Nur das FZ reicht vollkommen. Alles Gute.

    @Chnst: Mensch..dass du das ueberhaupt mitmachst. Ist ja auch nicht gut fuers Kind und dir gehts - von dem was ich hier so lese - nun auch nicht so prickelnd. Alles Gute, auf dass der Herr bald kommt.

  15. @Kelly: Yay for Epis and easy births :). Glad to hear everything went so easy after all those troubles you went through. It's funny how different your own children can be and look. Adam doesn't look like either me or Eric, now he acts like Eric but looks like my brother or my dad...so weird. Allie looks like me. I can totally see myself in her. My poor husband, his genes weren't as strong I guess LOL. Now characteristically they are completely different. Where Adam is such a snuggler and easy going Allie is a little stinker, throwing fits all the time, not listening etc..argh. She's giving me a hard time.

    @Autumnchick: Glad to hear everything is alright. I'm glad to live in Texas where it never snows :whistle: (well..once a year or so for a few hours) or the roads hardly ever ice over. I love snow and like to play in it but no longer than maybe one or two days please, then it can be 70F and springtime again.

  16. @Kelly: Congratulations. I saw that she was a big baby and I love the pictures. What a precious little thing. Enjoy her.

    @Steffi: Nope, no snow, not this year. Our chance is over :). Adam actually does vomit in the bowl, Allie gets kinda scared by what's happening and fights it so hard but she puked in it once. She didn't have anything since late Sunday night so I guess she's over it.

  17. @Steffi: Oh no, I'm so sorry. It breaks my heart to hear what all of you have to go through. I hope the surgery will be quick and easy for Ben and that he'll make a quick recovery to be back in "Ben-mode" :whistle: . Good luck. I like how you're looking at the bright side of it (as in "surgery isn't until March" etc) but I can only imagine what goes through your mind as his mommy.

    @Kelly: Hang in there. Those last days are terrible. I had the same thing with Allie. We were back and forth membrane stripping, no labor, castor oil, LABOR...no labor over night, membrane stripping, nada, membrane stripping, nada..first induction, NOPE..no baby, second induction finally worked LOL. I was frustrated too. I hope baby Salma makes her big entrance soon. She's just waiting for the perfect moment. Good luck to you too.

    @Anna: Glad to hear that baby Eloise is healthy and happy and eating good. I can't imagine having such a little thing in my house anymore. But...been there, done that :star: .

    As for us...ahhh this whole week has been rather blah...I hope next week is getting better. First we had stupid weather, ice etc..everybody went insane so I cancelled my trip to a workshop that I wanted to go to...the day before daycare quit on us because it was so cold they couldn't keep the building warm (and there are obviously still moms who send their daughters to school in skirts with knee high boots and little t-shirts :bonk: , while it's 25 degrees outside)...anyway...then my finances at work didn't match up and I couldn't figure out what was going on, I messed up my Saturday morning cinnamon rolls (lol..that REALLY bothers me :rofl: ), sprained my toe by tripping over Allie's shoe, and when we got back from a Superbowl Party Allie threw up on me...argh...wonderful. This is stomach bug ummm three or so THIS YEAR. This can only get better right???

    That's it. I'm going to watch some online TV, I have given both kids instructions to vomit into bowls when they feel like it (Allie's sleeping here with me, Adam seems fine but who knows) and my husband of course had to take off at 630pm to meet a friend. Thanks husband.

    Evi out :).

  18. Naja, ich versteh schon, warum sie den Notstand ausrufen. Es gibt hier unten nichtmal Eiskratzer fuer's Auto. War sicher auch gut, dass die Schulen geschlossen waren denn es gab etliche (800!!!!) Unfaelle heute, 8 fatalities aus insgesamt drei Counties. Die Leute sind es nicht gewohnt in solchen Bedingungen zu fahren, Winterreifen kennt man hier auch nicht. Es ist schon selten, dass es ueberhaupt so kalt ist. Heute war es den ganzen Tag immer um null Grad. Klar ist es nicht soo schlimm fuer die Leute, die das in Dtl. lesen oder Chicago oder ihr New Yorker aber fuer uns hier im Sueden ist es echt ne Besonderheit.

    Nuja, ich denke es ist hauptsaechlich auch die Enttaeuschung, vor allem weil ich nun auch den Kindern gesagt hatte, dass es schneien wird (hatten ja ne 80% chance) und es war aber nix. Dann erklaert man halt wieder warum, und dass nix kommen wird etc...blah. Das naechste mal sag ich besser gar nichts mehr bis es passiert. Bisschen Schnee waere schon nett oder wenigstens wieder Temperaturen in den 70ern so wie letzte Woche, damit man wenigstens auf den Spielplatz kann.

  19. Uns ist seit Tagen erzaehlt worden, dass es 2-4 inches schneien soll. Gestern hiess es, Schnee kommt vor 12 noon also hab ich meinen Trip abgesagt (wollte zu nem election workshop), dann hiess es 3pm, dann 7pm, dann before midnight und nun kam gar nuescht. Nicht ein Kruemel schnee und somit wird jetzt im TV gezeigt, dass das ein oder andere Auto nen 2cm Eiszapfen am Spiegel haengen hat :innocent: . Der flughafen ist gestern geschlossen worden, dabei war weder SChnee noch Eis in Sicht. Find das alles so uebertrieben. Heute ist ALLES zu, Strassen gesperrt, Schulen geschlossen etc.

  20. Good luck tomorrow Kelly. I'm so excited for you.

    @chnst: Take it easy. You seem so stressed out lately. I don't think I would be able to do what you do. I hope your little man keeps cooking a little longer.

  21. OMG Kelly...wow that is awesome. I can't tell you just how excited I am about Salma turning back around. Lets hope she'll stay like that until Monday. I heard some people hold alarm clocks to the 'you know where' so baby turns that way LOL

  22. Yeah, Motrin is fine. I don't know what her problem was. It was a mandatory appointment for WIC and that lady didn't know what I went through. I took 800mg three times daily, plus other stuff (stool softeners etc whatnot). I honestly - at that point - didn't care for Adam. I didn't care if it might go in the milk or so...I just didn't want to be in pain anymore.

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