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Posts posted by clayr1

  1. Bring any documents that can support your case( letters back and forth, western union receipts, phone records) I would suggest being prepared for next step if she fails, afterall if she passes then great. If she fails next interview then get married before you come back and file for a spouse visa not the fiance visa. At least you can claim her as a tax dependant and it shows that the relationship is real. It will be tough to overcome the short timeline but you have a chance at overcoming this on 2nd interview. If they send it back with a denial then you are back at the beginning. Good Luck, but be overly prepared.

  2. Look on the bright side, you have a chance to correct your first mistakes so do it. Fiance visa is very hard to get approved and is easily rejected. If possible go to Vietnam to the Consulate before her interview and have your visit recorded. Anything you can do to help would be great. The last thing you want is for it to be kicked back to US because then you have to refile so you are another year plus before she will interview again

  3. But the most important thing is that the illegal immigrants are already in this country!! Our loved ones can't get past the airport in their home country!! Legal US citizens are suffering while the illegals are here and have a multitude of lawyers and politicians and cities (San Fran) that will protect them. We pay for their law breaking. So an illegal immigrant has to learn english La Ti F*****g Da. Has Obama ever been to chinatown? There's plenty of legal residents who don't speak english. Let me guess we need to hire some additional teachers at tax payer expense to teach them english. His speech meant nil. Just more of his BS. He tells all the consulates to deny causing problems so we will support his reforms when he makes the problem to begin with. I saw the other day on headline news ticker that he is proposing higher greencard fees. See the more we get turned down the more we have to file giving the gov't money for their coffers which is a TAX (money paid to gov't is a tax) If you refile, the legwork has already been done so what do they spend $455 on? I say we picket outside US consulate in Saigon on an agreed upon date, let them arrest us, get it on camera and send it to the news. We need to bring attention to our problem nationally to get anything done. Funny how med students get their visas quickly and nuclear engineers who go to work for the US gov't get their visas quick but not us. It is beyond me what they have to gain by continually telling us to wait, Wait for what?

  4. My fiance was asked if she knew we had to have wedding in 90 days she did not know this. Make plans but spend no money. She HAS to know date, place, who's invited, and destination of honeymoon. My fiance was grilled on all this and failed. I urge you to take the wedding and honeymoon seriously!!!!!!!!!!!! A printed invitation in CO's hand would be helpful make it 4-5 months from date of interview. It is far better to be prepared for this line of questioning and not need it than to be denied for lack of wedding plans. She has to know this exactly as your written information submitted for wedding.. Take it from someone who got denied because of it. If she does not know honeymoon date and destination and wedding details it is an automatic blue and you have another 2 years to get to another interview.

  5. Keep writing and calling your congressman and senator ask for a 5 minute meeting. You don't want them to send the paperwork back to state dept then you have another problem. I would be thinking lawsuit but that's more money. I'm like you, I have no confidence in this system. Personally I think Obama is trying to create more problems in the immigration system so he can have support for his immigration overhaul and he comes to save the day. Did you see his speech the other day? What possible gain does the US govt get to continually deny us visas?

  6. I'll be glad to sign up. Finally someone who recognizes the problem at consulate in Saigon and is doing something. Everyday I see on the news some politician talking immigration reform but says nothing about the process we have to go through legally. So are they going to push some reform to help illegals get citizenship and leave us out? I don't think so. Because some unidentified piece of s**t at the consulate I have to start over and wait another year plus and nothing I can do about it. So it will take 3 years to get to 2nd interview? What's wrong with this picture?

  7. Wow you got to be kidding me!!!!!! You have been going through this for 5 years?????? I beleive that USA is the communist country not Vietnam. Why should we go through this hardship and the illegals in USA only have to jump the fence in Mexico and they will have politicians fighting for them and do nothing for us. I would do what Jerome did if you can if you don't have extenuating circumstances( job, family, house) give them what they ask for but have a plan B if it doesn't work. You should write your congressman/senator often if you haven't done so already. I met with my congressman so they will at least respond but are of little help. I filed K1, got the blue, refiled and am still stuck on initial review with USCIS after 680 days since first filing. I feel for you brother. If they are asking for proof of a bona fide relationship then you are up against some stupid people. They think you are pulling a sham for 5 years? Have you gone to the consulate yourself?

  8. The part that gets me is that on the state dept website it says do not make wedding plans because visas can take weeks or months to be issued so why make it a point to say no evidence of a wedding? This is a prime example of dealing with the government. I have made umpteen phone calls to USCIS and state dept and get no where. USA is the communist country.

    The part that gets me is that on the state dept website it says do not make wedding plans because visas can take weeks or months to be issued so why make it a point to say no evidence of a wedding? This is a prime example of dealing with the government. I have made umpteen phone calls to USCIS and state dept and get no where. USA is the communist country.

    The part that gets me is that on the state dept website it says do not make wedding plans because visas can take weeks or months to be issued so why make it a point to say no evidence of a wedding? This is a prime example of dealing with the government. I have made umpteen phone calls to USCIS and state dept and get no where. USA is the communist country.

    The part that gets me is that on the state dept website it says do not make wedding plans because visas can take weeks or months to be issued so why make it a point to say no evidence of a wedding? This is a prime example of dealing with the government. I have made umpteen phone calls to USCIS and state dept and get no where. USA is the communist country.

  9. Go to the nail salons in your city there are many Vietnamese work there and maybe they can start you at a job polishing nails. You can also look in the phone book for last name Nguyen call them and tell them your situation maybe they will help. If you do get a job at say the mall selling clothes just by being around people who talk english all day you will pick it up quicker. Everyday you will get better so do not worry. Best way to learn to drive is get your husband to take you to the go cart track or golf course and pay to drive a cart. You will learn the steering wheel and pedals.

  10. I recently refiled a K1 visa but under advice from a friend I am wondering if I should go back to Vietnam and get married then file K3. Can the COs fail her just as easily? They denied us for "no proof of legitimate relationship" wouldn't getting married take care of this? If you are married why deny you now? I am just worried we could get turned down again on a K1.

  11. I am curious, for those of you who had to go to a 2nd interview, were the questions any easier? Did it take as long as it took to get to the first interview? I recently refiled a K1 but on second thought I feel like I should go to Vietnam and get married. The first filing took 15 months from USCIS receipt to interview so I don't know what if anything will be different. What do you do if you fail again? I am also reading on the internet that if I get a work permit in Canada then you can bring your wife maybe all she has to do is go to the Canadian consulate in Saigon and I can file her paperwork here with my work permit. Any suggestions?

  12. Jim is 100% right if they are asking you silly questions then they are looking for any slip up to deny. I highly suggest you write each other 1 a week this is important. KEEP the envelopes it shows postage to and from US to Vietnam, you want to go to the interview with 30 envelopes from him to you and 30 from you to him. This is the best written evidence of communicating there is. You can go to the US consulate and watch the people coming out when they have an interview and ask them what was asked and you will see all kinds of dumb reasons for denial. Please treat this interview like it is a trial for your life and you need to have overwhelming evidence of your relationship.

  13. Take this advice from someone who has had difficulty getting K1 visa for my fiance. If I had to do it all over again then I would have gotten married This is more proof of a relationship. If you go to the interview and fail (like my fiance did) you are in for a world of delay and will have to refile and you won't get a second interview for at least 1 year. Right now you need to do the following: webcam chat both of you need to print the conversation, he needs to make a copy of his phone bill and send you a copy every month with calls to and from, write each other EVERY week I know the mail in Vietnam may not be reliable and some may not get to you keep the envelopes with the postage for this is written proof I would say you need 30 letters to and from for each, If he comes to Vietnam make copies of plane tickets and his travel visa, Just a stub from plane ticket is not enough. Please treat this interview like it is a trial for your LIFE and you need to have overwhelming evidence of your relationship. When he comes to Vietnam go take your picture in front of US consulate pictures must provide date so get a camera that puts the date on the photos. If you get a hotel room get them to put both your names on the register and give you this in writing. If you read all these posts from others you will see the stupid questions they ask at interview and they will ask you things that have nothing to do with 2 people in love such as Give the names of some of his friends, Where and what date will you take hooneymoon, fully describe his job,livelyhood, and family, when did he graduate high school, etc. I know you want to save money but lawyers will tell you the K1 visa is easier and faster to get but the K3 spouse is more definate proof of relationship plus he can claim you as a dependant on his taxes. I do not wish to scare you but please realize if the consular officer finds the smallest weak link in your evidence of a relationship they will do the easy thing and decline you. And the only way to get a second chance is to refile or do a rebuttal both of which will take in excess of a year. GOOD LUCK

  14. I think the petitioner should be interviewed as well, especially if you were turned down the first time. At least give you a chance to disprove the CO finding in person and in a timely fashion. Come on, when you ask my fiance where I went to high school, that was 23 years ago. All of my descrepancies could be easily explained. Why the need to start back at the beginning? It's just more money they get to collect. I understand the motive to commit fraud, especially from a poor country, but 10 minutes of someone's time is not that much to ask. So if she passes the next interview does the state dept not think they made a mistake the first time?

  15. Thanks for the replies, I see others have varying degrees of opinion. For those of you who say the nation has bigger problems, I respect your opinion. As far as the public would not support this I disagree because I feel most people support immigration to US when it is done the legal way. The part that makes no sense is that if you fail the interview you have to wait a year or more and pay again. If you want to do a rebuttal it takes just as long and you have to pay also. CO decision is based soley on an interview with the benficiary whom they have met once and no contact with the petitioner. This makes no sense. This is designed to make you give up. There are other ways to weed out the scammers like the ideas given on previous posts. I just want to bring it to the politicians attention the problems with immigration done the legal way and then they can see why there is so much illegal immgration to US. But this is all committed by those who can simply come across a porous border not done by those who need to board a plane. I still say the best way to bring attention to this matter is to bombard their mail with letters containing the problems of our cases and let them know how broke the system is. How many of you have emailed different agencies only to get some generic response saying nothing? How many tried calling state dept and gotten nowhere? Ever email or try to call the consulate in any country? I have asked for 10 minutes of someone's time to disprove CO findings and found their only answer is to refile and wait. I know there are those on this board who disagree but for those of you who are unsatisfied with how your case is going, I urge you to write a respectful letter to your senators and congressman tell them your experience and maybe something can be done. At least make them aware of what goes on, I still am told by some that "Oh it only takes 6-9 months to get your wife to USA" Like one of the responses said that 10% of the denials are legit relationships then there's the thousands I am addressing to make your voice heard. As many times that we are told by USCIS to wait I can't see anything better to do with that time but to get our problems in front of the very people who make the rules. I know at least 5 people who now live in Vietnam because they couldn't get their spouse/fiance a visa, Who is the communist country now?

  16. I have read many posts on this site of people's problems with immigration. I want to take a poll and give people a thought of what to do. On a daily basis we see the topic of immigration on tv. Politicians have their opinion and where they stand and the general public have differing views as well. We need to pay attention to where our senators and congressmen stand on this issue. Here's why, I have yet to hear any politician mention that there is already people waiting in line for a visa, why should any illegal immigrant get in line ahead of us? I have filed a K1 visa 660 days ago, my fiance got the blue sheet and I have refiled now I have another year plus to wait for another interview. I have written my congressman and senators and to my delight I at least got a written response. This however is not enough. We need to put pressure on our politicians to include our plight on any immigration reform that they may vote for, if not we cannot support them. On this board there are plenty of people who are having excruciating wait times for a visa for our loved ones and we are not about to give our place in line to someone else. I urge everyone to write their congressman and senators and tell them your story if you are unhappy with your wait time. Fill their mailboxes with letters and let them know WE are the victims of government delays with immigration. Unfortunately we are all individuals on this site and have no unity, this is why it is so easy for our problems to go unnoticed by the very ones who can do something about it. Is there any reason you should pay all these fees in duplicate (petitions, medical checkups,etc) and sit quitely while your file sits and collects dust until someone finally moves it to the next step? Irregardless of your political views or party, I urge you to respond to this post and let me know how you feel. I especially want you to make your story and problems heard by the politicians who make and shape the rules. Think about it, if we were to dump 3000 letters a week to our congressmen and senators asking for followup or take action and do this every week then maybe our wait time problems would be addressed. Rather than writing woe is me posts, if you are having a problem, write letters to the very people who may be voting on future immigration legislation and tell them you need their help. There is no reason to be in AP for 6 months, refiling and starting over at square one, and undergoing unreasonable delays for answers. How many out there have waited 2 plus years for a visa? I live in Myrtle Beach SC and every summer there are hundreds if not thousands of foreign exchange students who come here and work the summer. Some of whom either overstay their visa or get married in a hurry and presto they got a green card. Look at all the hurdles we have to overcome. I welcome everyone's response.

  17. Here's what you don't know; when the sham weddings get a visa and as soon as the green card is issued they wait 3-6 months then file for divorce. This is public record and I am sure the consulate CO's are aware of these statistics so they deny more often than not. Think about it, for all of us who write and comment on this site we are not the ones doing fraud marriages, its the people who read posts but never comment and are not members only looking for info and looking for what problems they need to address. Look what has happened with adoption in Vietnam a few years ago, people taking money to do "paperwork" and literally buying kids to be adopted. Now the adoptions came to a halt. If Vietnam was not so full of fraud relationships there would be no need for all the denials except to cull the numbers of visas to issue. Their goal is for you to quit and then there's one less. Next time I go to Saigon I plan to wait outside the consulate one day they have interviews and count the blue sheets and compare to the pink sheets I bet its 10 blue for every 1 pink.

  18. iTuan, you have to realize that they are GOD and enjoy f*****g up peoples lives. They have a quota and need to cull the numbers. Soccer whereabouts and players' names are not why she failed. This is so they can justify when they say you do not have valid relationship. Honestly on the next interview they won't ask about players' names it will be something else if they want to fail you. I met another guy in Saigon whose fiance failed because she couldn't describe San Jose, CA very well and the man didn't have any of his family members at the Dam Hoi in their pictures. This is a numbers game and I would advise you to write to each other once a week this is the best proof of contact and save the envelopes also write to your senator and congressman often and save any correspondence they send you. Their goal is to wait you out hoping you will quit and they can wipe their hands clean. This is a simple luck of the draw to get a CO who is in a good mood and liked his coffee.

  19. Hey Scott, I'm on day 655 since filing first K-1 and only recently refiled. Nothing I can do to get her paperwork moved up the line either. I have written my congressman and 2 senators and they have at least responded. I think you should as well and keep any letters they send to you maybe it will help to have this for the next interview. Hang in there you are not the only one.

  20. Hey Jerome have you met any other Americans with your same situation? Last time I was in Saigon I went to US consulate and met 7 other men like us trying to straighten out their fiance/wives visa problem. I am wondering if you have met others who now live in Vietnam because US consulate denied their visas? My fiance got the same wording as you on the blue sheet stating they felt we were trying to evade immigration laws. Mybe you can email me privately you did once before last year. riggsbeeclay@yahoo.com Thanks.

  21. yes 2nd petition was sent certified and they recieved it. check not being cashed is a concern since they got it 4 weeks ago. Jerome, you live in Vietnam now? What do you do to earn a living? Are you there to stay?

  22. Jerome, has your wife/fiance gotten here yet? I know your case is getting old. Recently I have wrote to congressman and senator. First K1 visa was filed aug 2008. Scott I got letter from USCIS in vermont saying administratively closed because original validity dates have passed, It also says no further action is required. I have not gotten NOID unless this is it. Yes consulate in saigon is done with me . I have not been sent any other letter offering me opportunity to rebut anything. My fiance has only gone to 1 interview oct 2009. Hope this answers things, my application was approved 1/5/09 so it took 10 months for first interview. I have now filed new K1 3/10 under advise from USCIS 18003755283

  23. If you have filed a new application without the first one actually being closed this could cause a problem, it might make even more delays than normal. The first thing that should be noted is that on your first denial, have you confronted all their reasons for denial? If they denied you once and you can not dispute those reasons this time around it is more than likely that you will get denied again. The most important fact is that you have not gotten any notice that your case is over with, no letter stating you have the option for a rebuttal, and no notice that your application has expired. When our application was denied we got the first letter stating we could have the chance to do a rebuttal and that our case was being sent back to america, then a few months later we got a new letter, stating that the application had expired, at that moment we had the option to refile, but we did not have an option for a rebuttal since the case was dead (expired). Remember this is not racing there are not any short cuts that allow you to skip steps to get a jump on things. I would start to email where you sent your check to, and call there as well, try to figure out what the hold up is, but remember the first time how long it took then, it will take as long the second time as well, did you request a waiver on the IMBRA act? Did you sign the check? Did you have the correct address? I know these sound like stupid questions but a simple mistake can cause months of delays. No K1 visa should take years to process, but if there was a rebuttal done, or serious problems with the case then it might happen, but as a norm it usually takes about 10 months from start to finish, this is if it gets denied and they let the case expire, but if they reaffirm or do a rebuttal this is when it might take years. I hope this has given you some insight, and I know you hate the words "WAIT" but at this point this is really the only thing you can do. Good Luck Jerome

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