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Status Replies posted by patient2010

  1. 72 days.... its coming but not quick enough!

  2. Big week this week...custody hearing this week for children and should have some progress from USCIS by September 16th....God's will and timing...it is perfect. My dear Lord, you alone are worthy of all my praise. Bring peace to my soul...Thank you for all your attention to my heart. Prepare the hearts and minds of the court and USCIS...to your glory.

  3. I humble myself on this day to countdown the weeks for I know my GOD is a faithful GOD and will do what he said he will do 7weeks to go until my Fiance has his Interview I am standing on the mountain TOP!!!!

  4. I was told by NVC it would be any where from 6-8 wks before they get the case info in the system...I'm believing God to have all of this completed by the end of the month!

  5. My dear Lord and Father...some days are really hard...you know me. I am a go getter...I get things done. Waiting has never been my strong suit. Father, my heart longs for my beloved and family. It hurts today and somehow I have not been able to apply any comforting balm. I still see your handiwork...September 16th is the date set by USCIS as "you should receive something in writing within 30 days"...September 16th is the date of the custody hearing in court for the children. Fa...

  6. 52 days since NOA1

  7. 85 days. How can days move so slow?

  8. I can't believe our interview date is now within 2 months . . .All I can do now is pray that he will be with me before the year is out.

  9. Visa Approved For U.S! Off To NVC It Goes! Thank God!

  10. USCIS-Cali is working on March 16, 2010 cases as of Friday. Thank God I know something. They want me to check back in 10-15 more days, since mine is March 26!

  11. 9 weeks to go until my fiance interview...I STAND on GODS word and I believe my season is right around the corner...OH how awesome my GOD Is!!!!

  12. My sweetie has his interview date for Nov. 19th, he has done all the tests and such on his end. Called NVC they keep telling me to wait for my notice from them-it has been over two months. Mostly trying to get prepared for the interview for him-never know what to expect-wish I had an extra $2000 handy to fly out and time off, but I don't. Now trying to figure out how to get his stuff here-thinking maybe 8 suitcases to start his life here? Any tips for that would be helpful!

  13. So we know our/well his interview date, I have yet to get any letter from NVC, and I don't think there are "packets" given in Nigeria-as the mail system isn't great, he has gotten emails after emailing him-is this normal people?

  14. 10 weeks to go until fiance interview i claim victory now in the name of Jesus!!!

  15. Visa will be in hand soon. Thanks to the Lord!

  16. one day at a time.... 102 days to the interview.... why Ghana do you have to be sooo slow!

  17. one day at a time.... 102 days to the interview.... why Ghana do you have to be sooo slow!

  18. one day at a time.... 102 days to the interview.... why Ghana do you have to be sooo slow!

  19. one day at a time.... 102 days to the interview.... why Ghana do you have to be sooo slow!

  20. one day at a time.... 102 days to the interview.... why Ghana do you have to be sooo slow!

  21. I am looking forward to have a flat mate!!! Ha ha can't wait till this process is over and we are married and making babies... feeling silly today, realizing all my dreams are gonna come true!!!

  22. Monday morning...Praying that the immigration officer that is assigned to my case is having a great morning! Drink an extra cup on coffee and get cracking on my case...God direct the path and bring it to completion in you great time!! All praise to you alone...your faithful daughter

  23. I have filed my petition, waited on NOA1 and NOA2, went through AP at the NVC got an interview date for November and I am still worrying GOD help me!!!!

  24. 13 weeks until my interview I got the sweet sweet VICTORY

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