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Status Updates posted by JustUs

  1. Looks like it is just you and I stuck in AP.

    : (

  2. All paperwork completed and submitted. All bills paid. Praying for closure soon. Praying for no RFE's.

  3. Any word yet regarding an interview?

  4. Best of luck on Monday!

  5. Confirmed - CASE CLOSED - We are in the looooooooonnnnnnng line! Oh Happy Day!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heather Rae

      Heather Rae

      congrats...happy that they aren't screwing up your cases like mine...Not sure I got the strength to keep enduring all the ####### they giving me...for no reason should have gotten my letter of case closed and was expecting it instead another missing form....Any way Congrats...

    3. JustUs


      What is going on! What are you missing? You know you better hang in there girl - I won't accept that talk from you!!!

    4. Midea


      Am with you girlll......my case got closed in Dec. 2010.

      God is goin to do it again!

  6. Congratulations! Nothing better than hearing of victories in Ghana! Best of luck with your marriage.

  7. Congratulations! You can request your transcripts to be faxed to you so that you can get them the same day. Your baby is coming home!!!

  8. Finally - got a SIF!!!

  9. Hanging in AP with you my friend. We have been there since my husband's interview in October, 2011.

  10. Hello - saw your post. My husband is in the same status for the same amount of time - just a different embassy. I have written to everybody I possible could - including President Obama. Senators and Congressman get the same response that we get. If we haven't received any good news by the end of this year we are planning on creating a petition on the US government site called We The People.

  11. Hello and welcome to visa journey. Congratulations on your marriage. Have you started the visa process?

  12. Hello and welcome to VJ. Looks like we are working on a similar time-line. Lets stay in touch.

  13. Hey Andy - welcome to VJ!

  14. Hey Skyla - Welcome to the longest journey of your life! : )

  15. Hoping all went well for your interview yesterday.

  16. I have posted the petition on my facebook page. Thank you for getting it started.

  17. Interview Scheduled! YES!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. patracy


      oh wow......hmmm God willing am heading to ghana next week, something is not right.

    3. JustUs


      I was in Ghana in November and visited the Embassy. I was told there was nothing we could do but wait. Also had my Senator look into the case and he received a letter with the same information. They say it could take months or years to complete AP. The only thing I am going to do is to send an inquiry email to the embassy every 30 days just to be sure we didn't miss a communication. Also continuing working on our plans to be together one way or the other. The government is not the determi...

    4. patracy


      went to Ghana ad returned with him.

  18. Just being thankful for all the blessings around me.

  19. Just Praying

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. JustUs


      Thank you William. We are going to keep pushing forward. No other option.

    3. Evans and Flor

      Evans and Flor

      Keeping the prayers coming your way. God bless you

    4. Heather Rae

      Heather Rae

      will keep praying also...

  20. Just stopping by to see how the job search is going.

  21. Just waiting...

    1. Heather Rae

      Heather Rae

      Me to my friend...hope things pick up and the interviews start to be scheduled....

    2. GhLove


      This waiting is sooo not easy!!!

  22. Might as well just sleep through the next 12 months. Nothing going on here.

    1. seaborn


      What are a Tax transcript?

      Is that the same things 1099 form that tells how much money you made, with all your deductions. I know it's not the papers you get from your employer telling how much money you made, but I've heard of tax transcripts.

    2. seaborn


      Never heard

    3. JustUs


      Most of us never need a copy of a tax transcript - I never heard of it either until the visa process. It is a line by line report of your tax return. It is more official than you just providing a copy of your tax return because a copy doesn't mean you actually filed it. With Ghana being one of the high fraud countries you need to give them everything from the most official source available. Ghana definitely will only accept tax transcripts while some other embassies will accept a copy of ...

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