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Posts posted by kforever

  1. hi

    u get the green card when u inter to usa not in morocco in morocco they will give u visa to inter its mostly expired after 6 months so in embassy they gave u envelop when u inter usa u give it to police in airport so after 2 months they send to you green card u are free u can travel back to morocco but if u want apply for citizenship after u need to stay most of the time her in usa

    for visa tourist its really defecult to get u need to have lot of money in the bank good job with high salary car house......... just they need to make sur that u have something can make u to come back to morocco so with tourist visa no green card just visa for few months to come like visitor

    have a good luck .

  2. hi

    no u get green peper when they took u pasport when they call to pick up u visa u need to have when u stand in the line may they change or u dont need in u case they gave me green peper call me next day so i get my visa after 1 day

    anyway i just want say something i come her just few months ago its really defecult in the bigining specially that u will inter in k1 wish mean no green card u cant get job u cant drive car so mostly u will stay home specilay if u fiance busy with her job just prepar u slef and think what u need to do in that witing time to get green card .i hop u are not gonna be boring alot like me

    also enjoy you time there u will miss lot of thing .

    have a good luck .

  3. hi to everybody

    about 2 weeks ago some people invit us i test soem kind of food i really like it when i ask they said to me its a mexican food but they didnt know how they make they just order from mexican restaurant when i shearsh i find picture of that food but no info even i dont know what is the name i really like if i can know more information specilay how i can make that is picture of that food

    thanks in advance

  4. hi

    i morocan woman i come her almost 3 months so i feel same thing my husband argue with me alot also he never say sorry even if sometimes its his mistakes he always told me that the wife she is the key and she who mad prob and solve the prob MY HUSBAND HE IS NOT MOROCCAN but when i read u post i can say same thing happend to me when i was in morocco thing was deferent also i stard get nervous easly because day and night just at home i would like from time ramadan intern i never go out with him because he is really busy so u need to undestand fo u husband he is really hard for him to everything change also to stay home without do anything

    i think everyhtign will be good specialy they said that the hard time is the first year of mariage if u pass evrythign will be fine just be patient .

  5. hi

    i think good thing he can do is to go pray early morning cause that is the first thing we do in morocco also we ar eher in AZ muslum go outside pass time together muslim may he can ask about that in the mosq

    i just come her just few months a go and that what my husband told me i hop the other will give you more idea and information

  6. Salamo alykom and Ramadan kerim to every body

    i know may most of you pass from that so pls help me

    elhamdo lilah im her about 2 months ago and now I m living with my husband also I already get my 2 years green card

    I m really so confused I don’t know what to do i trying to go to college but its was a really expensive cause they said who are her less than one year they need to pay a lot

    I trying to find job but I don’t know how or what I may be able to work her

    So now I m asking you brothers and sisters for help tell me what is first thing u did when u come her?

    So any idea or anything cause i really feel so boring and lonely specially that my husband work all week and I see him only few hours every day

    Thanks to all who really help with any idea or advice.

  7. hi

    when i was leaving moroco i had about 2 400 usd they ask in airport i said that i have that amount then ask me from wher u get i said that my husband give it to me also they ask if i have any prouf from banque is aid no they she said ok u can pass

    u can pass about 100 000 dh its about 11 000 usd but just u need peper from banc show that u tike it from there also u can ask abotu that

  8. hi

    for the interview he need to bring pic 5*5

    also is good if he can bring court record with translation

    birth certificat with translation

    mariage certificat translation

    we send all those peper but they ask me to bring again so its good if he can make it ready for not wast more time

    for language its depend for who maried morocan the interview in arabic or even they can shoose but for who their husband or wives speak only english the interview its in english

    for my interview everything was really good i pass it with young american woman she asked me only about 5 questions

    after that they call me to come and pick up the visa

    i hop to u husband a gooooooooooooood luck

  9. hi to all

    my husband book for my travel the prob that im going to PARIS ATLANTA then ARIZONA so do i need to give the letter I get in usa embassy to immigtation in ATLANTA ?




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