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Posts posted by Noth

  1. Bonjour April Filers!

    I still can't beleive it! Today in the mail I got a letter from USCIS.

    At first I thought it was my EAD Card, so i touch the enveloppe to see if I can feel something, but no card inside... Then i thought it was probably an EAD notification of approval, so I opened it and it was..... MY INTERVIEW LETTER!!!!!!! I wasn't expecting it at all! (I assumed the ead would make the GC process longer)


    So it's scheduled for July, 23 at 10:35 AM! A little more than a month! Maybe by the time my familly come visit me in August, I'll be a legal resident! w00t!


    I wish you all the same luck, and again send good vibes to you and your mail boxes ;)

  2. No. Not me. I received RFE but without the EAd, I got the Interview letter. Contrary to that, I noticed, other than those requested expedited EAD, people get interview letter before EAD regardless of RFE. It could be becuase AOS fee includes everything and USCIS doesnt want to deal with EAD and AP. I may have seen it wrong though.

    I think there is no particular way , and that they send one or the other depending on the case. I got an RFE and they just ordered my EAD card, still no interview letter on the mail. I didn't ask for EAD to be expedited or anything.

    It's cool to have this thread to share our experiences, but please everyone keep in mind that our cases are all different, and that they are all treated according to their standards that we will probably never understand!

    Sending my good vibes to your mail boxes (and mine)

    Have a good day

  3. J'ai passe mon permis en Californie :

    J'ai demande le test en francais et j'ai eu le droit a 12 questions en plus que les autres ! Je sais pas si c'est valable pour tous les DMV...

    Pour l'anecdote lorsque je me suis rendu au DMV, j'etais un peu feneante car je savais que j'allais passer la matine dans les files d'attentes...Comme beaucoup d'americains: j'y suis allee en pyjama, avec ma tete au reveil etc... La chose que je ne savais pas c'est qu'on prenait la photo sur place pour la mettre sur le permis... :blink:

    haha! merci de partager ton experience! je vais en prendre de la graine et :

    1 - reviser le code en anglais

    2 - me forcer a me faire une tete correcte le jour ou j'irais au DMV


  4. A l'epoque ou ma femme a passe son permis en Californie (debut 2009), je lui avais tradui les tests sur le site du DMV pour s'entrainer. Peut-etre que ca peut aider quelqu'un pour le permis en Californie?


    Merci pour cette traduction (et surtout le lien, j'ai deja commencé l'entrainement sur leur appli flash, so far so good!)

    Je pense que je pourrais y arriver en Anglais, mais au pire, je crais avoir lu quelque part sur le site de la DMV qu'il peuvent te faire passer le test dans ta langue natale (dans la plupart des langues on va dire, mais le français fait partie de la liste)

    Si vraiment je me plante en anglais je ferais ca (pour ce que ca coute comparé à la Francewhistling.gif)

    J'ai hate de recevoir mon EAD maintenant (j'ai eu l"approval - card production order" par email mercredi soir !!!)

  5. Hmm.. Just a bit confused here guys. Whatever comes first, if you received your EAD card first then you can apply for SSN to work. But what if your interview date comes first. And they did put a stamp on your passport or send you your temporary greencard after a few weeks. Is that also acceptable to apply for SSS? And I think Ive read in some post you can use already the stamp on your passport to apply for a social number? ;)

    one or the other is ok, as long as it proves that you are allowed to work here (AED or GC do for that).

    That is why generally, the interview is scheduled after receiving EAD, since EAD is useless ones you have your GC. So those who will get their GC before their EAD will probably never have ead in hands, ever.

    This is what i've understood, correct me if I'm wrong!


  6. Thanks U all for your kind words!

    I have a very good friend in LA, she was in the same process 3 years ago, and she said that having the EAD is a good sign about GC and that unless you do something really stupid to jeopardize that, the GC approval will follow. So No more stress for me, just hope that it's going to be all right!

    I can't wait to receive it in the mail!!!

    Good luck everybody!


  7. Bonsoir everybody!!

    A good news 15 minutes ago:


    Current Status: Card production ordered.

    On June 9, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


    Finally, i will be able to have a SSN, a Drivers licence, a job!!!!!! This is such a great news!

    I have the feeling the interview is not going to be sometime soon, as i assume the EAD makes the AOS approval longer, but i don't really care, after all. By then we'll have tons of evidence to show them during the interview luv.gif

    I wish you all the best of luck in your process!

  8. Salut,

    Je lisais sur le site de l'ambassade Francaise aux US au sujet du permis de conduire:

    Si je comprends bien, il me suffira d'aller a l'ambassade de France pour echanger mon permis francais contre un permis de Pennsylvanie? Je me pose la question car ca me semblait trop simple :)

    rha! c'est nul moi j'habite en Californie, et j'ai pas de SSN donc pas de permis pour le moment.

    C'est le probleme quand tu fait pas les choses dans l'ordre, ca met du temps a se mettre en place du coup.

    Mais bon j'ai enfin eu mes biometrics prises, et mon RFE a été accpeté...normalement l'ead devrais pas tarder pour faire bouger tout ça!

    (cela dit, j'ai pas le permis californien, mais ca n'a pas empeché de me mettre sur l'assurance santé et sur l'assurance voiture, donc bon ... le seul truc c'est la carte de credit et son compte en banque, heureusement j'avais deja un compte chez wells fargo et ils ont bien voulu nous en ouvrir un en commun)

  9. Well you will never guess what?

    The mail arrived about an hour ago bringing me my biometric appt letter for the 16th June :dance: but also another RFE for my husband. It is a very simple one though, it's requesting additional evidence for bona fide marriage. We now have a joint bank account and joint lease as well as lots of wedding photos (which we didn't have when he sent the petition away). I am not worried or annoyed by this RFE at all. As long as I have my biomtric appt I don't care about anything else for the time being :dance:

    Hey! that is great news!dancin5hr.gif

    i'm really happy for you! and the 16th is not so far away from now!

    I know what it feels, no news is worst than bad news (that can always be fixed!) I'm sure you have everything they need to answer the last RFE, and everything is going to be all right! good.gif

  10. Bonjour tout le monde,

    Ma fiancée est en France en ce moment :D et elle voudrait faire des tortillas. Dans la recette il y a du "shortening" : c'est de la graisse purifiée sous forme solide. (une marque célèbre aux US est Crisco). On n'arrive pas à trouver exactement la même chose.

    Est-ce quelqu'un sait ce qui est le plus proche du "shortening", du beurre, de l'huile....

    Merci pour vos réponses

    je dirais que la margarine se rapproche le plus, mais si tu prend du bon beurre français ca devrais pouvoir le faire aussi!

    bon app'!

  11. Hello April Fillers,

    I did my walk-in biometrics today in Santa Ana, CA without any problem!kicking.gif

    The personel there was very nice! it took less than an hour to go through (waiting was the longest)

    I'm soooooo happy! just need to fix the RFE and I'll be in the waiting line for interview letter as well!

    I think I read that some of us was told her/his bio letter would come within 30 after RFE acceptance, but I really think it's not accurate! My bio and RFE letter were sent the same day (05/25) but the RFE was dated 05/21. So that means both ARE NOT related as i stated in a post a couple of pages before!

    The date that counts for biometrics is the date they accepted your file, if within 30 days you don't have it, try to call there custom number!

    Good luck everyone!

  12. I finally got the RFE letter in the mail today. kicking.gif

    they're asking for us to submit a complete Federal Income Tax Return submited to the IRS for the most recent tax year.

    I don't really understand what they want since we gave them every document we had regarding my Hubby's taxes. Is there a document more recent than 2009?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    I had a pretty bad news from my family today, so I will try to walk-in tomorrow instead, as I heard Wednesday is a lucky day for that.

  13. This is very interesting because there is a date on our interview letter called the Priority Date, which according to USCIS is the date you use to determine your processing times. For us, that date is 4/14, the date our package was received, not 4/20 the date the applications were accepted. This might be an error on our form. They've made several like this such as sending me two email acceptances for each file, sending us two biometrics letters that say EXACTLY the same thing - listing both the I-485 and I-765 on both.

    I was talking about the biometrics appointment letter. it's written that they should send it to you within 30 days starting when they accept your form.

    I have not received any interview letter yet, so i'm not able to tell anything about that, just trying to help out those that are still waiting for their biometrics appointment, like I was.

    I guess they have a specific procedure for everything they do there...blink.gif

    As for confirmation email, I sent 3 copies of the form to get them with my package (one for each form) and they NEVER send me anything. I had to set up an account online to have updates, the only one I've ever received is the one on 5/21 saying that they've send out an RFE for me...

    I also noticed that their web site is very unstable, and that could be the sign of the launch of a new computer software there, Most likely because of the new GC. If I'm correct, It's going to be unstable for a while, so no wonder they send out too much or none-at-all emails.headbonk.gif

    hoping that helps!

  14. Thanks for that explanation! I think I will phone them as it is now over 30 days since they received my initial application.

    I posted my RFE on the 12th May and they received it on the 19th May. I cannot believe how long it is taking :bonk:

    Did your online status get updated when they sent you the bio??

    be careful because when I called, they turn me off because the date that counts is the date they accepted my application (generally the day they cashed yours check, also the date of acceptance in your NOAs) not the day they received my package.

    As for any update when they sent the biometric, i would say no, at least for me. My last update is 5/24 and the bio letters are dated 5/25. One is for I6485 and the other bio letter is for I-765. i think they are generated randomly by their big computers.

    I hope it will help!

    good luck!

  15. bonjour aux Français de ce fil!

    Ca fait un bail que j'ai pas ecrit ici, car a vrai dire c'est un peu déprimant au bout d'un moment de venir sur ce forum, voir que tout les gens qui ont envoyé leur dossier le même mois que moi avancent dans le processus tellement plus vite!

    J'ai enfin reçu mon rendez-vous pour les "biometrics" ce samedi, soit plus d'un mois après reception du Dossier! J'ai egalement reçu un email le vendredi 21 mai, m'informant qu'une Request of evidence m'avait été envoyée par courrier, a ce jour j'attend encore...

    J'ai été plutot occupée au mois de mai de toute façon. Nous organisons notre Cérémonie Américaine qui aura lieu a Vegas, le 21 aout devant nos familles et amis (mes parents et certains de mes amis seront présent aussi). Bon en fait c'est moi qui m'occupe de tout, vu que de toute façon je n'ai vraiment que ça a faire et que hubby travaille bcp.

    J'ai aussi eu un episode sympa avec les impots, a geré à 9 heures de décalage horraire, c'est assez marrant! En gros en plus du casse tete de la double déclaration 2009 (dépacsée en cour d'année 2009) Il est apparu que mon ex-compagnon avait également foiré la décla 2008, et qu'on leur devais un paquet de sous! Après Une semaine de coup de fil, calculs, email, scan etc. il s'avère que c'est eux qui nous devaient des sous!! Situation completement surréaliste, mais tout est bien qui finit bien! ;)

    J'ai aussi profité de mon mois de mai pour me mettre en regle avec le consulat de France. J'ai reçu ma "cheap" carte de français résident à l'etranger. Ma maman m'a envoyé la copie intégrale de mon acte de naissance pour que nous fassions transcrire notre marriage sur les registres du consulat. SComme ça quand un bébé arrivera, il sera franco-américain d'office!

    A ce sujet, pour ceux qui sont dans le processus du visa Fiancée, Vous pouvez faire publier vos bancs de marriage via le consulat ou votre mairie de naissance, ca reduira de moitié le temps d'attente de votre livret de famille. Dans mon cas, comme on s'est marié a la dernière minute, ca ne m'a meme pas effleurer l'esprit, et du coup ca pourrait nous valloir d'etre interviewé par le consul pour estimer de la légitimité de notre union. Si les bancs sont publié avant, il n'y a pas de souci, car en montant le dossier de publication vous fournissez deja toutes les preuves.

    tout les renseignement ici: http://www.consulfra...php?article1041

    Sinon, je me fait bien a la vie en Californie, J'ai l'impression de vivre dans le sud de la france, sauf que les gens parlent anglais... hahaha! Parcontre je comprend tout a fait ce que veux dire EasternDE quand a l'impression de pas encore avoir commencé la vraie vie ici. Tout est en stand by, pas encore de travail ni de réelle légitimité, pas de réelle vie sociale en dehors du couple... Heureusement, mon mari est une crème il fait absolument tout ce qu'il peut pour que je me sente bien ici! Il a même commencé des cours de Français pour pouvoir communiquer avec ma famille cet été ! s'est pas trop chou franchement??? luv.gif

    Malgré l'attente et l'insecurité, je ne regrette en rien la decision que j'ai prise il y a 3 mois, J'essaie de relativiser en me disant qu'il faut que je profites de cette période de stand by pour nous créer un vrai foyer a nous 4 (on a deux chats ;) ) et que même si ca va prendre du temps et de la patience, il n'y a aucune raison que notre couple soit jugé frauduleux! donc wait and see!

    Il y a juste encore un petit probleme de connexion à la France que je n'arrive pas a controler. J'echange encore beaucoup avec mes potes en France, reste branchée au net quasiment en permanence pour avoir des nouvelles. Je suis arrivée a la conclusion que s'etait surement mon moyen a moi de faire la transition, mais du coup j'ai l'impression que mon niveau d'anglais regresse... Vivement l'EAD que que je puisse au moins commencer a travailler!

    Pour la fete des mère j'avais acheter une carte au moment de la fete américaine, mais j'ai attendu lundi pour la posté. Ma mère l'a eu Vendredi, donc bon timing ;)

    Voila, desolée pour cet epanchement scriptural, mais ca fait du bien de pouvoir ecrire ca quelque part en témoignage. Mine de rien, c'est quand même pas évident de tout reprendre a zero dans un autre pays que le sien, réapprendre les codes sociaux tout ça. En même temps c'est tellement euphorisant de se dire "hey! je l'ai fait, je vit mon reve avec mon prince charmant!" meme si ca coute quand meme un peu, ca vaut le coup!!!

    Allez j'arrete mon blabla! Bonne fin de long weekend aux residents US, bonne continuation de semaine a la France!

  16. Congrats on receiving your biometric letter.

    How come some people are getting a bio appt even when they have a RFE?

    My understanding is:

    1 - they accept your petition so that generates a biometrics appointement within 30 days (if you do not receive your biometrics letter within 30 days after they ACCEPTED your application, then you should call them and ask what's going on.

    2 - they are going through your paper work and for some random reason they need more proof, so they send out an RFE

    Those are totally different procedures, One is generated by them accepting your petition, the other is a request from the person studying yoour case for more proof.

    That is why some got RFE before they got their bio taken and other after they got their bio taken. First half of April filer went through the process so fast! some got their letter within a week! of course the RFE (if any) came after the bio letter. In my case It took 33 days from the reception date in chicago for them to send me the bio letter, so, I guess they plenty of time to have a look at my application and send out the RFE.

    I hope it's clear (and correct) but i have the feeling it's how it works!

    Tomorrow I'll try a walkin bio, hopefully they'll take me.wink.gif

  17. Hello everybody!!

    Today I receive not 1 but 2 appointement letters for my Biometrics!!! woooooooooooooo!jest.gifkicking.gif

    I'm soooo happy! Well i'm still waiting for my rfe letter to come, but finally something is happening here!!!

    So i'm schedule for 06/22, but i wil try to walkin next week, in Santa Ana.whistling.gif

    I wish you all a good weekend, thanks for being here, it's nice not to feel lonely in the process luv.gif

  18. Now I believe everybody received their biometrics letters. Right?! :thumbs:

    nop! still waiting for mine and the RFE letter....crying.gif

    Tomorrow I will call them because it's been a month today since they accepted my file!

    That reminds me that the first time I came to the US, i had to stop in Chicago for a few hours before i flew to Cali. They lost my luggage there, full of my best clothes, never found it back...

    I hope, it's not some king of cursing that make everything mine that comes from chicago get lost or stollen in the process....

    I'm very desperate right now sad.gif

  19. Sorry to hear about it... Do u know what it could be?

    Honneslty i don't...

    The only thing I can think of, is that the first time i came to the US last year, I had an F-1 visa because i was taking classes back then.

    I assumed my visa would be void if not associated with class time here in the us, so I came back in a regular tourist visa (each time i told the custom agent that i wasn't here for class, but for touring.)

    As i join a copy of my F-1 visa, they are probably confused now on what status exactly i'm ajusting from... honestly it's the only reason i can think of... But wait and see what's written in the RFE.

    I'm tired of speculating on USCIS timelines, reasons and processes. It will be ok eventually. As soon as I receive my letter, i'll fix the problem... and go back to waiting line wacko.gif

    Luckily, I have a wedding ceremony and my family's visit to plan, so I'm busy enought to not go crazy with all that waiting.

    Thanks for asking Bessangel!rose.gif

  20. hmm well i am not sure what visa you are on, is it fiance or tourist?

    because i came on on a tourist and those process might be different because with finace visa you already applied wit USCIS and this is 1st time i sent anything to them.

    Well i see we have very similar timelines, papers were both delivered on april 26th and yea its strange because they were both touched the same days may 5th and then two forms were touched may 17th.

    Well i got my biometrics appnt on the 11th and it was dated may 5th so i thought that touch was because they sent out my biometrics. But some touched I know wit people the forms just get touched and ppl dont get any documents.

    I think you should be getting your biometrics apppnt very soon. What state are you in? Im sure scheduling depends on how busy the state is, for example I got my biometrics scheduled in 3 weeks in NY but ppl got it wit a similar timeline scheduled in 2 weeks. Depends probably on how many applicants they have in a state, unfortunatly I think NY espceially NYC is a very busy immigration state.

    And i agree I see that the USCIS site might not be 100 percent accurate, it stated on the site that this is a new pilot program so I guess they are just starting this and working out all the problems.

    Well good luck!! :luv::star:

    No, I'm adjusting from a tourist visa so it's the same situation.

    At least you got your biometrics appointement, 'cause i ain't got nothing since the noa's sad.gif

    I live in Orange county, California, and I have no idea if the state is busy or not. The only thing i know is that they forgot me in the process


  21. Merci pour vos avis sur les assurances !

    Marie bonne chance pour l'interview !!!, pourras tu me dire le medecin que tu as vu ? et s'il est correct je vais devoir y aller le mois prochain je pense !

    Pour les lardons a Albertson ou Ralph au niveau du Bacon et des sausages il y a des tranches de lards sous vide. J'utilisais souvent ca pour mes pates carbo. Sinon vous pouvez toujours faire une quiche a la provencale en ajoutant du thon et une petite cuillere de moutarde ainsi que des herbes pour relever le tout !

    Ici je tente de retrouver le gout des produits americains lol ( on ne sait jamais ce qu'on veut !)

    J'ai fais du cornbread (rate !), une key lime pie (pas rate...meme tres bon !) et aujourd'hui je tente le NY style cheesecake...

    D'ici la fin de la semaine je pense que ma famille aura 2 ou 3 kilos en trop !

    Conseils si tu fais un cheesecake: essaie de chopper du vrai creamcheese américain (je crois qu'on trouve le philadelphia dans les grandes villes françaises) ou du St moret, sinon ça va être plein d'eau, si c'est trop liquide, une cuillière de maizena aide pour la tenue du gateau. Pense aussi a couvrir le fond de ton four parce-que la bête transpire en cuisant, et ça, ça vous pourri un four sur 4 générations de quiches blink.gif

    Bonne chance!

  22. hmmm I logged on today and I see that the I130 and I765 was touched on the 17th. The I485 was not touched though since the 05/05. I wonder what they were doing with those two forms, if they needed any extra documents or info it would be in RFE right? Because right now it still says Initial Review.

    Well i see that some of you had only two forms touched out of the three like Alla. But you had 1485 and i765 touched first.

    hmmmmmmmmm I would love to know if they actually did something or just opened and closed it just to make me crazy :wacko::help:

    keeping my fingers crossed this is some positive progress :whistle:

    hey! the exact same thing is happening to me! I 'm soooo glad I'm not the only one.

    and sooo tired of waiting news from them!

    I have the feeling the web site doesn't work very well... grrr that whole thing drives me crazy!

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