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Status Updates posted by gina_raluca

  1. Nica, I'm so glad to see that your case was finally closed! Congrats! And I hope you get assigned an interview soon!

  2. Has your file made it to the NVC?

  3. Ai primit ceva instiintare de la ei? Eu nu ma prea pricep cu NOA 1 si 2 :) Eu am trimis pentru mama si am asteptat pana am am aflat de la ei ca ne-au aprobat petitia. Nu stiam de VisaJourney la timpul acela :)

  4. Mersi :) Si tu la fel! Stiu ca sunt multi romani in New York, dar depinde de zona. Ai vazut ca e o sectiune pentru romani la forumurile regionale? Mai sunt acolo cateva fete care trec prin procesul de imigratie acum :)

  5. haha, nici nu mi-am dat seama ca scrie "male" . sunt fata!!

  6. Hahaha, esti simpatica. De ce ma consideri baiat? :))

  7. Eu locuiesc in San Diego dar sunt in Washington temporar. Urmeaza New York pentru un an si pe urma San Diego :) Tu unde vei veni?

  8. Nici eu n-am ajuns inca in Oradea :). Eu am terminat cu tot procesul asta. M-am inscris aici pentru mama, pentru ca am adus-o aici. A avut interviul pe 7 iulie si a intrat in America pe 14 iulie. Mai intru aici pentru ca am cativa prieteni care inca nu au terminat cu tot procesul :)

  9. Buna! De unde esti din Romania? Eu sunt din Sighisoara. Multa bafta!

  10. I'm sorry, I think it will take some time to get her the visa. Is your mom a citizen? It takes 10 years to immigrate a sister/brother :((

  11. she passed. my understanding is that family members get the visa easy unless there is some matter of inadmissibility (medical or criminal). Good luck!!!

  12. Good luck with your interview on Monday! Don't worry too much (I know easy thing to say), but you should no problem proving the validity of your relationship. You've spent lots of time together and you also visited him a few times.

  13. How are you, Sandra? Haven't seen you around lately. How was your vacation?

  14. She had no problems. They asked her 5 questions and that was it. She was out in 2 hours, which is typical for Romania

  15. Thanks! Got it

  16. Sachinky, I remember reading somewhere about what to do at POE. I can't find that paragraph anymore. Where could I locate it? I'm trying to get my mom ready for her entry. Thanks!

  17. Hey, Waza, congrats on your approval! We had interviews on the same day (well, my mom did and in a different country :))

  18. You guys look so cute together!!

  19. Just wanted to say that your wedding picture is adorabile!! You are so young, but so in love, ready to start the rest of your lives together.

  20. Yeah, we were able to change it from July 19 to July 8. I'm glad that you're reconciled with the date :)

  21. Sachinky, I tried to PM you about this topic : http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/261863-im-a-usc-filing-a-petition-for-my-mom-who-has-multiple-entry-us-visa/page__gopid__4020048 You seem to know more about immigration than I do. Can you please respond? It seems that no one is replying. Thanks.

  22. oh, I'm sorry :((. I would have expected Romania to be much busier given that everybody needs tourist visas there...

  23. Were you able to move up the date? I am going to call tonight to ask . .. Good luck!!

  24. Raluca, cand suni la NVC, primesti mesajul ca plicul a fost trimis spre Romania pe 16 iunie? M-am uitat pe DHL si apare un plic care a plecat spre Romania pe 19, dar nu stiu daca e al tau sau al meu :)

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