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Mont Blanc ...

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Posts posted by Mont Blanc ...

  1. Salut la compagnie!

    j'ai eu mon medical Vendredi dernier... Tout d'abord, comme d'hab aux USA, j'ai du signer des papelars pour autoriser le transfert des infos confidentielles a l'USCIS etc. Ils ont vraiment peur des avocats ici, LOL!

    Examen: 375 dollars, les prises de sang au tarif preferentiel (woohooo) 247 dollars. Le Docteur etait sympa et etait desole d'entendre que les robots a QI negatif de l'immigration avaient perdu mon dossier medical... Cependant j'ai note sur son poignet gauche une superbe Brietling! (J'aime les montres aero hihihi). Je l'ai seche en lui disant d'une facon humoristique qu'avec des examens de 10 min pour 375 dollars il pouvait s'en payer des brietling a 11000 dollars! Bref, grosssssssssse arnaque, grossssssssssse arnaque. Mais pas le choix... Je suis alle Lundi faire la prise de sang et j'attends les resultats. Non seulement c'est cher ici mais le service est a chier. Bref. J'espere avoir mon dossier medical complet pret a etre renvoyer dans la semaine...

    La suite au prochaine episode...

  2. Bonjour!

    I just sent to my State Senator the details with their Privacy Act form so they can give the National Benefit Center a call on my behalf... If it wasnt sent from the POE to the NBC well I will call the POE. But again, heloooooooooooooooo , what were they thinking?

    We have until mid April to reply. To back us up we booked a medical for next week but if we could avoid to wast 450 dollars.... Let's see and pray!

  3. Thanks guys for your inputs!

    Here is what the REF says

    The authorities where you were admitted or the US Department of State DID NOT FORWARD the medical forms DS2053, DS3024, DS3025 and DS3026 that were completed prior to visa issuance in conjunction with your K1 entry"

    The applicant is required to submit a new form I693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

    So to me it is (sadly) required to complete everything again. I wish it was only the vaccination record required! But noooooooooooo they really screwed up! I wish I could spend the cost of a Medical Examination towards a lovely dinner with my wife because it is not our fault if they dont have their s;';t together!

  4. Oui en effet j'ai lu ca aussi.

    "The authorities where you were admitted or the US Department of State DID NOT FORWARD the medical forms DS2053, DS3024, DS3025 and DS3026 that were completed prior to visa issuance in conjunction with your K1 entry"

    The applicant is required to submit a new form I693, Report of Medical Examination and Vaccination Record

    Edit: Oui j'avais tout renvoye comme a la lettre mais ils ont merde... Tain la chance infinitesimale pour que ca arrive sur les milliers de dossiers et bam! Degoute... Se foutent de la gueule du monde.

    Helas je crois que c'est clair...

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