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Closed account

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Posts posted by Closed account

  1. Hi there,

    I don't think that's the case. Perhaps the person you were speaking to is ill informed. When your fiance receives the social security number, the card should say 'valid for work only with DHS authorization' which is your EAD. Your original understanding is more accurate.

    I shall wait for the Card in the post and see what happens, We are going to be busy with the wedding over the next two weeks anyway.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. I too am a little confused, i thought i had it all planned, Apply for SSN after two weeks, then get married then apply for AOS and EAD, should have EAD in about 70 days as per timelines.

    Until.....I went to Social Security place today and she said ok the number will come to you in 2 weeks and then you can work. I was like really, i thought we had to do a EAD, she said no you can go ahead and work. Well my Fiance is extremely happy and i'm all confused.

    Anyone else experienced this and should i just ignore her and carry on with what i was going to do?


  3. I still have to have my tetanus (tdp) or whatever and MMR, I am a bit nervous about the MMR after reading on the internet about side effects and things after having it.. can anyone give their experiences of the MMR jab?

    I had to have all of those jabs, trust me i was worrying about nothing and it didn't hurt at all and no side effects. Better to get them done before you come out to the states though. Your doctor should do them for free!

    Good luck

  4. Congratulations on all the approvals this week and thanks for the great updates on the AOS. Definately not looking forward to that but at least I will have plenty of time to go through it all when i'm in the states and not working! My girls here are having a hen party for me tomorrow so wish me luck and I'll let you know how the POE goes, just not happy about paying extra money for an additional bag!

  5. Thanks.

    Sundrop - I did a typo and the date of my interview was the 9th, but now I've got an earlier date. You can put me down for the 2nd of June at 9.30am!

    Yay! Little happy dance!

    Hey it's nice to see you finally have your interview date and that you have it on the 2nd! I've just been reading that the prices are going up on the 4th. Not quite sure of the details but it's great to see that you've managed to get your interview date before then. Also I see there are loads of interviews on the 8th. You may all want to check out if this effects you as €350 is a lot more than the £87 I paid.

  6. Congratulations to all of you who have received approvals, My Visa arrived in the post yesterday. I kept looking at the tracking site to see when i would receive it and it suddenly appeared to say it was being delivered. It does says they will try and text you the day before but i didn't receive any notification.

    My notice has now been handed in and i'm looking forward to the last few weeks of mayhem to sort everything out and try to arrange a wedding. Thank goodness for Vegas and the great packages they do. :D

  7. I had my interview on Tuesday and I had copies of everything. I've read to many horror stories on here I didn't want to end up in Additional processing. He was married before so thought they may need proof to show he was divorced, but no didn't need any of his stuff. Hope that helps

  8. Great News!!! Michael had his interview this morning and We're Approved!!! He got to the embassy at about 8:10 a.m. for a 9:30 interview, and finally got out around 1 p.m.

    Such great news after everything that has been going on lately! They said 3-5 business days for the Visa, but possibly up to 10. We're hoping he gets it soon, so he can safely book the flight. We're hoping it works out that he can be here on May 26th, just in time to go camping for Memorial Day weekend!!

    Good Luck to everyone for a safe and speedy journey!

    Congratulations! It's so stressful sitting and waiting in the building for so long!

  9. Congrats Zoe...

    How long did it take you folks to hear back from the Embassy after returning the P3 forms? It's a month tomorrow since mine were sent and have heard nothing. And DOS doesn't know anything either. :( Not another call to the 'extortion line' i hope.

    I received my letter exactly a month after I sent the letter. However we had a big flurry of interview dates a few weeks ago so they maybe doing them in batches?

    Congrats Zoe...

    How long did it take you folks to hear back from the Embassy after returning the P3 forms? It's a month tomorrow since mine were sent and have heard nothing. And DOS doesn't know anything either. :( Not another call to the 'extortion line' i hope.

    I received my letter exactly a month after I sent the letter. However we had a big flurry of interview dates a few weeks ago so they maybe doing them in batches?

  10. Approved!! Thankfully David's interview went really smoothly this morning. We're so excited to finally be done with this step! Will write a detailed review of the morning later for you guys.

    Thanks for the support Anwesha! He said he was asked for our I-134 papers and handed them over at the first window and then was not asked any further questions about them so I guess the sponsor and co-sponsor info we gave them was enough.

    Congratulations! I'm glad there have been so many approvals, can't wait for my interview next week!


    Delivered on a Saturday! Four days before the courier said they'd deliver! No ID required! Weird.

    By the way, you might want to tell your fiance about the brown "do no open" packet. I mentioned it to mine last week, and he said if I hadn't mentioned it he might've opened it - it's not labeled very obviously!

    So happy!

    Congratulations! I'm so pleased for you. It's finally come together. Good luck for the next part of your journey.

  12. I finally got my interview date... 18th of MAY!!!!!!! The Embassy accepted my documents by emial and have confirmed my interview by mail and in the email..

    I cant say how happy i am right now.. if all goes will i will be back in the states for my baby's birthday.. WOOOPIEEE..

    I'm so pleased for you! What a week you've had. I was feeling bad that you'd not received your interview date and yet sent your documents in before me. Good luck and I hope you get to the states in time.

  13. I called DOS today and they said me my packet 4 is been dispachted today and my interview is on 8th of june at 8.00 am i guess putting dates on the forms doensot make any difference bc i write mine end of may bc i want to celebrate ma birthday with ma fiancee bummmer .........anyways so far so good and again best of luck to all of u guys good.gif

    I think that writing dates does help because it is unbelievable that you have got an interview date when you only sent the packet back a week ago. The embassy are definately working hard. Good luck with the interview!

  14. Yay! My fiance just received his interview date! It's May 4th, one week away, I'm shocked but also very pleased by how soon it is. I think the letter probably came last week but we were away and so didn't open it until today. What a fabulous way to end a weeks holiday.

    I have my fingers crossed for the rest of you waiting for dates!

    Congratulations!i'm so pleased for you, bet it was a bit of a shock as it's so soon. I know mine was.did you put dates of travel down too?

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