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Michael Palmer

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Status Updates posted by Michael Palmer

  1. Preparing to send out this change of status request..wow..hard to believe it's been 2 years here already.

  2. Passed NCLEX in 75 questions. Computer shut off. Now a Nevada Registered BSN, RN and working 12hr shifts, 5 days a week.

    1. -teRe-


      Congrats! galing! Ako din review review (ulit) sana pumasa din like you! :)

    2. marklyn


      congratulations sis! enjoy ur work :)

    3. Leizz


      Wow... Congrats! Can u give me advice whether its reasonable to take nclex ni las vegas than in manila? :)

  3. yep... W. Trop kami.. how's ur dinner with ate Christine?

  4. trop and decatur kami.. mejo magkalapit pala tayo..

  5. may fb kb? can i add u? 2mos p lng kc q d2. magtatanung tanung lng aq syo. hehe..

  6. hi! san exact place nyo sa vegas?

  7. hello po .. where po kayo sa vegas?

  8. hi! can't help it.. you look like KC Concepcion.. =)

  9. hi! you can get the info about reciprocity thingy at cgfns site. click on Nevada BON then look for CNA by endorsement.


    1. Sweet Dove

      Sweet Dove

      wow. Congrats talaga. Hooray he he

    2. sweettmayy


      congratulations!happy happy! :)

  11. Getting settled in and waiting to hear from CGFNS on my CES from OLFU so I can sit for the Nevada NCLEX. Got all my paperwork filed with the State BON. Taking driving lessons and so far, doing pretty good considering my Hubby is my teacher...hahaha

  12. finally home.. been here since the 27th of july. haha..

    1. Matt_ria


      congratz!!1 juat wanna know f you fly alone?

    2. Michael Palmer

      Michael Palmer

      Yep..Hubby had to reschedule the flight since we had no idea when the Embassy was actually going to release my VISA. He worked, I flew home and he picked me up at 6pm here at LAS..Flight was on PA and it was pretty good.

  13. Finally got VISA delivered after 15 days.. Bouncing over to Vegas on the 27th..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leiy


      Congrats!!! Have a safe trip soon...

    3. Matt_ria


      congrats!!!and have a safe trip..:)

    4. svinenko


      congrats and God Bless

  14. DUDE..my bad..I'm thinking something else..Thats the My Ex I, "see no more" form..LOL..Nah, they didnt ask her for it or about it but she got it like a month or so ago. Was thinking totally off the mark Matt..Think it took 5 working days to get hers back. She had to go back and make them dig it up though after they told her it would be another week. She just raised a little hell and...

  15. Well, Congrats on that Matt...She went to the CFO and got her CENOMAR certificate last week. Its just a propaganda film made like in the 70's they have them watch about the pitfalls of America and stuff..LOL.. Takes about 2hrs out of her day but is required. Ria will have to go back once she gets her VISA to get the travel stamp put on it. But no, they didnt ask her about it at her inteview.

  16. VEGAS...WE JUST RECEIVED THE PINK SLIP !!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!! Was only asked 3 yes/no questions and wanted to see our pictures.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mizhael smith

      mizhael smith

      CONGRATulations =))

    3. Leiy


      Congrats!!! :)

    4. Matt_ria


      Thank you and congrats to you also..:)

  17. Hey guys, no worries. It's just one of those things ya know. Have they rescheduled you already?

  18. how's your medical?

  19. hello ria.. if you want to get all your medical done in one hour, you better go there at exactly 3pm. i went there at 3pm before and it only took me one hour to get it all done. then you just have to get your result the following day. just an advise is all.. God Bless you on your medical girl..=)

  20. CFO Certificate in Hand..

  21. hi! what time is your interview? we have the same date. mine is 6:30am. hope to meet you there.. God Bless..

  22. Woo Hoo..My Sweetie just texted me she passed her medical exam..Now on to the interview on the 7th !!!!!

    1. mizhael smith

      mizhael smith

      Congratulations =))

    2. Leiy



  23. "Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me." -Ruth 1:17

  24. Thank you..=) don't worry, that will come soon.

  25. hi! kelan k mgpapamedical? sabay sana ko. if it's okay with you.=)

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