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Scott and Irina

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Status Updates posted by Scott and Irina

  1. I hope you guys can convince them what they are trying to make you get through is called hell. I don't know why they do that to people who ONLY want to be together! Good luck and update us! We will also have our fingers crossed for you, love birds! xox

  2. THANK GOD, Tracey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My congratulations, sweet! Finally it's YOUR turn! You're allowed now to jump for joy! Kisses

  3. Ah wow, you said October? That sucks! Did they explain why it had to take that long?! :(

  4. Hi Shawn, when did Anna got her visa after the interview?

  5. Hey Manny and Tray! Hope you get to know your interview date soon :) Keep us posted!

  6. Thank goodness,your miss is approved! Let us know how it all went. Mine is on the 27th May and I am kinda freaked out at the mo. Tell Anna she did a great job (together with you, of course!) ;)

  7. So what's new? How did it all go?

  8. Good luck at the interview! Mine is on the 27th May! Update us when you're done, ok?! :)

  9. Hey guys! Any news on your interview date? And good luck btw! :)

  10. Wow, 47 days! Better than us! ;) Thumbs up for Andrew and Christine! Good luck with the rest! :)

  11. Yay!!!!!! Congrats, Christine girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Hi guys, as you know my interview is in May.Wish us luck! I still owe you an email! Hope all is well with you too :) Irina

  13. Good luck at the interview! Mine is also going to be on the same day :)

  14. What is new,Missy?! :)

  15. Tracey,how have you been? Sorry for not being in touch with you lately! Hugs

  16. Hi guys,anything new?

  17. Hi guys,how have you been lately?

  18. Aw awesome display picture! Good luck,guys and keep us posed on how things will be developing for you! :)

  19. Thanks,guys! We love you back! All the best in the future! *hugs*

  20. Congratulations,guys! We both got lucky today! Scotty & Irina

  21. Manny & Tray, congrats on getting your NOA2 :)

  22. It is more than our pleasure! I hope you are in high spirits these days! :)

  23. Mark and Olya, I am now available 24/7! I am laid off at work :( But oh well,life goes on!

  24. Congrats on getting so much wanted NOA2,Alina and Keith! :)

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