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Posts posted by tnh9479

  1. Nessa: Are you trying to let Ben's bum get some air? Hana had a bad diaper rash and I gave her at least 1 hour diaperless every night. It helped some. What ended up helping her the most since hers was caused by a reaction to a diaper was the doctor's suggestion to buy some 1% hydrocortisone cream and use it twice a day for just a few days. I did that for three days. Combined with the zinc oxide ointment and air, she looks much better. I do know a lot of mom's where I work SWEAR by Boudreaux's Butt Creme. They said it worked for them when nothing else would. I hope it clears up soon! I know how much red, inflammed skin sucks!

  2. I really wonder with Autism how much of it is the fact that it is more easily diagnosed now than it was 5, 10, or even 25 years ago. I can think of the case of my niece. She got diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome when she was in first grade. After my sister and her husband found out more about it, they realized how many people in his family had it, but their tics had always been thought of as that person's own unusual quirks, and not a disorder.

    As for shots, I can't imagine what was probably in the ones I got as a kid. I fully believe in getting them, but realize the debate out there. I follow the pediatrician's recommendation. If there were cases of autism in my family, I would probably be more cautious.

    AFM: The babies went with me to the graduation rehearsal for the high school I teach at. They were SOOOOOO good -- not a peep out of them, except to talk with the people who came up to them. I can't believe how good they were as it was their fussy time of night -- interfered with dinner, nap, and our normal nighttime routine.

  3. The twins had their 4 month well check today. Hana is 13 pounds 14 oz and 25 inches long. Zak is 14 pounds 4 oz and 25 inches long. They both are around the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for length. Their headsize both is above the 90th percentile. They have grown so much considering at 1 month they were at the 5th percentile for weight and length! They got 4 shots and 1 oral vaccine today around 4:30pm. Hopefully this evening won't be as hellacious as the one two months ago when they got their shots.

  4. Nessa: The pics are great. :star:

    AFM: I really love my ob/gyn. She was worried about me when she saw me at an appointment on Christmas Eve (I was around 34 weeks). So concerned, in fact, that she called me at home on Christmas Day just to make sure I was ok. Her intuition that something was not right was spot on. I ended up admitted to the hospital the next day for three weeks.

  5. @ NEssa: I change every 2-3 hours cause I don't like wet diapers. He sleeps though from 7pm-7am (with 3-4 nursing sessions) in a nighttime diaper. He stopped pooping every 3 hours at about 3-4 months I think though.

    @ Nikita: I am very sorry for you.

    @ Twila: Did he rule out it is yeasty rash? BTW Jona will react with diaper rash to Pampers, all store brand diapers, Huggies, gdiapers. He is ok with Huggies Overnites, 7th Generation, another natural care brand and cloth diapers. American diapers are bleached with chlorine which leaves dioxin and other skin irritants in the diapers. Sensitive-skinned babies will react to that. Try a different non-chlorine bleached brand or cloth, I honestly don't think cloth is harder than sposies and at least you know what you washed them with (like free& clear, 7th Gen detergents that are awesome for sensitive skin as free of anything harmful). Also, did you try Calendula ointment (e.g. by Weleda)? It helps Jona a lot. Hope the rash heals soon!

    Happy Mothers Day to everyone! My DH is in Wyoming, we'll meet up again finally on Friday. He did send me a card though, and hm little Jona sent me two :P

    Yup...he ruled out a yeast infection. He told me to buy some hydrocortisone creme from the drug store and use it twice a day for a few days to see if it clears up. It is already looking a lot better. Not red anymore. Hana has sensitive skin like me. Poor thing. She just cannot handle the Walgreens diapers. We had them as an emergency supply at the sitters in case we forgot to pack diapers that morning. They are now gone. I bought some larger size pampers yesterday and put those on her as well so they would not be quite so tight. The combination of things seems to be working.

  6. Nikita2Charles: I truly am so sorry for your loss. (F)

    I can't believe all the babies turning 1! Wow! I was just thinking today that it was this time last year that I suspected I was pregnant. I got those first positive HPT's Memorial Day weekend and was feeling nauseous with heartburn and tender breasts about a full week and half before that.

    I took Hana to the ped's today because she has a diaper rash that I haven't been able to turn the corner on in over a week. I've used every zinc oxide ointment out there besides letting her go diaperless for more than an hour every evening. This all started from some diapers she just can't wear because she is sensitive. The ped told me it looks like contact dermatitis and I now am going to add hydrocortizone cream to what I have been doing to try to reduce the inflammation / pimples.

  7. @ Vi and Nessa: Zak was extremely fussy in those early weeks as well. I resorted to sleeping with him on my chest in the recliner so I could get 2-3 hours of continuous sleep. He HATED to be put into his crib next to my side of the bed. We tried everything we could think of: batheing before bed, swaddling, heart beat sounds etc. Nope. It finally ended up being dressing him in two layers of clothes and having him sleep in the boppy pillow in crib next to me with a pacifer that finally did the trick. At almost 4 months, I can just put him into his crib at bedtime in his normal jammies (no boppy necessary) and he will quickly fall asleep. It truly will get better!

    @ Chrissy: I was nervous before my c-section and I knew from 28 weeks it was coming. It didn't help matters much that my time got delayed because of an emergency c-section. I would think it abnormal if you weren't thinking about it. It is major surgery - it just has one of the best results in the end!


  8. Zak decided all of a sudden today he was going to try to "talk" like his sister. So...now I have two of them babbling away. :thumbs: Hana has started to arch her back by pushing up on her legs while laying on her back. I don't think it will be long before she rolls over either. They are growing up fast!

  9. It is normal. They run out of room to move. If you feel it is abnormal, call your doctor. I ended up visiting L/D per my dr's orders when my two didn't move for a day. All was ok, but it took a while to get a passing NST and I was told I did the right thing. The nurses say a mom's intuition is usually correct.

  10. OMG...Hana has such a fascination with the ceiling fan. She will stare at it, laugh, and coo. I keep telling her to let mama know when it starts talking to her because mama will get her some help. :blink:

    Hana is also being sooooooooooooo talkative today -- nonstop cooing for more than 2 hours right now! Zak is sleeping a lot. So...he must be going through another growth spurt.

  11. I hate the A& D ointment. I like something with zinc oxide. I know when I was going through wound care it is what helped me with my irritated skin from the drainage. It instantly relieved the irritation. So, I can only imagine how much better it makes their bottom feel. I usually just slather it on the two of them before bedtime (since overnight is the longest time they stay in any one diaper). Hana has sensitive skin and it really helps. I personally like Burt's Bees Diaper Creme. It is thick and smells wonderful.

  12. Nessa: You need to feel comfortable with your son's pediatrician. I see nothing wrong with looking for someone else since you will be seeing them often during the first year and they will be there for your questions. I love my babies' ped. He is such a wonderful guy. He even posed for pics with them when we took them the first time. The head nurse is wonderful as well. They have really tried to help us with formula from the Similac rep.

  13. Wow! Another baby! Yay!

    I had my yearly appt with my ob/gyn today. I got to thank the other doc in the practice who watched over me when I was in the hospital while she was on vacation. He also assisted in the c-section. I am having some issues so I hope it is just all hormonal. She is sending me for an ultrasound next week to make sure all is ok and if I am still having issues, she told me a ct scan is next. It could very well be a hernia at the c-section site. For now, I am back to only lifting something as heavy as one of my twins. :wacko:


  14. Thanks for everyone's eye color replies. I know the science behind the genetics (I am a high school science teacher). What really happens and when it happens I know can vary and was interested in what others had seen. The nurse at the hospital told my family it can take about two years for pigmentation to finally set in. My family asked because at birth Zak appeared to have more of my husband's skin color and Hana appeared more like me.


  15. Did any of you with the 1 y/o babies or older have children whose eyes were blue and changed? At what age did they change for you?

    I am curious what color Hana and Zak's eyes will be. I think Zak's will eventually be brown. As for Hana, I am not too sure. I have blue eyes. DH has brown eyes. My mom has hazel eyes. So...I think brown is in their future. I am just curious.

  16. I really like the wipes warmer. It does dry out the one wipe on top, but the babies don't scream like when you use a cold wipe on them. Also, it may just be me, but I think it makes them a little more pliable as well.

    AFU: Zaki rolled over from his tummy to his back multiple times this morning. We kept trying him to see if it was a fluke. :devil:

  17. I had such horrible heartburn from 24 weeks onward. I just kept eating Tums and eliminated those foods which really bothered me...especially the tomato products. It was hard being on bedrest and carrying twins to not feel miserable in that respect.

    AFM: We switched the babies a week ago from Similac Sensitive to the generic Walmart version. Zak seems to have less gas issues on it. Now the only problem...both are constipated because of it. I am now trying to work on that by giving them some water inbetween formula feedings. We'll see how it goes. I think both of them are going through a growth spurt right now as we are going through a big canister of formula every three days. I have told the babies they need to stop growing. I just put them in 3-6 month clothing 2-3 weeks ago and they have already outgrown anything that has feet in this size.

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