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Posts posted by Ann25

  1. Hi, Ann25! First of all, are you a Filipino married to a foreign national? If so, then before you can use your married name in your passport, you will have to attend a CFO seminar first, and secure a certificate of attendance. This will be asked from you when you go to DFA to have your name and status changed in your passport.

    I renewed my passport only last 16 April 2013, and I plan on attending the seminar soon, so that I can have my name changed to my married name in my passport. It is also worth noting that renewal is free if you do this within the first year since date of issue in your passport. In my case, I have two weeks to do so.

    I hope this helps!

    Hi, thanks for the info. Yes, I am a filipina married to an american but I am here already in the US. I have 2 years greencard already.

  2. Hi, I just want to check if someone here has tried to have her passport change to her married family name WITHOUT renewing her passport.

    I just had my passport changed last year and its good for who knows how many years. I just want to change it to my husbands family name?

    If so, how long did it usually takes?

    Thank you very much!

  3. Years back, I had this american ex bf (daughter of my child) and we were together in Cebu. One main thing our relationship didn't work out because he always see the bad things, complains and insult. I mean, most of what he said was true coz that's what he saw but the thing was RESPECT. I am a filipino and I know how bad it is, how people live in squatters area, etc. But one thing I learned when I moved to Thailand, if you go to other country, have/show respect. We all have different cultures, lives, attitudes, etc so we can't judge everybody like the same.

    He always say how poor filipinos are, cheap, monkeys or whatever he likes calling it, it hurts and bothers me coz I am a filipino. When I got pregnant he left. I asked for child support and he tells me why not let my cheap parents take care of us. First, why would my parents do that, where they there at the time we made the baby? I worked hard for me and my daughter to live. At times I ask help from him, he gives but he tells so much ####... so everytime I had this fight conversation with him, I told him... well, guess you are the cheapest stupidest worst person.. you complain how things are in Philippines and your blood your daughter, you wanted her to live a life like that (we are not poor, we are not rich). He always say how good things are in US but he never even wanted to help to get her a US passport coz it COST MUCH, he can't even spend 100 or 200 dollars for her daughter, how cheap is that?

    Most americans or wherever they are from may have bad experience with filipinos, we (some) filipinos too. We all have different stories here. There's just one thing, RESPECT. You wanted to marry a filipina, try to be open-minded, know what you are getting. if you love the person, accept everything. why marry someone then if you have all this issues coming through your mind.

    I'm married now, he came to Thailand and not to Philippines. He met my parents online and maybe a year or 2, will visit Philippines. Everytime we had to go somewhere, I tell him stories about Philippines specially, roads, food, traffic, and people. I show him how I like to eat and everything I can show that he could atleast expect and tell him Im worried maybe you won't survive in Philippines lol (that was just a joke). He tells me, it doesn't matter. All he cares is us together, our family and meeting my parents. If we are happy and safe, then there's nothing to worry about.

    Do I make sense here?

  4. Just my opinion. I'm a Filipina. I used to work in Thailand and most of the time I send my parents some money when I have extras specially birthdays, Christmas and New Years or buy tickets and let them come to Thailand. I love doing that for them, it makes me happy. I love sending them to restaurants so they can have dinner. I just love seeing the pictures lol. When my daughter went to study in Philippines, I took care of her needs and bought them a motorcycle (monthly payment until now) Then, I had to come here and I told them before we got here that I will still pay for it every month, I'll just ask my husband. But when we got here, things change. I couldn't ask my husband. With him working hard, paying all the bills and taking care of us, I don't want to add a hundred dollars or two. He'll say yes for sure but I just couldn't. So I told my parents just for the mean time while I'm waiting for my visa so I can find a job SOON lol, they could pay for it (5000 a month is not easy for them) and promised them that I'll pay the money back they paid and pay the rest of it. I know it's my obligation to pay for it but being a single mom for 6 years, paying all bills, etc, I know how hard it is for them but I don't want to put pressure on my husband too.

    The thing is, if maybe you could talk to your wife (I'm sure all wife knows every situation) and she could talk to her family. I should say for me, it's better if you save the money here than sending money monthly there when no emergency or something so that when they big emergency there, you have the money. I know for some, they have extras and for some, its just enough for the living. If you can't afford, then don't do it. But if you wanted then send some that's enough. (I don't want to offend others if ever but just my opinion) Well, maybe if she has her own work and she wants to send her money there, thats her choice because she works for that.

  5. Thank you so much for taking time. About the his and mine, I used that one for the everybody to understand easily since I don't want to mention their names. The thing is, we got here last year and all our visa are still in process.. I still don't have SSN and drivers license. So, after school we are stuck in the room and week-ends too. My husband works on saturday and sometimes sundays. I know they are bored or something but there's nothing I can do. I even feel depress just staying home. I have a different life in Philippines and Thailand. I'm more of an outgoing person and not just a stay home one. And staying the whole time at the house drives me crazy how much more hearing them fighting after minutes or hours. It's not an easy road for me too. But this is what I chose to live and no regrets, just little sacrifice. And so with my daughter. She used to play with kids after school (we live in a private school campus) go somewhere with no problems. In here, they don't have friends. Even his daughter have friends but can't play with them. Both of us are having this adjustments too, not only them. They were able to make it with their moms step-daughter. What I thought why they are acting this way because they used to have 50/50 but their mom has alcohol problem and psychology. So now, their dad has the full supervision not unless their moms husband or their oldest sister will be with them. The court just ask her to see a psychologist (did I spell it right) and have an alcohol test just so she can see her kids again but she never did it. Their dad just wanted their safety because their mom did many things already that isn't safe for them. Sometimes, on Saturday, my daughter and I could go to church by bus but when his daughter is here we can't coz he doesnt like them riding the bus. (my husband doesnt like me to ride too but i forced him just so i can go somewhere).. If it's not easy for them us here, it's never easy for us. They had their life like the same except having us but for us, everything, place, food, culture, them..

    And I know sending her back to Philippines will never resolve the problem and now I understand more I shouldn't coz then his daughter will think she wins. That's what my husband tells me too. We are a family we will be together no matter what. It's too much for me sometimes and seeing my daughter hurt hurts me more. We just had a family talk, my husband trying to asked them to make things easier here at the house but not even 24 hours, it's back to normal. they tell my daughter stupid so she goes away and cries and both play, laughing, chasing, eating.. they go inside his room and play there.

    But maybe time will come when things will be better. Thanks for taking time to read and share your opinion.

  6. I posted here last year about blended family and now, hopefully asking from filipino with the same situation that I had might be able to give advice or comfort.

    I have one daughter, he has four, two are grown-ups and live with their own, two are living with us. They are both adopted from Korea and Vietnam age 14 and 11, boy and girl. My daughter use to play with the 11 year old but she always gets what she wants, she only thinks whats best for her. When it comes to food, she gets what she wants and give what she doesn't like to my daughter and my daughter doesn't like it too. She can wear my daughters clothes specially the new ones we bought and that she likes it but my daughter only wears clothes she doesn't like. She always try to demand my daughter and when my daughter couldn't find it or do it, she gets upset.. My daughter just turn 7 years old. She always tell my daughter loser, stupid, eiwww(or how you spell that)and even laugh at her but if my daughter laugh at her, she totally get pissed off like she wanted to punch her. I know there's always two stories but trust me, every time my daughter did something, she pays for the consequence. I always tell her to share and say, that's ok.. It's like my daughter's the one who has to do everything so just no fight... She does something that we don't see and my daughter starts crying and tell us what happened but because we didn't see my daughter gets in trouble. I talk with my daughter and she tells me what happened. When she wanted to know if they could get a snack or whatever it is, she asked my daughter to ask us and even have to ask us many times that my daughter is the one who gets trouble. She even tried hurting my daughter that pissed me off (but yeah, when someone does something wrong here, parents just talk to them)because their father never hurt them, I don't either even how many times I caught her lying, stealing and I guess would be fair enough if she wouldn't hurt my daughter...When her father scolds her, she gets upset that she makes trouble for my daughter. Her father talked to her like many times but not even like 12 hours, she's back. I even have a filipina friend and met her and even didn't like her. How she talks, how she acts, her facial expression. She's KSP. She wanted all the attention to her. And to be honest, my daughter is not close to my husband. I don't know that's why there is no reason for her to be jealous. I always wanted to send my daughter back home and just let her study there, live with my parents (she grew up in Philippines as I was working in Thailand). My daughter always tells me that she wants to go home and that her half-sister said this is not her home and she doesn't like here and they are mean to her. All I ever wanted was for my daughter to be happy, to have family, to have sister or brother since I can't have anymore and she always tells me she likes to have a brother or sister. My relation with my husband has no issue. It's just the kids. I thought because they were accepted and loved in this family, they could do the same to my daughter.

    Do you ever have this problem with your family? It's totally killing me.

  7. I don't know rules everywhere but I'm just sharing mine.. I came here with K1 visa and my daughter was K2. We got here October 2011 and after a week, my daughter went to school, its a public school. Before that, the school just wanted to be sure that she has all the vaccinations required. So took her to the health department and had her vaccine, then some requirements from me and from my husband (that time we were not married yet). My passport, my daughters passport, house bill ( my husband had the electric bill). I guess that's it.. Hope this one helps..

  8. Hello

    I have a question for anybody the petitioned a fiance with children to do a join and follow at a later time especially any filipinos fiances. I have to make a big decision on whether to agree with my fiance to come first or have the kids come at the sametime with her. The children's name were on the approved I-129 petition. In about 3 weeks, we are going to start the medical exam and interview process. The reasons for the delays is that one child is still being treated for TB and needs 1 to 2 months more treatment. I am still concern that the boys could fail the TB test and we don't want to cause anymore delays or increase costs. If my fiance comes alone with the kids, I know we have a year to bring the children on a K2 visa after her's is issued.

    I have concerns! What is the likely hood of fiance getting an Advance Parole to be able to travel back to the filipinos to bring the kids while her Adjustment of Status is being reviewed? I also know that Filipino children need travel to get a passport which they have already. If we decided to do the join and follow, can I be considered a legal guardian to bring the boys to the USA? I am asking because of my job will allow me easier a chance travel because of my job. Right now, I am looking for anybody that has gone through this experience especially Filipino couples. If I do the math, I can't see how a child can do a join in follow under the situation of waiting for an approval of an AP. AP's are only issued on emergency basis. Can getting you kid before a petition expires be considered an emergency by USCIS. Well thanks for listen and please help me and my fiance on this big decision.

    Take Care


    I don't if this help. I'm a filipino but ours was processed in Thailand. My daughter was positive in TB test. The embassy approved her visa with medical B. When we got here in US, at the port of entry, they took us to an office where we were instructed on what to do to her. So we called the Health Department and she was given 9 months treatment....

    We had problems with her visa too that took us long to be here like more than a year and my husband and I thought of having my daughter follow to join but because of time and money, we thought of just waiting for her papers to be done...

    For AP, its not for emergency only I guess (I'm not sure). But when we applied for AOS, I applied for AP just incase we will travel outside. So by the time she gets here in US, you can get married right away and applied for AOS and AP. usually AP takes 3 months.. I hope it helps.

  9. The fees are incorrect so they will not keep any of your documents. You will have to resubmit everything.

    Yes, we have to resubmit again with the correct fees but what does this mean?

    Based on the information you provided, your priority date could not be established. Please resubmit your application with resubmit the application with proper documentation to the address listed on the bottom of this notice.

    The following documents may be provided:

    Your original Form I-130... if you are filing concurrently or

    Your original Form I-140... if you are filing concurrently or

    Your original Form I-360... if you are filing concurrently or

    A Copy of your Form I-797.. If the I--130, I-140, I-360 or I-560 petition has already been filed/approved.

  10. Received I-797C Notice of Action. Just confused.

    "The Check amount is incorrect, or has not been provided....

    Based on the information you provided, your priority date could not be established. Please resubmit your application with resubmit the application with proper documentation to the address listed on the bottom of this notice.

    The following documents may be provided:

    Your original Form I-130... if you are filing concurrently or

    Your original Form I-140... if you are filing concurrently or

    Your original Form I-360... if you are filing concurrently or

    A Copy of your Form I-797.. If the I--130, I-140, I-360 or I-560 petition has already been filed/approved.

    Any ideas? We are filing for I-485 and all the documents we mailed to them, they sent it all back.. so confused..

    thank you!

  11. The civil surgeon documents must be sealed - when you see the civil surgeon they seal one copy for the package and give you an extra copy usually.

    Health Centers are not accepted - you must see a designated civil surgeon that is listed by the USCIS.

    Why did your vaccination say incomplete? If it is incomplete due to "not age appropriate" then you would not have to see a civil surgeon.

    I'm unsure about the TB issue for your child.

    Mine says not age appropriate and insufficient time interval. but says 2. results: vaccine history incomplete. application may be eligible for blanket waiver because vaccination not medically appropriate. thank you!

  12. Our papers were returned because of incorrect fee. Now, my questions is about I-693. I do want to make sure now that our process wont be returned or we will get an RFE.

    1. Do I need to see a CS for transcription of I-163? I came here to US in K1 visa and been here for less than a year. My vaccination was incomplete.

    2. My daughter, with K2 visa, had Class B for medical. She had positive test for TB. She's having her medication now for 9 months.

    Do we need to submit documents to prove shes having medication?

    3. When we submit this, does it need to be sealed?

    4. Do you think Health Centers are accepted?

    Thank you very much!

  13. Hello Everyone. I would like to share my experience here as maybe it could help someone else (not sure if it works for other countries but I am from Philippines). This maybe a situation rarely happens.

    I was 19 years old when I had a lived-in partner (American). I got pregnant and he left (like most stories happens). I started dating again someone online and met this man and we got engaged after I gave birth and was stupid enough to let my daughter use his family name and appears to be the father signed by him too (that appears on my daughter's BC). We broke up and I moved on and worked in Thailand (English teacher).

    Few years after I decided to date someone online (again) and he came to meet me and my daughter and petitioned us after (K1 visa). I had my interview last March 2010 and was given this 221g. It states that I need to provide a father's consent and US passport for my daughter. I posted here before asking for some advice and even thought of giving up. But then, talk with some lawyers in Philippines and they said we will try to find an attorney at my hometown and have this correction of live birth. Working in Thailand, I ask my mothers help and found one lawyer who would do it. With the help of my mom and back and forth mails of documents, we were able to do it. It took us a year for having the corrected live birth approved by the court. With all evidences (my statement only no documents that he came here after my child was born, posted it on the local newspaper) that he isn't the biological father and no communications and support we were blessed to have it approved (1 year after). So after my daughter received her new passport, she went back to Thailand and we gave the new Birth certificate.

    The form 221g is valid for one year. Just before it expires, I went back to the embassy telling them I need more time and they gave me another year. Then, my fiance and I decided to let me come to US first and have my daughter follow-to-join ( since we have to wait 3 months process for her corrected live birth certificate be available at the NSO and 2 months process for the new passport) so I went back to the embassy telling them we decided to have my daughter follow-to-join so they gave me another form stating what documents we need (new medical, tax, affidavit of support). Then, later on decided to just wait for my daughter (2 months process for her passport). When she was ready, she came to Thailand and we went back to the embassy but they gave us another 221g that we need supporting documents or evidences from my fiance that he can support us since his tax is negative and new medical for my daughter. Then, went back to the embassy again with all that they needed but because too many people are ahead of us that day, they can't review our papers so we have to leave our passports and wait for their call. Few days after, received a call from them and our visa was ready. FINALLY!

    But anyways, I learned that there will always be ways and if you both really want to be together, you will have the patience to wait and wait and wait. Some may have an easy quick process and some may not. Just don't give up.

    We are finally here and got married to him. Life is never easy between us now as I have been posting some topics here but I believe we can go through it. Just keep on praying.

    God bless!

  14. It can take a while to get it back yes. Where did you get the info for the price? Was it in a post or in a guide?

    While VJ attempts to stay up to date, it is almost impossible given the constant updating from USCIS. It is up to you to confirm information such as mailing address (which has also changed in recent time) and form fees. Not to mention supporting document requirements and form versions.

    Oh no, so that means like a month or more? Was praying things good speed up coz I really wanted to start working. It was all my fault I guess. I read people's comment about requirements and when it comes to fee, I just pass it on. I get the info where there's guide for adjustment of status and says fee for I-485 application.

    But if ever we are denied for wrong fees as I read some forum here, we still could submit back our application?

    Do you think it would be a good idea if we send another form of application with the right fees and etc? or just really have to wait for it to be back?

  15. Hi Everyone. We just had our papers submitted last week and reading some new topics here, I read one that says the fee is 1,070 and not 1,010. When we look at the fees in here.. it says filing + biometric = 1,010. Guess they need to change that one.

    What do we need to do now? Do we need to wait for them to send us telling that our payment was lacking or can we send it to them now? And for K2 its 600 right? or is it more?

    About the medical form? we need to send a copy of our vaccination?

    Thank you for your help.

  16. sumbit 221g papers Jan,19,2012 Still Waiting For Reply k1 221g.

    ****K1 visa new delhi****

    April 15,2011 ________ Sent I-129F at USCIS.

    April 30,2011 ________ Received NOA 1.

    August 12,2011 ________ NOA2(Approved) .

    October 8,2011 ________ Received packet 3 .

    October 9,2011 ________ Sent Packet-3 E-mailed to Embassy.

    December 10,2011 ________ Received Packet 4 .

    January 12,2012 ________ Interview my bad luck i got(221g)letter :(..

    January 19,2012 ________ Submitted 221g additional Proof of Relationship with my passport.

    January 30,2012 ________ Waiting for reply from embassy .

    my(221g)letter says this

    1 Notarized explanation from you and your petitioner of how and when you first met and why you decided to get engaged.

    2 List of all engagement ceremony guests,their relationship to you,their addresses and their phone numbers.

    3 Itemized emails and/or postmarked letters or cards between you and your fiancee.

    4 Photos of you and the petitioner before,during,and after your engagement.

    5 Notarized statement signed by the applicant's parents discussing their views of the engagement.

    6 Notarized copy of your fiancee's passport.

    7 Voter's ID card and Voter's list for the past 5 years of the beneficiary...

    Thats it.................................

    __________________MY QUS HERE PLS ANS IF ANYONE KNOW________________

    (1)------( my Qus is How long they will take to decide about my case?)------

    (2)------(Any chance to get a visa in this case?)------

    Thank you

    any one know about this then pls help me...

    Hi there, I'm just gonna share my experience but I can't guarantee it 100%. When we processed for 221g, I got this form like 3 or 4 times. Ours was to provide a fathers consent from my child's father and her US passport. I can't provide it and we had to go through court hearing which took us like more than a year. Before the 1 year period they gave us to submit, I went back to the US embassy telling them I need more time so they gave me another year. Then, my fiance and I decided to just let me go and have my daughter follow-to-join, so I went back to the embassy and ask them what I need if I go first and they gave me this form again. I need new medical, etc. Then we changed our mind that will just wait for my daughter's new birth certificate and passport. So we waited and after, we went back to the embassy. But then, they gave us a form again to provide new tax, new evidences, medical etc. So I tried to have them and returned to the embassy again. I went there wednesday but since that monday was close, too many people ahead of us so she just took our passport and all documents.

    Wednesday we went there, then on monday, they called me and told me that I can pick up our passport.

    So just try to gather what they need. I almost lose hope with ours but we did what we can. It's not what they wanted coz I just gave them a corrected birth certificate of my daughter that the father doesn't exist.

    God Bless.

  17. What would I do if I have missed to include my fiancee's income tax return and w-2 when I mailed in the returned packet 3? Should I send the income tax return and inform them the embassy about it? or, since I feel like I am going to be interviewed next month, I will just bring it with me on the actual interview date. I would appreciate to hear from Thailand applicants.

    Hi there. I don't know if this is too late response but when I had mine before and that's in thailand, if you missed something, just bring them during the interview, I guess. When I had my interview, they ask for more documents which I had them. (not 100% sure but that what happens to me. I met some people there too and when they had their interview, some doesn't even have their medicals and was just given a form you need to accomplish.

    Hope everything goes well with you.

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