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Posts posted by dswann

  1. Thanks Guys and Gals for posting. As for me I live in Jacksonville Florida. I am a Southerner and sound like Val Kilmer and Forrest Gump when i speak. The south is full of things to do. Anna wants to go to Alaska and we will but i think that will be next summer. I have a friend that lives there and we will head up there. Personally, I have niot been to Turkey or Odessa. I have seem photos of it and it looks very nice. I have seem many beaches around the world i feel none are better than Sarasota Flordia. We will hang out there for sure. In Athens Georgia they have a bile race in the middle of town every year. The Pros that ride the Tour de France come there and it is a blast to watch. Anna has never sky dived. I have and i told her we would go do that for sure. Anna has never had Mexican food. I was shocked with that. So another thing on the list for sure.

    I gave Anna I Nikon D90 camera while i was there and she told me she just wants to travel and take photos. Sure, we can do that. I have spent just so much time preparing for her arrival i am ready to have some fun!!!!! Home, Work,school for her, details of life, you know. I got flamed in another post i made about Anna having shock when she comes here. Yes we skype but, This is the land of dreams and where Anna comes from she only makes 250 dollars a month. Of course I add to that and make her life without stress with cash but, how could not have shock when coming here.

    In closing, Keep the ideas flowing. Always cool too hear what the other side things and feels.


  2. Gang, You know we all have a lot of time on our hands and we are thinking. Some times us USA Guys and Gals take for granted what we have around us. It would be cool to get input from the other side of things of what they enjoyed upon coming to the land of dreams. What did the find cool? What do they still wish to go do? What was the strangest thing for them? You guys know what i am speaking of. I have been thinking about it and making plans of things to do from homes to school too going to Disney and the beach. Let it hang out and see where this goes. All the best!


  3. That is the riddle that the veterans can answer for sure but I feel it would be how they distibure their case load or what type of cases they have the most of to attempt to create a balance. I do not know this for fact and i am only assuming. I am at the 44 day mark. When you see a 38 one come by it makes you say WoW!!!! I prepared for one hundred day wait. I feel i have 90 more days to her interview in Kiev approx. I am wichful and hopeful it will happen in that time frame.


  4. Lol, yes. if you look at the "immigration Timelines" you can see nothing is really happening with K-1s right now. " Gary and Alla" have a post here where they had dinner with one of the directors or something and Gary asked alot of great questions to him. It was one of the best post i have read here. Gary explains that they do pull clerks or case worker off K-1s and place them onto other types of Visa's. This could be happening right now. March and April was really nothing happening at all. I hope it gets better for all of us. And Vermont wakes up and makes it happen for us. We will see.


  5. Thank You guys for stepping up to the plate on the "shock topic" I was married to a Ukrainian Lady for ten years. She spoke no english when she came and i carry her all the way to her citizenship. With Anna, I will do the same. Sure we have had the "Skype Tours" But as Anna states to me " I will understand when i am there and see it" There is no way you can paint a true picture of life here from Skype. Sure you might now where the tooth paste is in the home but can she drive and buy it if needed? My role, is to provide knowlege for life and our life together here. From Banking to paying bills and her understanding where the insurance policies are. My first k-1 she did not want to know any of that, Anna is very different. Anna and i have spent hours on Skype. One reason Anna does not know about my home is? I have two of them. She has seen the one on Athens Gerorgia but, Anna will be picking out our new beach home in Fernadina Beach Florida. Bad on me? Wow? I was thinking I was adding to her life and giving her choices she had never had? Maybe i am wrong.

    best of luck to All


  6. CAse and point but, Sure Skype tours are great but, The way we live and the pace. Banking all is very different. Friends? Hmmmmmmm, you will see. I maybe wrong but from my past experience these ladies compare notes. It is good in some cases and not in others. Sure, I have prepared as much as I can but she will have to do some on her own. My point is "Natasha" in ten years did not have One friend here in USA (all Russian Ladies were her friends) She failed to embrace the culture here and never moved away from the Ukraine really at the end of day. In coming here it is a new way of life. Sure, I have been all over the world and Europe and USA are like hot and cold in there difference. Sure, everybody is different and reacts different.

    In all i told Anna "I am marrying a Human being and lady that just happens to be from the Ukraine". Of course, we all want their best for our loved ones. We all want to do what ever we can to make their coming here easy as possible. We are all in that boat. I am glad to know you and her have studied the file. She is already here, and you just do not know it! Best of luck.


  7. I wish you luck man. One thing i would do is go over your file with her. Ask her questions that are clearly in your file. This really helps. It gives her a feel of what could be asked in the meeting. I can say this becuase this is my second K-1 visa. She is going to have shock upon coming here. I can only say from myself one of the biggest mistakes i made in my first K-1 was having gather Russian friends for support here. In my first K-1 that lasted ten years she had not one USA friend. The biggest step for any lady is driving. I have the Drivers manual written in Russian if you need it I can e-mail it to you.

    I am now living in Jacksonville Florida working at The Navy nuke base as a computer engineer. Anna has a degree in Psychology. I was living in Athens Georgia and she would have gone to University of Georgia here. I have already had her degree translated and it stands up here. I have been working to find a college in Jacksonville area and I have. Now Anna will have to pass TOELF and GRE exam. She speaks fluently in english so the toelf will not be a problem but the GRE might be another story with Anna being weak in Algebra.

    I, really do not see Anna working a job here in USA until she finishes her masters. The masters in her field has become the new BA and she will need it to have a good job.

    Now, over the time Anna and i have been together i have been preparing her for coming here. Discussing bank accounts the day to day life. After that first week of spending time with her we all have to return to the day to day grind of things. At that point that is where it becomes real life.

    I took Anna two of Dave Ramseys books and a Zodiac book and you can guess which she read first and she has just begun the Ramsey books. She some thinking. It will be nice to hear what happens with your meeting in Kiev. All the best to you!!


  8. What did you contact your congressman for? I'm curious if this is something we should do as well. I had contacted one earlier, prior to trying for the K1, and had gotten a document stating my congressman's approval for my partner to enter the country, but it didn't do much for the tourist visa. : \

    You can do this and they do a inquiry into your file. No one really knows if this helps or not. I did because i just wanted to do something in the hope the USCIS would understand someone else is aware and looking at our file. USCIS really does not answer to the congress and senate but they accept questions and kick out a "boiler plate" answer to these questions.


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