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Vi Mazzella

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About Vi Mazzella

  • Birthday 08/27/1981

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • City
    Lima- Peru

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    Well this is my first time writing to you and i´m very glad that i found you. About my story??? it´s a real fairy tale.
    I´m Peruvian (23 years old) and met the love of my life 3 years ago, in Lima. I´m a tour guide and Silvio came to Perú with 6 Americans to make social service, he and his friends decided to take a tour in Lima and guess what, i was their guide. You can imagine who was the center of my attention -HIM- and at the end of the tour we exchanged e.mails. We started a cool friendship on-line and he decided to visit me for Christmas. He met my family and friends and what can i say, they LOVE him.
    After 8 months of relationship he proposed to me, we planned our wedding for 1 year, and his family and friends came for that special ocassion. We got married on July 24th 2004. Luckily he´s a teacher and has a lot of vacations, comes to visit me each 2 months 1/2. Our lawyer sent our documents at the end of November, they accepted the papers the first week of december and approved them on January 3rd, so now i need your help, i want to know what is the next step, do we have to send more papers? when is the embassy going to call me for the famous interview??, you understand me, it´s horrible to be far from my husband. I´ve never applied for the visa before we prefered to wait.

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