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Status Updates posted by BigSigh

  1. I can't believe you are STILL having issues with USCIS. Yikes! I know that we had to go to get SS card for my husband because it was never sent to us but we received the other things in the mail. Sigh. How are you adjusting so far?

  2. Gracias! Sorry, I didn't see your post before. Todo anda mal pero estare bien algun dia :) Como andan las cosas por uds?

  3. Let's just say I'm not a success story. I'm glad to hear that everything is going well for you though :). When does your husband get back?

  4. I hope everyone is having a wonderful life right now :) Best of luck to those who are still trying to get their loved ones up here :)

    1. Sweetcheeksss


      Hey! I was just thinking about you a cpl of days ago. Things are pretty sweet here, my hubby is still deployed but I am working at a local bank, made some new friends, I'm lovin life.

      How's everything with you??

  5. How are things going?

  6. How is your life going?

  7. Congrats! I'm glad to see that you guys were finally able to file :) Where are you in the process now?

  8. Congrats on being done with the process for now :)

  9. So I've tried looking under your name and your e-mail and no such luck!

    That means I share my name with you :P :

    Alix Cuellar Welch

  10. It sounds like you were approved!!!! You can check with someone else from Turkey though...because every country has a different paper color for the good news. But...if they took your passport and you paid UPS, then you should be set!!!!

  11. Awesome that you got a job :) Teya loves having her own space. It isn't close to where we were before but in the same city :P Good luck with your job. Everything will be just fine!

  12. Thanks! He is doing fine, thanks. How are things going there?

  13. Yay!!! So are you in the US now?!? Sorry I wasn't on here earlier.

  14. No worries! I forgot my password to here...so I haven't been on either. I'm on FB for sure...I'll send you my name. i read your post :) Love it!

  15. Congrats on having an interview right about now!!!!! Awesome!!!!! I'mn sure you will do just fine!!! Can't wait to hear the best of news from you!!!!

  16. Sorry i wasn't on earlier. I see you have recieved the answer you needed :) I hope the RFE checklist gets dealt with quickly for you! If nothing is wrong, they will give you the SIF and CC shortly after :)

  17. How are you doing? Sorry I wasn't on earlier! Congrats if you passed the interview :D

  18. Sorry- I haven't been on in a long time. How is Alan doing?

  19. Yay!!! Congrats on the interview date!!! You are so close to the end now :) Yay!!!

  20. Awww man K! I hope you are able to get through fully this time!!!

  21. Wooo hooo!!! So close to the other side now :) Congrats on the 1 year!!!

  22. Yay!!! Time to pack up your Canadian life and move over here :)

  23. :( Poor Alan! I hope the pneumonia goes away quickly!!! Glad to hear that you are feeling better as well (except for the head aches).
  24. Thanks Tom! Rub in the teenager thing :P Yeah, I know about the leaving everything behind part for my spouse. The transition should get easier. My husband got his Green card last week but no SSN...why they make that the hard thing to get idk! You'd think they'd want your money ASAP!!! :P

  25. Thanks! :) I hope everything is still going awesomely for you two!

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