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Status Updates posted by Golden_State

  1. Green Card received today! A long journey comes to a close (and another begins)

    1. star_shine


      You go girl :) Congrats ( i know im a few months late but oh well haha)

  2. The AOS interview was a snap - very similar to the K1 interview in Montreal. The hardest part was waiting (they were 45 minutes late). The interview itself was about 10 minutes.

    Congrats on your EAD card!!

  3. AOS interview date is set!

  4. biometrics done (did a walk-in 9 days early!)

    1. star_shine


      Niceeee !!!!! Arent you Lucky!! I hope my turn comes soon!!!!!

  5. waiting for my biometrics and work authorization!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Golden_State


      yep - finally got it! It took forever and my appointment isn't for weeks.

    3. star_shine


      When u say forever .. how long is forever ? :(

      im STILL waiting for my Letter its been over 2 months :(

    4. Golden_State


      I got the notice with the appointment date 1 month after the NOA for AOS and EAD and the appointment itself is for 2 months after the NOA date. (NOA: Aug 26 / appt letter Sept 29 / appt Oct 27).

  6. AOS package is in the mail!

  7. living the dream in San Diego!

    1. J & J

      J & J

      Glad you had a safe POE :)Wishing you both the best!

  8. entering USA tomorrow a.m.! Stomach is full of butterflies!

  9. got my US Visa in the mail today!

    1. FaithfulandTrue



  10. Good luck with your interview!

  11. interview passed! time to sell everything I own :)

  12. you should be getting your interview date any day now! I think the hardest is between hearing the date and the interview itself. Can't wait until it's June 11th!

  13. wow, June 1! that's so soon. Congratulations and good luck!

  14. We just got our appointment date: June 11!!

  15. good luck on your interview tomorrow :)

  16. I'm getting my fiance to call today (my office is *very* open-concept and I haven't gone public yet, so I don't want to say words like "immigration interview" loud enough for anyone to hear).

    Your dress sounds pretty. It'll look great with your complexion :)

  17. I just looked at julesrose's timeline, and her interview is for May 10, not June 10! Ahh!! What if ours are that early? :)

    p.s. what does your dress look like? Mine is pink :)

  18. oh awesome!! I hope we're all on the same day: June 10 :)

  19. hmm.. I called DOS yesterday and they said the packet had been logged but there was no interview date. I thought that happened a month later?

  20. we have a similar timeline to you two! my packet 3 was also sent to Montreal on March 19 and it was logged on April 12 (not sure why it took so long!) Maybe we'll have our interview on the same day!

  21. it's cool that you had some choice for when you wanted the interview. did you get an email from them that you responded to with your ideal day/time?

  22. woah, you didn't get much notice between your pkt 4 going out and the interview date! I hope I get that lucky :)

  23. our packet got logged about the same time as yours! Maybe I'll see you at the interview? :)

  24. 2 weeks until your interview!! so exciting :D

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