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Posts posted by Kar_98

  1. Just the few I can remember:

    1983 Renault 18

    1977 Audi 80

    1986 VW Golf

    1978 VW Rabbit (first car in the US)

    1984 VW GTI

    1990 Isuzu Trooper

    1986 Chevy G20

    1987 VW Scirocco

    1997 VW Golf

    There were a few Skodas and Trabants, and at one time, a Moskvich. But I don't remember where they were on the time line.

  2. I think she gets all this from a friend, but did not do it correctly.

    Give the man a cigar!

    There's GOT to be a field manual out there in Russia, because that's the exact same course they're all taking:

    0. realize you're too old to roam the roads of Leningrad as a three bit ####### anymore

    1. post "I am looking for looooooooove" ad in trucker mag or online

    2. get married to American citizen

    3. always leave "traces" of being abused around

    4. as soon as convincingly possible, often after removal of conditions, sometimes earlier under VAWA, sometimes later, to get citizenship sooner, call the cops on the husband for alleged abuse.

    5. get divorced, US citizenship, and your dumb #### American husband's stuff.

    I know several cases from real life, and many many more online. It gets hilarious when they screw up the playbook.

  3. I failed the first written test, cause I just took it when I first went to the DMV, without reading the handbook. I didn't know the answers to all the "fine-questions"

    Yeah, remember on the previous page of this thread, where I said: "do download the TX drivers' handbook and try to memorize the sections re/teens and alcohol, everything else is common sense),"? Why do you think I said that?

  4. Texas: have somebody _with_ a US or CDN license drive you to the DPS.

    Show them insurance, inspection and registration on the car.

    Show them your SSN, and at least the EAD (I-766).

    Take "written" test. Take vision test. Scoot around the block.

    Receive paper license afterwards.

    Receive plastic license in the mail a couple of days later.

    Cost $24.

    Your Euro license doesn't mean jack.

    This is how it's done, and there's no "but I'm special I want it easier" to it. It's easy and cheap enough.

  5. @Alle ich wollte euch mal fragen wie das ist mit Deutschem Reisepass erneuern. Meiner laeuft uebermorgen ab.

    Ich habe gehoert das es in Dallas Texas eine Deutsche Embassy gibt.

    Embassies, Botschaften, finden sich für gewöhnlich in der Hauptstadt eines Landes, also in diesem Falle in Washington, D.C. :P

    Das nächste deutsche Konsulat ist in Houston, TX. Vorher anrufen und einen Termin ausmachen (die Nummer verbindet dich mit irgendeinem call center in Hinterindien.)

    Ich meine mich zu erinnern das man eine Nummer anrufen muss und einen Termin ausmachen muss.

    Sorry wenn ich mich ein bissel bloede anstelle aber was brauche ich alles?

    Fuer die Passbeantragung reichen Sie bitte ein:

    - ein ausgefuelltes und unterschriebenes Antragsformular (Das

    Antragsformular finden Sie unter der jeweiligen Passkategorie auf

    unserer Webseite www.Germany.info/pass.)

    - zwei den biometrischen Anforderungen entsprechende Passfotos

    neueren Datums (gleich ums Eck vom Konsulat ist ein Foto-Fritze, der kennt sich aus)

    sowie zusaetzlich folgende Unterlagen im Original und in Fotokopie:

    - bisheriger Reisepass

    - Geburtsurkunde

    - bei Verheirateten, Geschiedenen oder Verwitweten eine

    Heiratsurkunde, Scheidungsurkunde oder Sterbeurkunde des Ehegatten

    - Abmeldebestaetigung von Ihrem deutschen Wohnort, falls ein solcher

    noch im Pass als Wohnsitz eingetragen ist

    - gueltige Aufenthaltsberechtigung in den USA (US Permanent Resident

    Card, US-Aufenthaltsvisum oder US-Pass)

    - US-Fuehrerschein bzw. Kopie einer utility bill als Adressnachweis

    - Wenn Sie die Eintragung Ihres deutschen Doktorgrades im Pass

    wuenschen: Kopie Ihrer deutschen Promotionsurkunde. Fuer

    auslaendische Doktorgrade gelten besondere Bestimmungen. Bitte wenden

    Sie sich ggf. an die fuer Sie zustaendige Auslandsvertretung.

    - bei Beantragung von Paessen fur Minderjaehrige muss die

    Unterschrift beider Erziehungsberechtigter vorliegen. Ggf. muss die

    Unterschrift des nicht anwesenden Erziehungsberechtigten auf dem

    Antragsformular von einem Notary Public beglaubigt werden.

    - Kosten: Antragsteller ab 24 Jahren ca. 115.- US$, Antragsteller

    unter 24 Jahren ca. 81.- US$, Kinderreisepass ca. 42.-US$. Die Gebuhr

    ist in bar oder per money-order in US-$ zu begleichen. Kreditkarten

    und Schecks werden nicht akzeptiert. Die Gebuehr ist

    wechselkursabhaengig und kann sich daher jederzeit aendern.

    - Bitte beachten: Wenn Sie eine Zusendung des fertigen

    Ausweisdokuments per Post wuenschen, fuegen Sie bitte 18.- US$ (bei

    Versand nach Bermuda 50.- US$) Portopauschale bei.

    Die aktuellen Gebuhren finden Sie unter:



    The following German missions cover the following areas only:

    German Embassy in Washington:

    Washington DC, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia;

    German Consulate in Miami:

    Florida, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico;

    German Consulate in Los Angeles:

    Southern California (only the following counties: Imperial, Kern, Los

    Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis

    Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura), Arizona, Colorado,

    Nevada and Utah

    German Consulate in Houston:

    Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico and Oklahoma;

    The Consulate General is located at 1330 Post Oak Blvd,

    Suite 1850, Houston, TX 77056.

    German Consulate in Atlanta:

    Georgia, Mississippi, South and North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama

    German Consulate in San Francisco:

    California (excluding the following counties: Imperial, Kern, Los

    Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis

    Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura), Alaska, California, Hawaii,

    Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming

  6. A German, Canadian, UK license is a non-US license.... they are all treated the same

    Except for the Canadian ones... Those can simply be traded in for a US license.

    I had to show proof of insurance for my car (say you don't have a car if you don't have one, obviously), my green card and provide a social security number (don't remember if I had to show the card, I might have). Then I was asked if I've ever held a license from any US state or territory, or Canadian province, and if so, if it had ever been suspended. Nope. OK, in that case: vision test, "written" test (multi choice on a computer: do download the TX drivers' handbook and try to memorize the sections re/teens and alcohol, everything else is common sense), and driving test. You bring the car (but don't drive yourself there ;) ), it has to be insured, registered and have a valid safety inspection. The driving test was pretty much the same as the German one, except much shorter.

    Done. You get a printed paper license, and a few weeks later you'll receive your plastic card in the mail.

    They don't care about German licenses at all ;)

    But you can drive in Texas on one for a certain amount of time, 30 to 90 days after taking up residence, or up to a year if you're just visiting.

  7. @old dominion...mh i disagree...i am an officer of the state of texas...i guess that means a lot more as i work at the check out at any store...

    You should have left your Beamtenmentalität right behind you in Germany. A change of attitude might be in order. An "officer of the state of Texas?" Ooooooh, we're all soooo impressed. Except not really. Semi-literate LaSkaneesha at the DMV is an "officer of the state of Texas". "I'm employed by the state and the rules don't apply to me" does not fly here. You're in a different country now, and the sooner you'll realize that, the better.

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