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K and T

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Posts posted by K and T

  1. I just called and they said it wasn't logged and I just lost a month of time because I sent it to the wrong address. I have to try sending it again. Do I have to use DHL? The closest office is 2 hours away and I don't want to take another day off school to drive to London.

    That sucks :(

    you do not HAVE to use DHL. You can use whatever you want (CanadaPost, UPS, DHL, etc) but it is recommended that you use something that can be tracked. Personally I recommend UPS..but that's because I work for them :)

  2. One final question.. hopefully :P

    What the heck do I have to do with DHL? I chose a pick-up location while setting up my wife's interview date, but is there anything else need to be done? My wife has to take a prepaid expresspost envelope to the interview? or some sort of DHL envelope?

    <-- confused.. but more nervous than confused since I dont want anything to go wrong :D

  3. Just wanted to chime in.. as my wife's interview is on April 26th.

    I just bought bus tickets for my wife and her mother from Toronto Coach Terminal to Montreal Bus Terminal for going on 25th morning and coming back 26th evening. The travel time is 5 hours 45 minutes going to Montreal, and 6 hours 30 minutes coming back. Consulate is about 1 mile (1.6 km) from the bus station, and they got a room for the night of 25th at Hotel Travelodge (50 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest), which is between the Bus Terminal and the Consulate (1.1 km from the Bus Terminal, .5 km from the consulate)

    Roundtrip bus tickets for both was $87. Hotel with two twin beds was $77.

    Here's a link to the map showing all three : (A) is the bus terminal, (B) is the hotel and © is the consulate

    Google Maps Link

  4. The Immigrant Visa Application is the DS-230 (part 1 and 2). But in your case, you filled out the DS-260, so make sure you bring the confirmation page. Also, Montreal doesn't seem to be acquainted with the new online forms yet, so I would suggest bringing a copy of the DS-230 filled out. I've read a lot of reviews where they all had to fill out a DS-230 when they got to the Consulate. You can save yourself some time by pre-filling it out before you go.

    And not sure about the police certificates why it says that. You'd still have to bring your police certificate as you have to hand that in at the interview along with the rest of the IV package.

    Thanks for the reply.

    So basically I print out the DS-260, DS-260 confirmation page, and manually fill out the DS-230 because Montreal is not up to par on online forms..gotcha.

    Everything that I scanned and sent via email for the IV package is required for the interview.. correct?

    Also, do you think about 60 photographs taken in a period of 20 months, about 1.5 years of skype logs and printouts airline tickets to bahamas and las vegas is enough for proof along with the marriage certificate?

  5. Hey all,

    I am a little confused about the documents that are my wife is required to take to the consulate for her CR1 interview on the 26th. In the interview appointment letter, it says :

    IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION 		Scanned received. Original must be presented.
    IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART II 	Scanned received. Original must be presented.
    PASSPORT 				Required document has been received.
    BIRTH CERTIFICATE 			Scanned received. Original must be presented.
    ADOPTION 				Not Needed
    MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE 			Scanned received. Original must be presented.
    COURT RECORDS 				Not Needed
    FINANCIAL EVIDENCE 			Scanned received. Original must be presented.
    CUSTODY PAPERS 				Not Needed
    MILITARY RECORDS 			Not Needed
    CANADA POLICE CERTIFICATE 		Required document has been received.
    FEE PAYMENT 				Payment Received.
    PHOTOGRAPH 				Scanned received. Original must be presented.
    PASSPORT POLICE CERTIFICATE 		Required document has been received.

    What do they mean by IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION and IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART II ? Do they mean DS-3032? DS-260?

    And why do they say "Required document has been received" and not "Scanned received. Original must be presented." for the police certificate and passport when in reality it was scanned/emailed to them?

    I'm so confused.


  6. Thanks Valerie78 and Canadiandggal, big hugs, you've made me feel more 'normal' in the 5 minutes in took me to read your posts than I've felt in the last 2 months!!!

    Truly shocks me sometimes the power of a reply on an online forum. I have also felt the feeling you felt after reading those responses.

  7. Hi everyone,

    I've been debating whether or not I should post this, but really, nobody in my life really could understand me like all of you. You've all been through this immigration stuff, or are about to, and I guess some people might relate.

    The first thing I'd like to say is that I am happy with my husband, and in the grand scheme of things, I'm glad I moved here so we could be together.


    Man, some days I hate it here!!! One of the main thing is that I've been looking for work since January, only had 5 possible interviews and 2 that were worth going for. I was very naive thinking that since I'm canadian, people wouldn't be prejudice, but I've come to the conclusion that people here are prejudice. I can understand that it would be a leap of faith for them to hire me since all my work experience has been in Quebec, a place that for some people here seems as far as Botswana (no harm intended). But I was hoping for a little more open-mindedness... I'm 27 years old, my savings are gone, and I don't have a job. I feel like the biggest loser. I would have such a great job back home! All my friends have either houses, families, nice cars, a LIFE basically... And here I am, at home, doing not much, trying the best I can to find work. Seems like the only thing lined up right now is making biscuits at Hardee's... I could have a job tomorrow, doing retail, but I've kept two jobs while going to school so I wouldn't have to EVER do retail again. Here I am though, back to square one!!! So frustrating!!! And it's not like I can talk to my family about it, because I'm sure that in the back of their mind, they're waiting for this to happen so they can tell me "told you so!" And I really don't blame them!

    Second thing, Chris and I are living with his parents until we can buy a house. I don't see the point of renting something for 1000$ a month, when we could be saving money to buy our own place. Plus, we have a dog, and a lot of places don't accept dogs. His parents are great, and I can't say that enough. But at the same time, I want my OWN place. I don't want to have my life limited to a room, and feel like I can't really do what I want because it's not my house. It gets hard on us, and it affects several things of our married life (read between the lines...) But that's not gonna happen until I find a job!!! (catch 22, anyone?)

    Also, I'm having a hard time dealing with some people here. I don't know if it's specific to the south, but people here are kind of ignorant (again, no harm intended, I'm venting here). The way women are treated here makes me furious! And some women make it worse for themselves!!! I feel like I moved back in time to 1984! And most people are pretty racist! And this f*cking mentality that because "I'm American" I'm entitled to cheap gasoline, and who cares about the environment anyways, let me throw my trash out of my car window... Oh and let me go to the TT bar for lunch because women are meant to be looked at and used and do my laundry and clean my house. I feel like I can't have a meaningful conversation with anyone without it going back to Jersey Shore after 5 minutes...


    I miss home like crazy, miss my people... I don't really have any friends here that I met on my own... And some of Chris' friend's girlfriend worry to much about their nails and hair for me to give a cr*p... I wish someone would have told me how hard this was gonna be. I thought it'd be easy to adapt and find work... Turns out I should have saved enough money to pay my bills for like a year and a half! What an idiot I was!!!

    Sorry again if I offended anyone, but I really don't know what to do or think at this point, was this a big mistake?

    First of all, calm down. The more angry or frustrated you get, the worse it will be.

    Second, you dont have money, and the dog costs money which you dont have. Get rid of the dog unless you are really attached to him/her.

    Third, get a job. Dont care about what the job is. Yes you worked two jobs while in school so that you dont have to do retail, but the reality is that you dont have money and you need that right now.

    Fourth, when you have the money, move. If you dont like the people and the area, it would do more harm then good emotionally. I know you want to save money for a house, But living in an apaartment for a year wont do harm in the long run. Is continue being frustrated worth living in an environment which you dont like?

    What I am saying may seem harsh, but it is my honest opinion. Talk about it with your husband.

    I leave with four lines from a linkin park song.

    "Do you feel cold and lost in desperation?

    You build up hope but failure's all you've got.

    Remember all the sadness and frustration,

    And let it go."

  8. Well, the general vibe on the "government shutdown" threads is that interviews scheduled on days the consulate is 'closed' or whatever will get rescheduled (near the end of the line, no doubt) and interviews in the days after the government gets their act together should go ahead as scheduled with no interruption.

    I'm not saying this is consulate procedure - only passing along the best guesses of other members, and by all means, let's keep hoping the US leaders can be grown up about this mess and come to an agreement without playing these games!

    I hope you're right and the interviews dont get rescheduled and I hope that the shutdown (if it does happen) lasts only for a week or 10 days. Sad to see leaders of all political parties fight like little kids and in the meantime millions of people affected by it.

  9. My wife's interview is on 26th @Montreal.

    What I was wondering about is what would happen if US government does shutdown and the interviews are put on hold. Lets say the shutdown starts tonight at midnight and it lasts for a week. Does that mean that the interviews will be postponed by a week or it would not be postponed or what? Ugh.

  10. Yeyyyy... got an appointment date : March 9th!

    My wife will be on a trip to India at that time, so we will have to reschedule it.. but no big deal though. Good to know that we wont have to wait as much as a lot of people did last year.

    Side question : My wife was an Indian citizen and lived in India for 19 years before she moved to Canada and became a Canadian citizen. She's going on a trip to India from February to March. Will she have to get a new Indian police clearance certificate after she comes back or is the old one good?

    Woot.. now time to update the signature :)

  11. You should get an email soon saying that your case is complete and to await a interview date (something along those lines). You will be waiting for another email stating your date etc but yes do not except it for a few months as the backlog at Montreal is horrible. You can call NVC every once and awhile to check if you have a date yet or if they are scheduling but usually they will just tell you If they are done for that month. I think i waited 4 months to hear word of my interview date so just hang in there.

    Thanks.. So if I am reading this correctly, it took about 4 months after the initial "complete" email for them to send you an interview date email? Dang that is long. How long after that "interview date" email was the actual interview?

    Also, is there a free phone number to contact Montreal embassy at regarding current approximate wait time? The only one I see says it takes $1.59/minute to talk! TIA

  12. Hey all, I checked today for my wife's CR1 visa and it was approved (well.. the sign in failed.. I just have to call in and verify that it was approved. :D:dance: )

    Anyways.. I'm sort of lost now. Do I have to wait for them to email/contact us with an interview date? How long does it take them to give us a date? :help:

    From looking at the spreadsheet on google docs, it looks like recently, it's taking about 150-160 days from NVC complete to Interview date.. so is that a good estimate for us too? Or can it change a lot (be like 100 days :devil: )

    Thanks in advance. Thanks to this site, her file was completed without any RFE's. (Hell.. we got NOA2 without any touches lol)


    (PS. Electronic Processing is da bom! :P )

  13. I use Skype-To-Go to call my wife through my cellphone.

    I also use MagicJack and am very happy with it. I am on phone with my wife for atleast an hour and half everyday.. and MagicJack has worked flawless for over a year now. There have been weekends when I have been on phone through MagicJack for 10-12 hours :blink: Only downside with MJ is that it cuts off after 120 minutes.. but that's no big deal :)

  14. Hi all,

    I'm the US citizen about to apply for my Canadian wife. I am gathering all the documents right now for the I-130 package and had a couple of questions regarding some of the things :

    1) For skype, how much should I send for the Evidence of Bonafide Marriage part? My call logs are about 3-4 pages per month (Yeah we talk a lot :). Side question. Does anyone know how to export MagicJack call logs? I talk more on that than on Skype :))

    2) We have met in June '09, July '09, August '09, December '09 and April '10. Should I send in a photo from all the times we met?

    We dont have any property together, dont have finances together, dont have any kids or dont live together. We got married December 31, 2009. Is the evidence I have above enough? I also have emails and yahoo chat logs of us starting from February 2009.. but I dont know how to send the chat logs while also not sending private stuff.

    Is a third party affidavit considered very important or basically required?

    For what it's worth.. it's basically a simple marriage for us both. Both marrying for first time, no criminal records of any kind, no kids.. nothing complicated.

    Thanks in advance all. Want to make sure I dont get any RFE's :P

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