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Posts posted by Y&E

  1. Three exams, my husband and two step children. Our appointment was at 1:10, and they took them back one at a time starting at about 12:50. They got vaccines (The flu vaccine wasn't on my checklist - not sure what happened there) and then we went into another waiting room. Then they took each one back and did the physical. Then my husband had to have blood drawn and an x-ray. I think we got out of there about 3:30. It's a pretty busy place. We went to the one nearest Bond Street Station. The people working there were really nice.

    As far as per person, they had my husband back for vaccines for maybe 10 minutes. He got two (one my GP wouldn't give him because he was "sure he'd had it as a child" but we couldn't find record of it, as he moved a lot as a child). They also discussed the children's vaccines and everything. It probably only took 3 minutes with each child for the vaccines. Then the exams took maybe 5-10 minutes per person, and my husband's bloodwork and x-ray 10 minutes? You sit and wait mostly. We weren't sure how long it would take, which is why we booked our train out so late. Better to sit around and wait for it than to miss it and have to buy more tickets.

    Thanks Jenny. Nice to know that the time they spend with you is short. About the flu jab, on the list of required vaccines it says annually for 60+. Why did they do the flu one? Maybe I'll go and have that one done before I go too.

  2. Hey, just booked my medical!

    For anyone about to do so I was told that they have availability from the 24th of March.

    I chose a date in mid-April due to work / family / Yuri committments so hopefully London will have processed me into the system by then.

    I chose a mid-afternoon appointment and I plan to travel down early in the morning and spend some time at the V&A or Imperial War Museum, go to the appointment, catch up with some family friends for a drink and then head home late in the evening. I hope it works out, even if I have to miss my activities. I just didn't want to have to spend money on a hotel room twice!

    Glad that David was on the ball, Justine. Less stress for the both of you. Good luck with getting the process done and dusted!


  3. Hello,

    I hope that there've been some more approvals today! Just stay positive and hopeful if you're still waiting, your time will come soon.

    We've just received our letter telling us that our parcel will be sent to the London Embassy this week! Yay :dance: Then just a 3 or 4 week wait for London to actually acknowledge that they've received it, lol! Oh well, at least I can go ahead and book a medical now :thumbs:

  4. Yay, happy news. Got the letter from the NVC that our paperwork will be winging it's way to London this week! Now hopefully the processing times will be improving at this end and I can get over there by June :) Have to give 1 month notice at work though so the July wedding may not happen :( Might just take a risk and book a flight for 3 weeks after the interview and resign the week before.

    Good luck to all those with upcoming interviews and those still awaiting further paperwork :D

  5. You know, even though we've done long distance for five years now, I think these last few months are the hardest. :) Go go embassy go!

    5 years long distance?! You two are amazing and my idols. It's been 1 year for us and it's so hard - so many times when I thought that we wouldn't get through it. I bow down to you and I wish you a quick approval of visa process :yes:

  6. They can't take your word for it. The form requires specific dates be written in. It's not a yes/no tick box. Here's what the CDC says:

    Vaccination Documentation

    Acceptable vaccination documentation must come from a vaccination record, either a personal vaccination record or a copy of a medical chart with entries made by a physician or other appropriate medical personnel. Only those records of doses of vaccines that include the dates of receipt (month, day, and year) are acceptable. The document must not appear to have been altered, and dates of vaccinations should seem reasonable. Self-reported doses of vaccines without written documentation are not acceptable.

    Here's a document discussing immunization for your AOS which is the ultimate reason why you're worrying about shots now...so you can get a green card. You get the visa with or without shots. http://www.cdc.gov/immigrantrefugeehealth/...nstructions.pdf

    I prefer this document which goes into great detail in the footnotes about each vaccine, the intervals between, the contraindications, etc. The only thing that makes this document out of date is the reference to HPV and Zoster which were removed from the requirements in Dec 09.


    No matter what your childhood record says, you're going to need a Tdap or Td as a booster most likely. (Note: that is not just a Tetnus booster. It has diptheria and anti-cellular pertussis) The other shot UK adults will need is the MMR series. If you don't have record of that, then plan ahead and get started with your NHS. Many give it free, but even if they charge, just do it. There's 3 in the series. The first two are 4 weeks apart. You'll need that by AOS, so get started while you've got nothing to do but moan about not hearing if London logged your packet. (Not talking to you specifically Y&E) Have the second dose before your medical so both can be recorded on your record. The third dose is 6-12 months later, so you'll be okay wthout that because you'll file for AOS before it's due. Or you can wait until you get to the US to do everything. But you'll be back posting in AOS forum that you don't know where to get a shot cheaply, you can't drive and somebody has to take off work to get you there, yada yada. I vote for getting it done and dusted while you're in your comfortable familiar environment with the possibility of getting it free if your NHS doctor is nice. And try to get that history of chickenpox documented by your NHS on the form you take to Knightsbridge of your shot history. It'll be easier.

    Thanks for the info. I had the Tdap done (and was told that they don't bother with boosters over here anymore) and I had MMR when I was 11 and luckily my parents were back in NZ this month and managed to visit the surgery who admininstered it and have got a record. So, I guess that they're not interested in records of vaccinations that people are out-of-age-group for? Because if that's the case I'm covered. BTW - the 'p' in Tdap is for polio not pertussis (whooping cough) but I read that it's accepted because the Tdap is only available in the US and the initials are the same. Well, that's what someone said in another post.

    Edit to add: Surely they have to take your word for it that you've had chicken pox? Most people don't see the doctor if they've had chicken pox as children so they're not going to know or have a record of it. Unless they're one of the unlucky ones who gets adult chicken pox, which I've heard is awful. I had it when I was 2 so luckily I don't remember it being awful.

  7. My tip for a long flight - hopefully you'll be flying at night because this is better. Get your doctor to prescribe you really mild sedative to help you sleep (I have one that works just to relax me enough to sleep and it's brilliant), wear and eye-mask and earplugs. Depending on the length of the flight either go to sleep straight after they serve the meal (before if it looks inedible - any US airline I've flown unfortunately) or after watching 1 movie. When you arrive at your destination you'll get into the timezone quicker and feel less tired.

    If you're travelling though the day but will arrive for the evening in the US stay up, even if you feel tired and want to sleep. Again, this will help you adjust much quicker.

    I fly to HK from the UK at least once a year. I'm from NZ so I've flown NZ - UK and back quite a few times. The flight for me to the US is usually about 7 hours. I'm just telling you this so that you know that I'm experienced in these long flights and the above tips have always worked for me.

    Also, don't drink the alchol they offer on the plane, it just makes jet-lag worse.

    Enjoy your trip and have fun flying!

  8. They don't have my medical records except for stuff I've had done with them - so no childhood vaccinations record :angry:

    I have a similar problem in that we left the city that I had my baby vaccinations (and the hospital closed down) so there's no records available. That's why I stared the thread asking about what they actually ask when it comes to vaccinations. I'll let you know if I get a better response than 'I just had them all done again.'

    I read in the Canadian forum that there's some kind of blood test that can be done to show what you're immune to but I don't know if that needs doing for the K1 visa or if you tell the doctor your reasons for not having or that you have had the vaccination they'll take your word for it.

  9. It all looks very clean and easy to use :) I'll be interested to see what it's like when it goes live.

    While you're at it could you maybe 'lose' some of the memebers who turn some topics into mud-throwing matches that are very boring for people who innocently wander into them. There are some threads that I don't even bother to read (don't know if there are other people like this) if I see it has been started by or involves certain members. Or maybe you could just start an 'I don't like so and so' thread and they can have their playground fights there.

  10. I couldn't get hold of my vaccination records either so I just had them done again before my medical.

    Yes, I suppose that's one way to go about it but since I remember some of the vaccinations being done I don't see what use it would be to have them redone. I saw mention of a test you can have done to test for the antibodies. I think I've had that done for Hep A before. Has anyone had that done? What I really want to know is, is it necessary to have the test done or would they just take my word (and specific memories) about the fact that I've had those vaccinations?

  11. Hello,

    Can anyone who's been for their medical give some info on how they check your vaccinations? I've just read someone on the Canadian forum saying that they want your vaccinations back to when you were a baby! Well, not only did the hospital that I was born at close down (it became an Art School) but we moved to another city when I was 5. I doubt that there's any way to get medical records from pre-5 and I only have a few records of vaccinations after age 18.

    Also not so helpful that I grew up in NZ and now live in the UK. My Mum's trying to find out if she can get my records from age 5 - 18 from the local GP but I want to know just how necessary that is.

    Thanks for any help.


  12. Yes, what about us poor Belfasters! :) Actually, as the petitioner, I seem to be more annoyed about than my dutiful beneficiary. The boy says he's happy to take a £35 flight to London every now and then. I bet he wouldn't say that if he had a 9-5 job in NI, though!

    Stupid - cheaper to fly from NI than to take a 3 hour train journey from Manchester - and quicker too! Oh for cheap public transport, sigh...

  13. And, to add to the debate on why have only 1 medical location for the whole of the UK, why does the US Dept of State not make full use of their other consulates in NI and Scotland? I live a couple of streets away from the US consulate in Edinburgh. The flag flies, the doors are open, but very few people going in there! Goodness knows what they do in there, but it doesn't look like the are even remotely busy and if they at least carried out the interviews for the Scottish people, it would take the pressure off London. I know the US government aren't soliciting my humble opinion, but it would make sense.

    I totally agree with this. It seems stupid that they can't at least offer one location in each of the Home Nations if nothing else. It would probably be cheaper for me to get to Edinburgh from near Manchester than to London (and I'd prefer to head back to a city I know). What about poor people on say the Outer Hebrides and in NI!

  14. January 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

    Jewel-8, Claire and Troy, lirwin2000, laura00412, beatlesrebel, Kimmy and PJ, NotworkSte, xSweeTiex, FrostyMist, viol8torUK, TeamMoran

    D_G, Andrew + Bethany, RUSSandRACHEL, david'sgirl/Scotinmass, Nikki-UK, earlgreygirl, jonoger1984, jenanddan2010, amykathleen2005

    February 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

    Hindocha, munkeynuts, yorkshirerose22, .Jay'n'Terri, ajbe1986, brit la, Think~Pink, h1a1, karenista

    March 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

    April 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy, London

    May 2010 Graduates of the US Embassy

    March Interviews (* days between (K1) returning P3/ (CR1) returning DS-3032 and Interview)

    K-1..........kjrrem....................2 Mar 2010 (49 days) :star:

    K-1..........MattHeartCass.........4 Mar 2010 (123 days) :star:

    K-1..........jkminney................5 Mar 2010 (40 days) :star:

    CR-1........pwac......................5 Mar 2010 (41 days) :star:

    CR-1........ruth_a....................9 Mar 2010 (62 days)

    K-1..........Justine+David........10 Mar 2010 (98 days) :star:

    K-1..........moss.....................16 Mar 2010 (51 days)

    April Interviews (* days between (K1) returning P3/ (CR1) returning DS-3032 and Interview)

    DCF........ohlpomr....................6 Apr 2010 (please fill in your timeline!)

    K-1.........Rito..........................6 Apr 2010 (59 days)

    K-1.........Hellojulie..................6 Apr 2010 (please fill in your timeline!)

    K-1.........Ricky+Vanessa.........19 Apr 2010 (109 days)

    K-1.........JMR..........................30 Apr 2010 (74 days)

    May Interviews

    :star:= APPROVED

    Waiting for interview date:

    Adrian+Mike (K1) P3 sent 21 Jan

    Between NOA2 and P3

    doghandler - NOA2: 23 Feb

    Miss Jess - NOA2: 1 Mar

    Please add us here Y&E - NO2: 3 Mar

    visacat - NOA2: 16 Feb

    Please add us in, Sundrop :) Thanks

  15. I don't know if there's a hard and fast rule. It does say you can do either. I completed mine by hand because it wouldn't let me type the full information into the address boxes so it was completely useless to try and do it electronically.

    Saying that, I haven't got my P3 letter to send everything in, so I may get it back with an RFE? But, I filled it in neatly and they should be able to read it so I can't foresee that it will be a problem.

  16. Thanks Justine and David,

    I think I'm sorted. Just need to sign and date and hope that my Police certs arrive soon, and the bits that Y needs to send.

    Do you know, could I book my medical as soon as we know the LON number from USC or should I wait until I hear the P3 has been sent?

    Good luck to everyone who is interviewing in the next month or so!

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