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Posts posted by MalaysianGirl

  1. Thanks!

    You were so right about the interview. The VO had his eyes particularly on me. He kept questioning me about all the questions he might think of: work, education, family, US contact, why do u want to go, where will you stay, and most importantly, the VO was of the view that I wont come back provided Im too young! It was then I started putting forward my reasoning that I felt truly depicted my situation. Things then thankfully turned out in the right direction: thanks to the VO who let me explain my point of view properly by giving me adequate time. My parent hardly got questioned; just about the reasons for travelling, and no. of siblings in US.

    I'm very very happy for you. Congratulations again!

  2. good question, she leaves her ex husband, who gives substantial support to the children, father, mother, brothers, sisters, aunts, ect.... many family members.

    but a point of interest... her oldest daughter is married with children. her son in law is a major in the colombian army. they already have a visas, and there children. It was them that actually initiated this application for her because they are coming to the usa to disneyland, and they invite her and the 2 daughters. so in effect, she will be travelling with other family members as well. It is an absolute certainty she everyone will return to colombia, but convincing the embassy of this is another matter i guess.

    It sounds like she may very well get the B2 visa, based on the info you have given us. But of course, we're not the Immigration Officers, so we cannot predict for sure if she will get it. The first responder is correct -- ask her to bring a letter from her employer. :thumbs:

  3. Forgive my ignorance but....... If a person has shown enough evidence to the embassy to recieve the visa, why would entry be denied for any reason the applicant had already proven to another us official? I would think anyone at the POE would say the same things as when they were granted the visa. Why now would those ties that allowed applicant to qualify for the visa, be insufficent to actually enter?

    second, Is this really that common an occurance?

    Third, From what i read, when you attempt to enter at a POE, you are actually having ANOTHER interview? It is not merely handing them papers, or a passport, and answering a few simple questions? ( Example: why are you coming here, how long you will stay, where will you stay?)

    djeslinger, the OP plans to go to the US on the Visa Waiver Programme (VWP), so no B2 visa is needed. Hence the OP doesn't need to go to the embassy for any interview.

    Also, the "interview" at the POE is not exactly an interview. It's just the CBP officer asking the traveller about why he/she wants to visit, whether he/she has a ticket to go home, etc. It's generally much shorter than the interview at the embassy for a B2 visa.

  4. **** As there were no useful replies in the other thread, I removed it. I came across this post by chance, we cannot read all posts on VJ - if you need a post moved or see anything against TOS, please don't ask in the thread to move it, report it by clicking the yellow open lock button at the bottom left of every post, and the next moderator online will deal with it. *****

    But therein lies the question: does the OP himself or herself report the post, or can others do it too? The OP didn't ask in this thread; I suggested it. If others can do report it too, then I will do so the next time when I come across duplicate threads. Thanks.

  5. But all sarcasm aside, Lacey is perhaps the most beautiful, kind hearted, genuine person I have ever met. Only real problem is that she is ultra-sensitive. Am I to believe this is part of her cultural background? Do couples in the Philippines not have a sense of humor? Do they not use mild curse words? Do they life without disagreement? I used to smirk when I heard someone say they felt they were walking on eggshells! Now I feel like I am. Cant crack a joke. can't swear, can't drink, can't even go out with my friends. I am afraid to answer her questions about how many girls have I dated or how many girls have I brought to my house...really? I jokingly told her if she was going to live like a Nun, she should have been one. That was an example of a joke most girls would have laughed about or had a come back line, but I was accused of belittling her! The other day I jokingly asked her who do you think you are? That cost me 2 days of silence and she was considering ending things because she said I was "striking" at her! I tried till I was blue in the face to explain it was a simple phrase but she wouldn't except it. She claims that I am abusing her when I say things like that to her.

    It's really not funny because I want to please her. I try to adjust to her way of thinking but sometimes I want to risk upsetting her for the satisfaction of saying, "grow up, it's only a joke, learn to laugh and have fun!" But I am seriously wondering if I am violating her moral ethics by merely being an every day American guy? Is it her individuality? Or is this the society she was raised in? I know all humans aren't cast from the same mold regardless of their nationality, but is it fair to say it has something to do with her social upbringing? Unmarried at 35 simply because her older brother told her she can't marry yet! Is this real? Perhaps the attraction to her is tht she is nearly perfect in all aspects, except it puts her way out of balance for trying to live in the US. We shall see. I am learning to just keep my mouth shut, never disagree with her, never try to educate her, never ask anything from her, never joke around, ...pretty much I make a good puppet! I still love her!

    In closing I will add that it's hilarious that after all the adjusting I go through, she makes me promise that I will never try to change who she is! "I promise dear! I would never ask you to change, I'll just change everything about me to and the world your living in to suit your needs..hahahah" Seriously, all I have to do is say I promise and she is satisfied! Thanks everyone, I love this site. It is a great window to the truth!

    Honestly, Julio, it sounds like she's got you hooked around her little finger. I'm sorry if that sounds mean, but that's the impression I got when I read the above post by you. The quotes in RED are worrying, and the quote in green... do you really want to marry a woman like that? A woman with whom you're a good puppet?! She sounds like she's manipulating you emotionally. You say she's beautiful and kind-hearted... But how can she be kind-hearted if she accuses you wrongly of abusing her and belittling her and striking her, when it seems like all you do is LOVE her? In your words: "I still love her!"

    In time you will realize that it is IMPOSSIBLE to live with someone and never disagree with the person, to never try and teach (educate) that person, to never ask that person for anything, and to never joke around. What kind of relationship is that, I ask? An entirely boring and manipulative one.

    *Le sigh*... Dear OP, I hope you do not misunderstand what I am saying. I hope you get what I mean!

    Also, may I ask, when did you meet her? After she got married to her husband?

    Lastly, PLEASE take into very careful consideration JimVaPhuong's advice. I wish you the very best, Julio!

  6. I just got a text that my status was updated.

    ...and I checked on the USCIS website.


    Merry Christmas early!!!

    He's gonna be here soon :D

    I know there's few people working in CSC, probably for the holdiays...but wow...seems like they approved quite a bit in the past few days :D

    WOOHOO JAY!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome possum news! :dance: Congratulations to you and S... I am way happy for you both! :luv: Will respond to your PM soon ;)

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