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Heather Rae

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Status Updates posted by Heather Rae

  1. NOA2 Approval Notice Recieved in the Mail Saturday Oct 23, 2010.......Happy On to NVC....

    1. MensahLuv


      Good News Heather!

    2. Matt and Evieve
    3. Love is patient

      Love is patient


  2. Back home today from Ghana.....already missing my husband....gets harder to leave him behind each time I go....Love him so much and know God is working it all out for us...

    1. Heather Rae

      Heather Rae

      Called USCIS today....they said I'd have notice in 11 business days...my friends say since they have asked for nothing else and no RFE then the notice will be an approval....Praying for that Approval......

    2. midge and isi

      midge and isi

      Hopefully it does come soon. Welcome back home--- there is more to our feed now...

  3. IR-1/CR-1 Visa

    Event Date

    Service Center : California Service Center

    Consulate : Ghana

    Marriage (if applicable): 2009-12-29

    I-130 Sent : 2010-05-19

    I-130 NOA1 : 2010-05-25

    Called USCIS: 2010-10-20 Will recieve notice in 11 business days........Praying approval have had no RFE........Then will be off to NVC I pray

  4. In Ghana with my husband but still waiting on that NOA 2 and it has been 4 months and no touches or nothing..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. firstlove2


      So happy for you to be with your husband...God will keep you both...

    3. midge and isi

      midge and isi

      Hope your having a great time!

    4. Heather Rae

      Heather Rae

      Yes enjoying being with my husband,we just celebrate his birthday.... Still waiting on that NOA 2 it has been 4 1/2 months and no touches and have heard nothing from USCIS

  5. Well all prepared just waiting on that NOA2 so I can get to NVC Then we are well prepared for them. Just keep Praying and nothing is impossible with God.

    1. firstlove2


      God holds it all together....

    2. chevalnoir


      Stay positive....it will turn out with a happy ending! :)

  6. Waiting for that NOA2 Wondering When it will come??? Missing My Husband

    1. mrsnough


      Lori,r u confident we r gonna get this NOA2 in 2 weeks? we r all decembers..I pray for that though

  7. Celebrating my Birthday today....But wishing my husband was with me.

    1. chevalnoir


      Happy birthday, Heather Rae! I hope you had/have a terrific day. I understand that you are missing your husband, but celebrate knowing that you will be with him soon. Celebrate it being the LAST birthday you will have without your husband! :D

    2. firstlove2


      Sorry friend--didn't know...Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Dear Heather...Happy Birthday to you!!! Last one without your husband.

    3. kamson



  8. Depression seems to be taking over, this journey is such a long one and I seem to be getting no where...Missing my husband so much, really having a hard time living day to day without him...

    1. midge and isi

      midge and isi

      Be strong! I know its hard but one day it will be here and you will look back on this and know it was all for love.

    2. firstlove2


      praying for you and myself and all of us...God hears and pays extra attention to our hearts desires...as I type I look at your wedding picture...you both look soo happy and love is written all over the place. Keep trusting in God and don't lose focus by getting caught up in the Enemy's negative depression....

    3. JustUs


      It is truly an awful hard journey and it is so hard to find comfort in words. But it is these words of comfort and our knowledge of the love we share covered with the blessings of God that will get us through. My dear sister you need to find a way to be strong for both you and your husband. Find things to fill up time in your life - try not to have too much free time available because it will encourage sadness. The truth is we do have a long way to go based on the timelines of others. Ask you...

  9. Believing in God that all things are possible..Missing my husband....

    1. sleepy in Seattle

      sleepy in Seattle

      Don't worry I am going through the same thing right now, you just have to be strong and know that they is an end to all of this, just be strong and try to keep yourself busy with things. I am feeling same way right now but I am to grateful for the fact that I had met the man of my dreams and one day I will have a life again and that is with him but for now I work and come home and spend most of my time over the phone with Greg and e-mails, that is all that we have for now. good luck and ...

  10. just wanted to welcome you!!!!

  11. Welcome to VJ!!!! If you don't mind I would suggest you do your timeline it will help you and others to be able to help you as well.

  12. Just wanted to say Welcome!!!!

  13. Just wanted to say welcome!!!!

  14. Just wanted to say Welcome!!!!

  15. Just wanted to say Welcome!!!!

  16. Just wanted to say welcome!!! and suggest you fill in your timeline it will help others be able to help you...

  17. They are always making it hard to get visa they afraid someone will come here and not go back...But then they make it much easier for the K-1 when you aren't married yet and the same thing (God forbid) could happen but for us who already married that isn't a chance of them saying here illegally.... Driving me crazy with all this....

  18. I see you page here says K-3 they aren't doing K-3 anymore.......You need to have a IR 1-CR1......

  19. Hey I just responded to a question you had about an interview I hope it helps and feel free to contact me anytime. On my page or message box here. You should keep up your timeline also it will help also and will help others here as well.......

  20. Missing My Husband!!!!!!!!

    1. brigobalgownie


      I feel your pain...I just left Ghana last month and know I probably won't get to see my husband until next year. One month of separation has been so difficult on us...I don't know how I'm going to deal with several months...especially since our baby is due soon. I'll keep praying that our husbands can join us soon.

    2. firstlove2


      Thinking of you my friend...

  21. Thanks for the comments and encouragement you probably understand how well they are needed as I'm sure you suffer the same things I do....I'm praying for you as well...

  22. Thanks for the comment on my page. Yes I been married 6 months and looking at a very long waiting period. It is very hard But appreciate all the prayers I can get and like to know more about your situation too....I'm pretty specific on my prayers and will add you to my prayers also.

  23. Just got out of the hospital.....the stress is bothering a already heart problem I have so I'm praying hard.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lissaphila


      Are you going to Ghana this year?

    3. Heather Rae

      Heather Rae

      I just came back May 11 from Ghana......wanting to go back to see my husband...but money is the problem with that but my family trying to help me go back...

    4. Evans and Flor

      Evans and Flor

      Be patient and pray. I know how you feel. God is with you. I just left 4 days ago and i want to go back. Dont stress, just pray then pray harder

  24. Wondering why people don't share the full story, how and why they get their applications through before others that went before them and don't even want to help those of us still waiting. They get their loved one here and just forget about the people here that were there to support them when they needed it and they just stop helping others here that need that support.

  25. See that it will only benefit me to wait on my I-130 to go through.............SAD

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