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Posts posted by sjoefl01

  1. That Republican comment is hilarious.

    Most of the illegals that I have known stay about as far away from a USCIS office as they can.

    There currently are no amnesty programs - that what a person adjusting from illegeal status would use. Furthermore, the last wave of 1994 had to go through.

    The comment about "illegal immigrants" could've been used to generate support for republicans in the upcoming elections.

    In reality, people go vacations, get sick, some of caseload gets transfered from one office to another. Additional fiance records check ( IMBRA ) could've generate backlogs.

    Anywasy, blaming illegal immigrants for longer processing delays is unfounded.

  2. Lucero, Angelica and I have been through all of the forums of VJ and, by far, this one is the most stressful. This forum is about the " long wait apart ". I can promise you all that if your relationship is solid that everything else will be a cakewalk. My heart goes out to all of you.

    We are way down the road but we will never forget how it was to be here freaking out and just needing to be together.

    Don't lose sight of the end of the rainbow. When this is behind you will be happy if you have made the right choice. I did and I am very lucky. There are a few people in the AOS forum looking at divorce. It is very sad to go through so much and find that you were never really in love in the first place. This forum is a good place to learn how your fiance / wife/ husband deals with stress.

    When this is all over it will not be the end of your stress. That happens every day of your life. This process can be an opportunity to see how your life will be together, as well as apart.

    If you have doubts it is a good time to stop and think.

  3. I don't think your realize how many 3 year old terrorists made it in this country before this new homeland security office was established. Now that they have your childs prints there is no way that she will be able to perform the sleeper mission she was trained for.

    Come on, this is a joke. These guys are supposed to be responsible for our national security and they spend their time taking prints from 3 year old kids. It is easy to see why September the 11th happened. Our government is run by idiots.

  4. I can appreciate your frustration at having your interview cancelled. I am also curious to understand how this has happened because of some sort of interview process for " illegals". The new immigration law never made it past the Senate so I can't imagine why they would have taken your time to interview " illegals "

    I think you may be confused about the reason your interview has been delayed. There is no new law or staute that would cause your case to be held up while they clear illegal immigrants through the USCIS.

  5. It is just sick that they make you wait 6 months for a yes/no answer. There is no excuse for it. After 3 years they have checked your husband many times through all of the computer databases. There is no reason that you should not have an answer within a day or 2.

    This whole ordeal has nothing to do with national security, or border control. It is just plain meanness on their part. These folks should never have been granted the power that they wield. They should be accountable to somebody.

  6. YES!!!

    You can do the translations yourself. A lot of people will try to send you down some sort of certified translation path but it is not necessary. We did some documents amd had no problem. We didn't even use the little note at the end telling them that the document was accurate.

    If I were doing it again I would use the little note. It later became one of those things that we worried about.

    Don't be intimidated about this. It is just a stack of forms and a pile of money. It is nothing like the K1 or K3. You are already in the country. It is mostly a formality. The hardest part is paying for all of this #######.

    I agree, everything looks so confused but don't stress that much ... we're here!!! (to share your confusion) :P

    And to help you too!

    It's true that somebody can help you with the translations (or you can do it by yourself), after de translation this should be written:

    I, "name", hereby certify that the above is an accurate translation of the document, and that I am competent to translate from "language" to english and viceversa.

    Signature, month, day, year.

    Name. Date prepared.

    Can I really do it myself???? :o

  7. Remember that you are mostly trying to prove residence. They also love to see the mingling of finances. Anything that shows you live with your husband is good. It may be something as simple as a receipt where you paid a bug man or bought some materials for a remodeling project.

    Perhaps you have letters from SS denying your case. If they were mailed to your address they are perfect evidence.

    I don't mean to add to your worry but I think you need more than a couple of utility bills and pictures. I can have the electricity turned on most anywhere in the country from the telephone. That alone does not prove I live in that residence.

  8. This would all be a lot easier if the USCIS would make their requirements clear. Many people pass with the DS 3025. Others have to get the 693A. There seems to be no pattern to it.

    This is a simple RFE. It should clear quickly when you send them the form. It is a shame that they didn't RFE you by mail like most people. I know this must be aggrivating just when you thought this was all over with.

  9. This marriage is obviously shot. There are way too many problems to fix.

    1. If any of those hot checks have your signature you must pay them ASAP. You are not responsible for the ones that he wrote.

    2. I would look into the divorce laws in your state. Since you have not been married all that long and you shouldn't need some complicated settlement It may be simple enough to do yourself. It may just be a matter of filing a few forms. After visa / AOS you should be pretty good at filing forms.

    3. If you want to stay here in the States you should use this thread to ask how that can be done.

    It is a shame that your husband has so many problems, but he is too far gone for help now. The best thing for you to do is cut your losses and move on.

  10. No problem. Piece of cake!!

    There is no real deadline for AOS if you comply with their 90 day rule to marry.

    Of course you are kind of in a dead zone until you get the various EAD, AP and/or green card documents to prove legal residence.

    Technically any person that is not a citizen is supposed to keep them informed about their whereabouts but if you had an address and you were just visiting there should be no problem.

    You should have plenty of time to get the LPR or at least the AP before you plan to travel.

  11. Maureen,

    Your list is very well prepared. Be sure to put things in order where you can find them quickly. You will be pretty nervous and they will not ask for things in any particular order.

    I think you will be pleasently surprised. Our interview was fairly easy. They really didn't want very much and had just a few questions. It was much different than the consulate.

    Keep an eye on this storm. Right now it looks like you will be fine but if it shifts course you may find yourself driving in bad weather.

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