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mounir and suzie

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Status Updates posted by mounir and suzie

  1. congratulations i am so so so happy to know this great news wish you all the happiness

  2. i am so so glad to hear the good news wish to you both all the happiness

  3. thanks bro so much i'm now in Cali with my wife ,, i arrived here Sunday ,, wish you all the good luck and happiness .

  4. Congratulations i just read it now and knowing that DOS says visa issued so happy for you wish to you both all the happiness.

  5. thanks andrea sister for the kind comment and warm wishes we appreciate that , inshallah Samah will come to you soon wish you both all the happiness.

  6. thanks for all , i got my visa in hand today,, wish you both all the good luck and happiness always.

  7. thanks for all, i got the visa in hand today, inshallah so soon both of you will get it ,, thanks again for all , have a great one.

  8. wish you doing great , love to share with you that i got visa in hand today , wish with all my heart both of you get the visa so soon , thanks for all , have a great one.

  9. Thanks so much for your wishes and the kind comment ,, both of you in my prayers , inshallah you will get the visa so soon,, thanks again.

  10. thanks so much to your kind comment ,, yes i didnt expect it can be this fast more when they put me under ap thanks god ,, i wish to all of you all the happiness,, thanks again so much

  11. thanks so much for your kind comment i really appreciate it , inshallah Samah will get his visa so soon and be with you last forever with all the happiness to all of you.

  12. thanks so much for your kind comment , may god bless all of you always , thanks so much .

  13. just i want to thanks you for all the post you always made on my thread ,, i got an e mail from the embassy today telling me that they issued my visa yesterday and will send it wihin 2 weeks, wish all the good luck for you both , thanks for all your support.

  14. thanks God a lot for knowing the great news about your interview ,today was my happier day for me too they told me they issued my visa already yesterday and will send it within 2 weeks , thanks Aya for your wishs , wish you the best always sister.

  15. just stop be to wish you that your interview went so good and that you get your visa so soon , best of luck.

  16. isa the interview will goes great and that he will be with you so soon ,i will keep praying,, my best wishes .

  17. thanks so much ,, wish to you all the best and happiness, have a great one .

  18. please can someone tell me what the DOS number cause the old number changed , thanks

  19. thanks so much yeah it was sound good in my interview , wish all the good luck for you then we all said the count down is done ,,take care .

  20. hi bro wish you doing well ,i done my interview and i post it on my time line page also in the club page you told me about , take care

  21. thanks so much wish your interview come so soon with all the best luck

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