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Posts posted by fiffjtw24




  2. Hello,

    Wondering if anybody got their interviews scheduled by NVC at other times than the 2nd week of the month? Our case was complete yesterday and appears that we missed out on the June interviews being scheduled in the 2nd week and wanted to know how long will need to wait before our interview is scheduled. So if anybody knows of or can tell me when their interviews were scheduled then I would thank you very much.

  3. Hola, hoy llamamos a la embajada y por fin nos confirmaron que case complete ahhh que alegria, pues somos concientes que cometimos un error al llenar la forma DS-230 y estabamos mas asustados que quien sabe, jajja esperando por RFE, pero bueno ahi Dios metio su mano.... ahora tok esperar a ver si nos programarian entrevista, pues segun nos dijeron en la NVC hasta hoy ellos estuvieron programando y que la embajada de Bogota esta full....

    Bueno a esperar se dijo.

    Como cuando creen ustedes que puedo llamar al DOS para averiguar pa quando quedo mi entrevista????

  4. hola a todos en el foro...osa de oso no tienes que esperar que actualizen la pagina de la embjada para ver tu cita pq mueres esperando ajajaja llama al DOS y alli te dicen tu cita eso si es en ingles todo solo tienes que dar tu BGTxxx y listo ellos te dicen cuando es tu cita y la hora...ahora mismo no tengo el numero conmgio pero si alguien en el foro se sabe el numero del Dos please para que los posteen para las chikas que estan esperando citas :thumbs:

    DOS (en USA) 202 663 12 25

    Embajada en Bogotá: 315 15 66

  5. Hola, tenia ratico que no escribia, pero eso si todos los dias leo los post, y esta semanita como que no han escrito mucho jejeje, yo mientras he leido post viejos, entre ellos el de la pekisalbita que me llamo mucho la atencion.

    Les cuento que hoy mi esposo reviso la pagina de los pagos online y nos encontramos con un aviso rojo que decia SIGN IN FAILED, les cuento que me asuste y al mismo tiempo el pego un grito de emocion yo no entendia jajajajjaa para mi eso significaba algo malo en nuestro caso, pero luego el me explico que eso significa que no tenemos rfe y y que el proximo paso es esperar nuestra programacion de la cita esta semana o la otra jajaj.

    Bueno solo pasaba a contarles esto y ya pronto les dire para cuando es mi cita en bgta.....

  6. I think I made a mistake on my DS-230.. I was just going over all my docs and noticed on Q 33 about Education that I left LANGUAGES SPOKEN blank by accident and put English,Spanish in the blank where it asks if belong to Professional Associations. I am so upset b/c was hoping no RFEs..

    What are the opinions here about a possible RFE on this mistake and what should I do now??? THX

  7. Hello,

    How will I know when the I-864 AOS packet I sent is entered into the NVC system? They got it via Fed-ex last Friday, but have not heard anything on AVR about it... Right now the AVR is saying waiting for biographic forms from the petitioner which they got via Fed-ex on Tuesday... Just want to know they have the I-864 and are working on it.. Thanks!!

  8. Hola :)

    Los examenes de laboratorio y cita médica pueden ser realizados en un mismo día. Si vives en Bogotá puedes realizarlos tan pronto recibas el paquete 4, si vives fuera de Bogotá puedes programarlos dos o tres días antes de tu entrevista.

    Recuerda que los médicos siempre quieren hacer de las suyas con las vacunas (para decirlo amablemente), por lo tanto, te recomiendo que te coloques la vacunas una semana antes de asistir a tu cita médica y de esta manera no podrán exigirte segundas dosis. Al menos eso hice yo, y me funcionó. Yo me coloqué las vacunas en la cruz roja y en un hospital público una semana antes de la cita, el Dr. me dijo que tenía todo al día y no me mandó a colocar nada.

    Los resultados médicos te son entregados en un sobre sellado y tú los debes llevar a la entrevista. También te entregan las radiografías y una copia de la hoja de vacunas, esta última te servirá para el Ajuste de Status una vez llegues a los Estados Unidos.

    Déjanos saber si tienes otra duda y espero haberte ayudado.


    Muchisimas gracias, esto me aclara mucho las dudas, yo vivo en cartagena, tratare de colocarme las vacunas una semanir=ta antes de viajar a bogota...

  9. DEBBIE Y EDWUARD: con el favor de Dios manana saldra todo bien, ten confianza y fe. Hoy jugando con mi esposo el hacia las veces de consul y me interrogaba, me di unas equivocadas tremendas, me puse supernerviosa y eso que era con el, imaginate que me pregunto el nombre de su papa y no me acorde jajajaja, bueno pero esperemos que eso no suceda el dia de la tan anhelada entrevista.

    A todos muchas gracias por contestar mis preguntas, a la nina que me dio el dato de los apartamentos muchisimas gracias, me encantaron las imagenes del red diamond, creo que ese es en el que nos vamos a quedar.

    Ahora pasando a otro punto, Dios mediante pronto sabre la fecha de mi entrevista, y no se nada de eso, podra alguien que ya haya pasado por esta experiencia contarme algo respecto a las citas medicas, los examenes de laboratorio; como cuantos dias antes de la entrevista debo hacerme el chequeo y los examenes de laboratorio. Tambien, cuanto tiempo antes debo ponerme las vacunas..... en fin, quiero hacerme una idea de como es ese proceso.

    Ademas quien le da los resultados de los estudios al consul, el laboratorio o el medico me los da a mi y yo los llevo a la entrevista o ellos lo mandan directamente a la embajada???????????

    gracias y felicidades a todos!!!

  10. We are almost finished with NVC (hopefully) and want to know once the case is complete and forwarded to the embassy - can we schedule the interview with Consul or must we wait for NVC to do it..??? I feel I could get a faster interview date if I were to do it and not NVC.. (Did it before with Tourist visa)

    Also, what time of the month does NVC schedule interview appointments with Bogota? I have read 2nd week of the month but have seen other people say got their interview at other times.... Thanks to all

  11. I want to direct this to SUSITA and see what she has to say about this...

    I am an American (Gringo) from Miami and I live in Cartagena, Colombia with my colombiana wife. I have lived here for a year now and am in the process of getting my dual-citizenship here. I LOVE Colombia and USA.

    Now, if you think the people in AZ or USA are racist because of this law then you MUST think that people from COLOMBIA and South America are racist too. Let me explain, as I mentioned I am a Gringo. I have been called Gringo many times here. When people here SEE (because I am white and have Green eyes) that I am a Gringo they overcharge me for everything. How do I know - because my wife and I have experimented with here getting prices and me getting prices for the same thing by the same people - and it is not even close. They SEE me as white gringo and they try to rob me. BTW, I have been actually robbed here already at the Popa (of all places) in Ctgena. Another thing, and this is important for you to remember, I NEED to carry my USA Passport around ALL OF THE TIME here because I constantly get asked for my passport by government AND police officials here(just on the street) because they want to make sure I am here legally. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR TO YOU!!! and in my case it is not even if I commit a crime or something. It is because I look suspicious because I am white and do not look like I am from here. They NEVER ask my wife anything - it is only me, even when we are together. Is this not racial profiling that you speak of in the USA. So what is the difference here?? Am I to assume that all people are racist in South America towards gringos. And another example, all the people here always stereotype me because I am white. They tell my wife things that they know about gringos and she should watch out for and be careful,,, like all gringos argue and are violent a lot. Many other things they say about me only because I am from USA.

    So instead of calling people racist and being critical of Americans - you need to only look at other countries in South America and say the same thing and complain about that to. I am proof that racial profiling happens in South America to gringos the same as you claim MIGHT happen in Arizona. And in my opinion I think it is far worse here because they dont have a problem with illegal immigration like AZ does YET they still do it. I feel discriminated here from LATINOS almost everyday because I am white.

    Now for the AZ law. I agree that something needs to be done about illegal aliens, BUT this law is not the answer. We need to secure our borders the RIGHT WAY and give Amnesty to the illegals that are already here except criminals. We need to create a fair and just way for entry for all Immigrants. Illegal Immigrants only hurt the Legal Immigrants that are already here. It must stop. But to give police officers a chance to racial profile and there will be some that will do it. I agree. But that is not the INTENT of the Law and the people in AZ just want something done to make things better. The overwhelming majority are not Racists as you say. It is our responsibility to secure our borders and if we dont then we cant complain when people get in. Hell, if I lived in Mexico and knew I could come to USA easy then I would too. You cant blame them for that. But the Latinos living in USA NOW that are legal should be thankful for the USA because it has given all of us an opportunity to better our lives and financial situations OR ELSE U WOULD NOT BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. Just be thankful for what you have and stop looking for something that is not there and stirring up emotions when 99% of the people have no idea what they are even talking about. The one thing I see that is wrong with ALL people is a LACK OF COMMON SENSE. Common sense tells us that most Americans are not racist towards Latinos but we just want something done to help fix the problem of illegals. Thats all. We need a better solution for all people involved. Common Sense tells you that Latinos should be thankful for the American Dream. I dont see people trying to get into South America because of all the opportunity that it gives them. Think about it. America is a great country that was founded by Immigrants of all kinds and they built the country the right way to be successful - which it is. Somebody did something right. All the other countries had the same opportunities to build their country too - but they were just not as successful financially as the USA. It is just the truth. So stop bitching about racist Americans and stirring up stuff and just be thankful you are healthy and successful. NOBODY is going to stop you and your family for going to the grocery store, or movies and ask for your PROOF. And if they do you should report that person and they should be terminated. I dont like the law the same as you but relax and lets get the government to fix this issue like OBAMA said he would do. Universal Immigration Law for all states. I blame Obama too for stirring the pot.

    So there. Chew on this and think about it. Americans are not the only racist people or profilers out there. It works both ways dear. Common Sense!!!!!!!!

  12. Hola amigos,

    We are almost finished with NVC (hopefully) and want to know once the case is complete and forwarded to the embassy - can we schedule the interview with Consul or must we wait for NVC to do it..??? I feel I could get a faster interview date if I were to do it and not NVC..

    Also, what time of the month does NVC schedule interview appointments with Bogota? I have read 2nd week of the month but have seen other people say got their interview at other times.... Thanks to all...

  13. Hola amigos,

    We are almost finished with NVC (hopefully) and want to know once the case is complete and forwarded to the embassy - can we schedule the interview with Consul or must we wait for NVC to do it..??? I feel I could get a faster interview date if I were to do it and not NVC..

    Also, what time of the month does NVC schedule interview appointments with Bogota? I have read 2nd week of the month but have seen other people say got their interview at other times.... Thanks to all...

  14. Hola quiero comentarles que mi caso, CR-1 esta casi completo en NVC, Dios mediante si no tengo RFE, alguien sabe si apenas me confirmen que mi caso esta completo puedo yo misma llamar a bogota a programas mi entrevista o debo esperar a que el NVC me la programe.

    otra cosita, alguien sabe en que epoca del mes ellos programan las entrevistas de siguiente mes?


  15. Hello to all,

    I sent in my AOS and DS-230 packets last week and wanted to know if I should prepare for possible RFE's.

    Has anybody received an RFE for not putting N/A or none on the OPTIONAL Assets section of the I-864 form and just leaving all spaces blank?? Also, if you are using a Joint Sponsor and submitted all of their info which meets all requirements, has any Petitioner received an RFE because they were asked to provide bank statements - even though left the Assets section blank?? I needed a joint sponsor but did not provide my bank documents...

    Secondly, has anybody got an RFE for submitting tax documents that were E-filed?? My joint sponsor submitted 3 years of tax documents that were e-filed with H&R Block where he had all docs and an e-file signature authorization form... Just want to be prepared in case of RFE's...

    THX to all..

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