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Status Updates posted by Nwanyioma

  1. Good luck on your interview October 14th. Let us know how it went. All the Best.


  2. Wow. Your exactly 1 month older than me. How cool is that!!!!!

  3. How are you. Wanted to personally thank you for all the encouragement and the support. I can't wait for my husband to get the Greencard.

  4. Wow Scott Great News Congratulations!!!!!!! It pays to be patient. Take Care

  5. God is good all the time. Congratulations.

  6. Good luck on your interview next week Tuesday

  7. Congratulations on your AOS interview. How did the interview go?

  8. Happy Birthday Girlfriend!!! Enjoy your day!!

  9. Thanks so much for all the encouragement and best wishes.I wish you the same. All the Best

  10. How was the interview? Any good news?

  11. Whatznext Well done on getting your case reaffirmed. Wishing you all the Best and good luck on your interview. Take care.


  12. Good luck on your interview on Friday. All the Best.


  13. Aya,

    How are you? How is your hubby John? Arent you too lucky. I resent my AOS package July 23,2010. Let the waiting begin. Let me know how your biometrics go. Take care.


  14. Congratulations on your visa approval

  15. Good luck on your interview. All the Best

  16. Good luck on your interview on Thursday. Wishing you all the Best.


  17. Armani Khan

    Im so sorry to hear about what you are going through. Please contact your states senator/congressman for further assistance. All the Best

  18. Hey Aya dear,

    They didnt cash the money order because it was written wrong. So because of that, they sent the package back. Havent had a chance to send it back but I will send it soon. Take care.


  19. Congratulations

  20. Good luck on your interview on Friday July 9. All the Best.

  21. Congratulations Debbi. All the best along the rest of you and your husband's visa journey.

  22. Hey Aya!!! Sorry for the late reply. My husband is actually doing great.We've already sent the AOS. Wow its alot of money. Well when Im at work we talk on the phone most of the time and he watches TV, he cooks clean. Lets just say that he's very Busy!! Take care

  23. Aya let me be the first to wish you a happy birthday. We saw the Civil Surgeon a couple of weeks ago and it was about 35 dollars. How are you adjusting. Missing June 2009 filers.Take care

  24. No problem. Goodluck with the second interview and make sure that you post your experience. All the Best

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