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Posts posted by Nwanyioma

  1. I believe your topic title is against TOS as it specifically and negatively singles out a group of people, Nigerians in this case.

    Your story does not read like you were scammed for a GC but like you chose to marry a man with red flags who has no integrity

    and is a cheater and a big jerk. Happens here in the good old USA all the time, nothing exclusively Nigerian about it.

    He could have divorced you and ROC'ed without you but he remained with you and you ROC'ed him through it all,

    knowing he fell off the turnip wagon many times. No, he will not be deported for cheating.

    When we risk taking chances with someone who shows his true colors, then we have to be big enough

    to be accountable for our own choices and not "warn" people of an entire country of people. It goes without saying that there are

    good and bad apples in every country, race and ethnicity, nationality.

    I can tell you that nobody reading your 'warning' will end their relationship, because everyone thinks their

    marriage will last a lifetime.

    No one can take thousands of dollars of your money over the years unless you allow it and go with the flow right along with it.

    Your friends who also have cheating Nigerian men chose to stay with them after the first offense...why do I ask myself ?!

    Why stay with a serial cheater ?

    Why do some women put up with so much ####### ?

    Why would your friend not call the authorities when her man did the romance scam in front of her and the kids ? WTH ?

    She didn't do anything about it immediately did she ? So why stay with him and cry about it later ?

    Your FIL advises you that if you want a lasting marriage then you should have closed your eye to it.

    That is a village mentality and an entitlement thinking which is more common in some African cultures

    because the women are shamed for divorcing and often can not provide for themselves or their kids alone so they do close their eyes

    to it. The modern city woman will not put up with it, there are exceptions to the rule of course.

    I hope some day all women will discover their self worth and separate themselves from this nonsense.

    Rather than telling people to run it would be more beneficial to tell them to investigate their potential partners at the beginning

    of meeting them and not after being married already. That goes for all internet romances, home and abroad.

    People leave digital tracks and trails all the time trolling the net.

    It is not hard to find someone on dating sites at all.

    You can send someone you trust ( church affiliated pastor, missionary, trusted friend etc. ) directly to his house unannounced and see what

    pops up, anyone can keep up a pretense for a 2 week visit....except your ignorant ex ( I hope he is an ex now ) couldn't even pull that off.

    Been there, done that and have the T-shirt many years ago and was successful in discovering real evidence and ended the relationship.

    But no one will "run" having read that your marriage failed.

    Last but not least, I truly am sorry that it didn't work out for you, I truly am.

    We all must be accountable to our choices and decisions in life and regain our beauty and happiness through the consequences

    and knowing the future will be better with better choices and setting higher standards for ourselves.

    That is when real growth happens within ourselves and then we can truly move on and share our story with others who ask us for


    We must become fruit inspectors and look deeper than the charm that is on display.

    Wow perfectly spoken in words. Not all Nigerians are scammers. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME!!!!

    We as women have to hold accountability and endure consequences. May sound harsh but its true.


  2. I encourage all of you that may of found love thru the internet or thru a friend and your spouse is overseas to be very critical of your relationship/fiance/marriage. I personally know of women and men who have married men/women and only seen them in person once for about 2-weeks or less. I can tell you that most of those people aren't married any more to these people.Do some research, spend some time in their culture being with them and their friends/ family before opening the door to citizenship to them in your culture. Take some time and read the old blogs on this site, all of this advice will help u make a sound decision on love and the visa attraction that you will provide them.

    Welcome back. Still scorned after so many years. Why so miserable? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

  3. obright,

    im so sorry to hear that you and your fiancee was denied the visa. i know how you feel. about 2 years ago, i was in the same situation as you, except me and my then fiancee was not married. i contacted my senator the same day, and 1 week later the lagos consulate called my then fiancee to appear for a second interview. dont respond or pay attention to negative comments. yes lagos consulate is a high fraud consulate, but with prayers anything is possible. Take care and good luck.


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