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Posts posted by Crisscat

  1. Its actually harder to adjust for some compared to others.

    My husband is from England and I always thought that his transition would not be a real problem other than missing family, friends, etc.

    Boyyy was I wrong. Even though we are of the same English speaking background we still had some obstacles to get over with communication

    and how to fully understand each other.

    I tried almost every suggestion or idea I could think of or get from others to try and help his adjustment to the states. He has always said the small

    town where we live is cramped, run down and few jobs. He's right, it is. We had a really difficult first year together; much more than I care to admit.

    I tried incorporating things that I thought would ease his homesick feelings. Like cooking more English style meals, etc.

    When a male is at home playing the house mouse role it isnt a pretty site lol. They tend to dwell on what they should be out doing instead of being

    couped up in a house all day. It literally drives them bonkers I think.

    We had a turning point when my husband decided to use some of his money that he brought over with him from England to start up his own little business. The first year was good for him. The second year even better. It kept him busy and he was earning some money finally. Not alot but enough

    that it made him feel he was contributing to the household in a small way.

    He kept telling me he didnt know what types of jobs to apply for or where to apply. So with his permission I began the "job hunt" for him. I created a resume for him and began submitting it all over. Sure enough, this worked and he got a job right away. It didnt work out for him because he hated it but it opened the door for another job so he left one and fell into the other. Everything worked out well.

    He has currently been working the same job now for 2 1/2 yrs. He loves it. It is similar to a job he did back in England and they have great respect for him. They treat him very well and he enjoys the work to.

    In my humble opinion, I think its all about obtaining work (moreso for males I think) because it gives them a sense that they are contributing

    to the household and earning money.

    Like so many others have suggested on here, try and help him obtain a job even if its something small to start, at least he will be earning money and

    he wont have as much time to dwell on the things that are bringing him down.

    Good luck to both of you!


  2. We got ours but it wasnt a week early for us like they were saying.

    Ours should have got here technically on May 9th. The reports were they were gonna be coming earlier than expected; however,

    we got ours direct deposit on May 12th and then we got a letter in the mail that said our direct deposit would be arriving soon.

    That was dated May 14th LOL. So the letter was later than the deposit.........oh well.......money is here and safe in savings.


  3. Id ask first before not doing anything. So many dumb little things can happen to provoke an RFE.

    I know it did in my case. I left some paperwork that I called "non-essential" stuff home thinking it wouldnt be

    asked for..........well guess what? It was and it caused us an RFE. :wacko:

    It was my own fault though so no one else to blame but me. Everything worked out great because all I had to

    do was submit the info once I got back home.

    But in your case, you may want to check all avenues and resources first before your interview takes place....just in case.


  4. Hello..........Ive always had good luck with airfare.com

    They seem to flucuate in their prices and when they put tickets on sale......boy do they go fast.

    Try checking there......dont know if it will do you any good or not but worth a peek I think.

    Its from the US side though going international......so not sure if thats what you are looking for or

    not but perhaps it could help someone else going from USA to where ever..... :blush:


  5. Many thanks for all your well wishes and clear thinking lol. My thoughts certainly have not been.

    Removing the passport from the home is a great idea and Im going to do that today (just in case). Its better to be safe then sorry right?

    I wasnt aware of the Hague Convention on child abduction. I mean Ive heard of it just couldnt remember the name of it......thanks for bringing that up!

    I will definitely do some research on that as well.

    Everyone is right.......I have alot of soul searching to do and alot of thinking. Sometimes its the secrets that get to us the most......or at least in my

    case that is certainly ringing true.

    I might suggest counseling tonight when he gets home from work........not sure he will speak to me about it as we have stayed clear of each other

    lately. I did find out more information through chatting with his "online honey from England" she didnt know she was talking to me and she gave me

    loads of info and about another yahoo account I wasnt aware of...... :huh:

    Well as the ole saying goes......when it rains it pours.........and it is certainly flooding in Southern Illinois today...... :unsure:

    Just when you think you know someone.......something like this comes up.......Ive known him since Feb 2001 and thought he was the most honest person Ive ever met. I completely trusted him and I always thought I made a good judgement and satisfied any inhibitations I felt about having

    an online relationship with someone.......especially from another country.

    I guess we cant know someone as much as we think we can............bummer :unsure:

  6. Many thanks for all your well wishes and clear thinking lol. My thoughts certainly have not been.

    Removing the passport from the home is a great idea and Im going to do that today (just in case). Its better to be safe then sorry right?

    I wasnt aware of the Hague Convention on child abduction. I mean Ive heard of it just couldnt remember the name of it......thanks for bringing that up!

    I will definitely do some research on that as well.

    Everyone is right.......I have alot of soul searching to do and alot of thinking. Sometimes its the secrets that get to us the most......or at least in my

    case that is certainly ringing true.

    I might suggest counseling tonight when he gets home from work........not sure he will speak to me about it as we have stayed clear of each other

    lately. I did find out more information through chatting with his "online honey from England" she didnt know she was talking to me and she gave me

    loads of info and about another yahoo account I wasnt aware of...... :unsure:

    Well as the ole saying goes......when it rains it pours.........and it is certainly flooding in Southern Illinois today...... :(

    Just when you think you know someone.......something like this comes up.......Ive known him since Feb 2001 and thought he was the most honest person Ive ever met. I completely trusted him and I always thought I made a good judgement and satisfied any inhibitations I felt about having

    an online relationship with someone.......especially from another country.

    I guess we cant know someone as much as we think we can............bummer :unsure:

  7. Thanks CharlesandNessa.....and Trelawny..........those are both good points to take into consideration. I never even thought of that myself.

    Usually I have a pretty good head on my shoulders but in lew of recent happenings and arguments........my intelligence has been cloudy..... :unsure:


  8. Well.........I never thought Id ever have to ask this type of question in VisaJourney..... :unsure:

    Its been a long road to permanent residency for us. We were so glad this stage was finally over and the 10 year

    green card was obtained......phew......finally......... :thumbs:

    But then........things didnt seem to be as they used to be years ago for us.... just over the last year Ive noticed

    my husband now stays at work longer, we argue more, and he'd rather be on his laptop then doing things with me and

    the kids. Now let me say this......he's not the only one guilty of spending too much time on the net as I have done that myself.

    I am taking classes online and I surf ebay alot.

    Anyway, I came across a girls name on his yahoo messenger friends list. Instead of asking him about it I thought Id be sneaky

    and put his message archive on. (By the way, I have a yahoo ID as well and my archive is on all the time so that if he should

    ever want to see any conversations I have with anyone they are there for his viewing.....I have nothing to hide). He must though

    as he has been speaking with this woman in Northern Illinois for several months.....maybe longer who knows. I cant get him to tell

    me the truth about it. At any rate I found this out right before Valentines Day and I had planned a romantic getaway for us. Then I saw

    an instant message between him and her and he was trying his damnest to get this girls phone number so he could call her and she

    could hear his "british accent"...... :blink:

    I decided I wasnt going to cancel the weekend trip and I decided not to say anything to him about it until afterwards and when I questioned

    him on it boy did he blow a head gasket on me. We got into a really big fight over it and he ended up deleting this girl from his IM list. This

    seemed to drive a wedge right between us. His time online became more and more so I did something that I thought Id never do to him.

    I got a program and watched everything he did on his laptop. To much of my horror over a month period I have found that he watches

    women camming in yahoo and adultfriend finder (sex site). And apparently he has a girl that he has been speaking to from England where

    he used to live for over 4 years now.

    We got into a major fight as I questioned him on "his activities" and questioned him about who Lisa was (the girl from England) who sent

    him an email asking if she could be his sex slave......his reply was HELL YEAH.......... I feel as though our whole relationship has been

    on deceit and him doing whatever other activities he does online. It seems through this whole ordeal I have found myself not knowing the

    person I married. I seem to learn something different as each passing day goes by.

    Our fight escalated to the point of him returning back to England......not a very good night indeed for anyone.

    This brings me to the question for anyone that may be able to direct me in the right direction.

    We have had one child together since being married 4 yrs now. During our fight my husband said he would be taking our daughter back to

    England with him. I said like hell you will. She was born here in the USA. She doesnt have British citizenship or a British passport. She does

    however have a US passport.

    Is it possible for him to take her out of the USA? I understand our daughter is his child as well but all I can see now is a battle over who will

    have custody of our little girl and I dont want another huge fight again. Its very mentally draining. He doesnt want to leave now after I told him

    I would fight him for custody of our daughter. So we are currently co-existing together.

    Anyone have any suggestions, comments, thoughts, or ideas of my dilemma?

    My apologies for having to post this "dirty laundry" in here as well as the Regional UK section; but I am wondering how this can affect the

    custody of our daughter if anyone has any thoughts on this.



  9. First, thanks so much for all the well wishes and prayers during this difficult time, I really do appreciate the kind words and thoughts of encouragement.

    Ill try to answer each one of your questions or at least comment to some who have asked questions.

    Thanks elmcitymaven & stevi1123 for your kind words!

    Jeraly.........dunno if you can really classify it as infidelity because as far as know, he has not physically stepped outside of the marriage (yet).

    Although the intent does seem to be there and I guess I found out before any moves were made. He actually tells me that he had no intentions

    on meeting up with anyone else or taking anything any further than what it had gone. Not exactly sure when things started going on haywire, Id have to say around the beginning of last year and then it seemed to escalate to the latter part of 2007. By January of 2008 he was staying at work longer and not coming home when he got off work. First it started to be only 15 mins late and now it has gotten up to an hour or more late. If I ask him where he has been he gets mad because I question him about it. He is adament that he is at work and nothing is going on with anyone. As of yet we arent really talking to each other and no mention has been made of counseling. I have asked him if he wants a divorce and he says no but I cannot help but believe that is because of our daughter. I dont think he wants to leave her here in the states with me; he wants to go back to England to take her with him.

    Welshcookie.........quite honestly, I dont think its actually him watching other women naked on cam or even flirting in emails with them. What seems to bother me most is that he and myself both came out of previous marriages with infidelity being the cause of the break up of the marriage. I have known my husband and have been communicating with him since Feb 2001. Both of us decided before we ever met that we had to have complete honesty and openness in our relationship before we even thought of pursuing it. This was an agreement that we both made together. Ive always believed my husband was one of the most honest people I have ever met in my life. Although I have always thought it was strange that he never discloses very much information about his life growing up or even things that led to the break up of his first marriage. He just doesnt seem to open up as much as I do to him. I have done some things I wasnt very proud of in our marriage with like finances. When he wasnt working I was robbing Peter to pay Paul and would have to juggle bills and payments around. Eventually I took out a loan to help ease our financial strain at the time. I did not discuss it with him before I did it. Actually, I didnt think I would get the loan and when I did I was like oh #######, I need to tell Neil. One week passed and he found out about it and ripped my a$$ over how I went behind his back and didnt discuss the finances with him. He chewed me up one side and down the other and made me feel so totally guilty and shallow that I would do such a thing. So I think its his preaching on openness and honesty that gets to me the most. Its like I had to be completely and utterly honest with him; but he seems to be exempt from it.

    oOpinkOo..........thank you for your well wishes

    Glyn and Kathy..........We were alot like you and your significant other it seems. We never hid anything from each other. Everything was out on the table. I had all his passwords (or so I thought) and he certainly had everything of mine. We have talked numerous times about internet usuage and the time spent on it. In fact, I think we sat down and talked alot but at least on his end of the stick it didnt seem to sink it or matter obviously. It wasnt until I got a program and watched him that I started finding things out. Granted it took over a month or so but I was able to watch his activities. I remember just sitting at my PC saying to myself......please just let it be a bunch of guy things or junk that he is viewing........and each time that it was I was like phew........at one point I was even beginning to feel bad that I was watching him because he seemed to be doing just guy stuff. Then all of a sudden out of the woodwork comes all the "adult activies" and communications with a girl in England that he apparently was web camming with while he was "seeing" (if you can call a long distance relationship as seeing lol) me. I was even pregnant with our daughter while he was still communicating with this girl. So I asked him........if he had been communicating with this girl and it was so innocent between them then how come when he came over here he couldnt have stopped the communication or at the very least made me aware of it. His reply was I did know about the email address he had set up......which was true......I did know he set it up........but it was supposed to be for his business he started when he first got here and he had later changed the password so that I couldnt access it and gave the email address to the girl in England to be able to stay in contact with him.

    I have to ask myself honestly..............is this worth getting all bent out of shape over??? But I cannot help but remember how he preaches honesty and openness to me........and then thats like adding salt to the wound.


  10. Well.........I never thought Id ever have to ask this type of question in VisaJourney..... :unsure:

    Its been a long road to permanent residency for us. We were so glad this stage was finally over and the 10 year

    green card was obtained......phew......finally......... :thumbs:

    But then........things didnt seem to be as they used to be years ago for us.... :unsure: just over the last year Ive noticed

    my husband now stays at work longer, we argue more, and he'd rather be on his laptop then doing things with me and

    the kids. Now let me say this......he's not the only one guilty of spending too much time on the net as I have done that myself.

    I am taking classes online and I surf ebay alot.

    Anyway, I came across a girls name on his yahoo messenger friends list. Instead of asking him about it I thought Id be sneaky

    and put his message archive on. (By the way, I have a yahoo ID as well and my archive is on all the time so that if he should

    ever want to see any conversations I have with anyone they are there for his viewing.....I have nothing to hide). He must though

    as he has been speaking with this woman in Northern Illinois for several months.....maybe longer who knows. I cant get him to tell

    me the truth about it. At any rate I found this out right before Valentines Day and I had planned a romantic getaway for us. Then I saw

    an instant message between him and her and he was trying his damnest to get this girls phone number so he could call her and she

    could hear his "british accent"...... :blink:

    I decided I wasnt going to cancel the weekend trip and I decided not to say anything to him about it until afterwards and when I questioned

    him on it boy did he blow a head gasket on me. We got into a really big fight over it and he ended up deleting this girl from his IM list. This

    seemed to drive a wedge right between us. His time online became more and more so I did something that I thought Id never do to him.

    I got a program and watched everything he did on his laptop. To much of my horror over a month period I have found that he watches

    women camming in yahoo and adultfriend finder (sex site). And apparently he has a girl that he has been speaking to from England where

    he used to live for over 4 years now.

    We got into a major fight as I questioned him on "his activities" and questioned him about who Lisa was (the girl from England) who sent

    him an email asking if she could be his sex slave......his reply was HELL YEAH.......... :( I feel as though our whole relationship has been

    on deceit and him doing whatever other activities he does online. It seems through this whole ordeal I have found myself not knowing the

    person I married. I seem to learn something different as each passing day goes by.

    Our fight escalated to the point of him returning back to England......not a very good night indeed for anyone.

    This brings me to the question for anyone that may be able to direct me in the right direction.

    We have had one child together since being married 4 yrs now. During our fight my husband said he would be taking our daughter back to

    England with him. I said like hell you will. She was born here in the USA. She doesnt have British citizenship or a British passport. She does

    however have a US passport.

    Is it possible for him to take her out of the USA? I understand our daughter is his child as well but all I can see now is a battle over who will

    have custody of our little girl and I dont want another huge fight again. Its very mentally draining. He doesnt want to leave now after I told him

    I would fight him for custody of our daughter. So we are currently co-existing together.

    Anyone have any suggestions, comments, thoughts, or ideas of my dilemma?



  11. As the USC I really wanted to make my new hubby (3 yrs married now) feel welcome and at home here. I had to admit we had a really difficult time with him adjusting from his English culture to being around the American culture. I would always ask him if there was something I could do to help him make this transition but would often get told there was nothing I could do.

    This left me depressed and sad at times that I could not offer my new husband some form of relief or adjustment help. Looking back at those early days of our marriage I saw myself many times wondering if I had made a grave mistake. I just couldnt understand the hardship he was having adjusting to the USA. I really felt I was putting forth an effort to help him adjust by making English dishes (when possible) and doing things he liked to do in England. I even tried to get him to make friends and go out and have fun.........all to no avail..........I think he was depressed and I was depressed as well. What really made matters worse is I gave birth to our daughter and I think I was experiencing postpartum depression on top of everything else.

    I think one area of adjustment issues with him was the fact that I had 3 children from a previous marriage and we had one child of our own. He had no children in England other than being around his niece and nephew. He saw them as perfect with doing no wrong and never misbehaving......my children he viewed as rugrats with no real dicipline behind them. So began the battle of parenthood.......his idea of correcting the children and mine. Then he went through a stage where he thought I was letting him do to much of the disciplining......which confused me a bit because I was under the impression that was what he was wanting to do.....lol.

    Anyway, looking back and comparing now verses then Id have to say we had alot going on when we got married. We had the stress of INS paperwork, a wedding, instant parenthood for him when he wasnt used to being around children, then I had a baby from him, him not having a job and not really wanting one at first I dont think lol.

    It was just too much to quick for him I think. He went from a quite home to a chaotic home full of children, dogs and a cat. I think it was a huge adjustment for him and myself. We have come a long way now (3 yrs later) although we do still hit bumps in the road with what I like to call "culture clashes" and his temper lol.

    I try to put myself in his position and wonder how I would feel if I left my only country of origin to move to a new place. I wonder if I would like it

    or end up despising it.........its hard to say I think.......I LOVE England and enjoyed many aspects of it and I would love to move there someday but Im sure Id miss being here just as my husband misses his home country.

    I think its a difficult adjustment for anyone to go through whether coming to the US or a USC going abroad.


  12. ohhhhh and forgot to mention...........if you think POE into Chicago is bad for the non-US citizen you should try being the USC LOL.

    When I visited England (before we got married) my passport was misprinted. The USA logo stamp was right on my forehead of my passport

    picture. When I got my passport in the mail and saw it I really couldnt do anything because my trip to England was only a few days away

    so I went ahead and took it along so I could get into England.

    Once I arrived at London, I had no problems gaining entry to England. I stayed 10 glorious days with my then b/f. We had a blast.........then came

    time for me to travel back to the USA. Once I got to London airport (Heathrow) they flagged my passport.....and wouldnt allow me to board the plane back the to USA. They said my passport looked doctored. I stated it was sent to me that way and I did not have time to send it back to get corrected.

    I was questioned by several management staff members before they finally allowed me to board the plane. I had to ask to speak to someone from the US Embassy to get this straigtened out and I told them if I miss that flight to the USA Id get in trouble at work as I had to be back to work in 2 days. They finally allowed me to go through........but only after I was asked to strip my shoes and socks off and have a metal rod run between my toes........to check for weapons???? #######?? lol :blink: then they emptied the contents of my carry-on on the table while they went through it piece by piece. They picked up a pair of tweezers and said.......why do you have these on your possession?? I said to tweeze my eyebrows while I was staying in England.....hello??? She said we cannot allow you to board the plane with these you'll have to come with us......I threw a fit and management came over and I said just keep the tweezers Ill buy new ones when I get to the US.......it was the last call for the flight.......I said Ill miss that flight if you dont allow me to go......finally.........I was allowed to board........and can you believe they put all the contents back into my bag......including the tweezers??

    I was never so glad to get on a plane in my life lol.........only to come home to the USA at the POE in Chicago........oh brother did I have more problems there. I was almost in tears over the whole thing...........here I had a country that wouldnt let me leave it (England) when I was trying to and then I had my own country (USA) who wasnt going to allow me entry because of my passport picture being misprinted.

    What a mess!! I stood in line for over 30 mins explaining and pleading my case before several management staff (yet again). I told them Englands airport officials werent going to allow me to leave their country and now I cant even get back into my own home country. The lady politely informed me that she could reject my entry into the US because of my passport. I guess the stress of my facial expression and near tears made her feel sorry for me........I said to her............all I want to do is come home.......thats all.........not cause any problems......just to go home. She finally stamped my entry back into the USA and said to get my passport fixed immediately because the next time I travel abroad and try to re-enter the US I wont be allowed back in.

    Phew.....I was so glad that was over........it almost made me not want to ever fly again........anywhere.........ohhh and did I mention........this was my very first flight abroad...........LOL what a trip!!!


  13. POE into Chicago isnt always the nicest port to come through I dont think.

    My husband (then finance') never had any problems coming into American on his K-1. Where he encountered his problems

    was when after we got married within a year later we took a trip to England. He had all his necessary paperwork to travel

    in and out of the US.

    Anyway, where he had problems was re-entering back into the USA. Here I am the USC with our infant daughter travelling back

    from England and he gets interrogated at the POE back into the US. They pulled him aside, patted him down and made him

    go off to the side to an eclosed room to sit and wait.

    After about 30 mins they called him up to the desk ram sacked all his paperwork asked him a series of questions that lasted about

    20-30mins.........and I mean that lady was nasty nasty nasty (hateful) to him as she was questioning him. I was sitting a good distance

    away from him and I could hear all her nasty hateful questions and comments she was saying to him. I was having a hard time

    keeping my cool listening to the whole thing.

    Then finally after him being questioned so much...........she smiled a "fake" smile and said "Welcome back home"

    I was so livid about what had happened it took me ages to calm down. My British spouse on the other hand was able to maintain

    his cool attitude and behavior and here I was ready to rip that womans head off her shoulders LOL..........perhaps I was tired from

    the long flight, eh? :hehe:


  14. ............how about.............when you get asked at a local Walmart............why are you acting like you are from England by putting on that accent??? :huh: and when my husband said Im not putting it on......I really am from England.........the cashier argued with him and said no your

    not your just putting on that accent and its not a very good one LMAO OMG........my hubby was soooo mad :rofl:


    ......in England do they translate American movies into English.............huh????? :huh:

    ......how does England celebrate the 4th of July..................OMG LOL...... :huh:

  15. By the way........this is what is available in the USA to buy as far as Christmas puddings and cakes go:

    Top Brand (well according to price that is)

    1. Coles Traditional Christmas Pudding in Muslin -48oz.

    2. Coles Privilege Plum Pudding - 24oz

    3. Huntley and Palmers Brandy and Walnut Pudding - 450g

    4. Walkers Rich Fruit Pudding 454g

    5. Walkers Glenfiddich Rich Fruit Christmas Pudding - 9.5oz - 270g

    6. Coles Rum and Double Cream Pudding - 14oz

    7. Irwins Christmas Pudding - 16oz

    8. Matthew Walker Christmas Pudding ( or Plum Pudding )

    Any of these ring a bell for anyone as far as flavor goes lol



  16. Calling all Brits......... :P

    Whats the best tasting Christmas Pudding? (Name brand plz)......actually give me your top 3 favorites if possible...... :hehe:

    Im trying to go traditional for Christmas this year and give my hubby a grand ole English Christmas so I need every Brit out there to voice their opinions since me being the USC has not got a clue on what Christmas pudding tastes like lol.

    Thanks ahead of time


    Id like to hear stories as well if members dont mind sharing about what a traditional Christmas is to them

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