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Akua Abeku

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Status Updates posted by Akua Abeku

  1. Glad to see your man's interview is coming up soon. You are zooming through the process. What a blessing!

  2. Congrats on the NOA2! I pray your process continues at this pace. Beautiful picture.

  3. Congrats on the approval at the interview. God willing you will be together soon.

  4. My sister, you are indeed inspiring to those you come into contact with. May praise for God continue to roll off your lips. He is with you. Stay blessed!!

  5. Our Mighty God has answered your prayers! Your fiancee has been granted the visa today. Praise God!!!!!

  6. Beautiful wedding apparel. Welcome to Visa Journey! Stay prayerful.

  7. I wish you the best on this visa journey. May God be with you both. Akua

  8. Thanks JewelX for the congrats. I do hope and pray that your process is much, much shorter than ours. Congrats on your wedding date!!!

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