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Status Updates posted by Emmamama

  1. buenisimo. che avisame cuando sepas algo.

    casi terminamos!

    p.d. should i keep this comment in english? :P

  2. hells yes sachinky!!!


    p.s. thanks for the picture comment.

    les deseo mucha suerte.

    besos desde argentina!

  3. Hey Darnell!

    It's been a while since I've seen you around in the forums I've been in..Just wanted to check in and say hi!

  4. hi casablanca,

    for your question i think you can put whatever or don't put anything at all. my husband wrote chef because that's what he works as here. post something in the IR/CR-1 forum. you'll get a lot of answers. good luck!

  5. Lucky for us the BA embassy isn't too busy. According to the operator today we'll most likely have our interview the first week of June! Deus! Por favor!! :)

    And yes, cafe is amazing.

    Coffee ice cream...mmmmmmmm.....

  6. Mrs. Wife!

    This is pretty late to ask/a bit cheesy, but what is your real name!? Haha...

    Meu nome e Emma.

    And my Portuguese is HORRIBLE in case you haven't caught on. :D

    I've lived in Argentina for the past 4 years. It's a weird feeling right??? This isn't my country but I've been here for so long that I will miss it so much. Went out to celebrat...

  7. oiiii!!!

    interview so soon!!!

  8. you'll do fine! don't worry. :)

    yea, this is (business) day #5 of waiting. i mean, since they received our checklist. i see that some people received news on day 5 or 6. life is good and everything, i don't mind being in buenos aires, it's just knowing that you're waiting on something that kills ya! whatever...it'll come soon. :D

  9. ...e and I felt sad walking my ol' streets (sounds like I'm a prostitute, you know what I mean) but that's change. And life is full of changes. Like you said, time to enjoy the now. "If today is good then nothing else matters." Eat some feijao for me.

  10. amazing doritos video! i totally rated it and shared it on my fb! good luck guys..on visa stuff of course. aside from yummy chips.

  11. amen to your comment in my post!!

  12. AND where are you guys living in the US??

  13. ay ojala! no sabes! hoy llame a nvc y la mina me trato para el culo! posta! me decia "i can't guarantee anything...i can't predict what will happen." que se lo ch..i need to watch my mouth. dale nena me lo averiguas?! che una pregunta tontita, como es tu nombre de verdad? asi no te llamo estrellademiel para siempre. :D el mio es emma.

  14. che nena! cuando es la entrevista??

  15. congratulations guys!!

  16. hey woman! una pregunta: how long was the wait for you between when the nvc got your checklist to when you were informed that case was closed? thanks!

  17. hey! today our sign in failed and they said our interview will most likely be the first week of june. you guys are so close, goodluck and let us know when you have news! saludos!

  18. just wanted to say hi guys!

  19. Lucas gets here Wednesday!!

    1. yohino
    2. Darnell


      Yay !! Whatcha cooking? :D

  20. me encantan sus tatuajes! despues te muestro una fotos de las nuestras! muy buenos...

  21. nena!!! felicidades!

  22. ni terminamos con nvc todavia (UN BAJON TOTAL). asi que bueno...supongo que al fin de la semana que viene tenemos un SIF. tired of waiting! suerte! saludos.

  23. no se que onda...como averiguo? llamo a la embajada? me dirian nvc??? ayer la mina me dijo que lo iban a agendar las primeras dos semanas de mayo. lo que pasa es hablaba taaaan rapido y era obvio que me estaba tratando de "get rid of" asi que llamo de nuevo hoy noche para ver que onda. dijo que supuestamente seria al principio de junio. OJALA!

  24. not til next week...we have to wait for the BC to be issued, etc. etc. sooooon! are you guys going to live in chicago? just ask because of your poe. we will :)

  25. SIF for us! yay!! now we have to wait for them to tell us when the interview is! i love your photo p.s. i used to make cafe con leite like this for my husband. :D

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